
⭐️ I think, you all 50 got the point wrong. ⭐️

You go to the judge to vent.

You go to a judge. 

I make myself kinder and those are not kind. They know these per alphabet clear games or the intention or you hide out or pointing at you.  Let’s say, a throne game, and all the picture to pretend, but none of those are true to say a legal power is always under the democracy world is the judge. 

These, with a reason will be only I know the reason, and that answer is no.

That’s not what you 50 layman outside with a movie script as an excuse or near by 2 asking me. So none of these need to talk about it.  These material the judge agrees to, I believe it’s the court oversees all that so y that every world continues a public media and the television broadcasting, I didn’t think I need to worry about that, but when people imagine a tantrum...That’s not true. The judge doing this to you will know their detail what exactly they done to you, so you go to those whom have a real legal authority to know exactly what that is.

People that never see, never meet, never encounter has no movie reason to say a bonding. Your poise, your manner, your bad breath, foul Bible verse those evil cock….those what you represent is more of the movie I thought to seeing that, other than the tantrum to me or to the judge ! I didn’t even get near and the judge wants to say I got hurt enough outside cannot have a right to see a judge ?

And he knows or she knows….what these I say, I am the last to arrive? 

You play a life of tantrum with a judge?

You play tantrum waiting to me at a photo throne?

Slam the door, flash the eyelash, my other friends, my other guests, and one day they aren’t, it’s new VIP or the president those ?

You …are motivated by the movie to unleash every script inside side by to those, together you are One? The judge on this will know where the classify material comes from, you or them forcing me to where find out, the Disney headquarter ? You love the movies, the music, the sound effect, you intend to scare me or already scare the hell of the judge. I am not waiting on the judge, I am resting.

Your poise, your manner, your expression, your Justice in your ambition to ….?

The old or the young, because this is the last min or the last chance of the finance you lie the whole life, so this judge they gonna get killed in front of you with …shout, music, and the sound, the motion picture of a 2D flat, crafting a story ?

I say that again, the judge !

These materials only the judge can know or tell, or what the real scenario why you get a call toward ?

Some people mild like me, I don’t see them the judge as a game. You took it shouting, hurting others, abusing me as a game?

You loving it to shout

You loving it to harm

You keep loving to do all of these threatening …

I don’t need to take any of this, seriously.

I want everything out. No relation with any of you that’s a period, the judge already witness all that 

No see, no hear, no contact. 

This is not difficult, I just leave, I say that very clear on every account. The last seeing it was a forever goodbye any of you, period !!

Spirituality story

Except from SMCH  / Yogananda blue book.    Frozen

The spinning story: Bhagavad Gita, India 5000 years Bible.

Long time ago, there is a Master and a servant. This servant had to cross the stream to give his master that dedication of the cheese, that’s Krishina or another form. Sit on the river bank, the high tide rises, the servant worried and scared, he told the next by a yogi, can you help me cross the river stream, my master is everyday this hour waiting for me. The yogi says you give me the cheese, I eat it for your Master, and he will have it. So the servant doesn’t believe him, after a while, he has no choice, he gives all the cheese to this mystic. That day sunset, the river tide comes down, the servant finally cross the river stream and cry out to his master, “There was a mystic that took all of your cheese to say if I give him all the cheese he can pass it on to you…” his master was so full, he lays there cannot get up and said, “yeah, that fellow fed me so much cheese, I can hardly get up !!”

2) There is a master in the house with a servant. That many house chore was complete when the thunder comes, the master that days arrives to home, covers the servant from that thunder in time to that retribution of his Karma.

It was 三生三世十里桃花 Babaji short clips songs of the past memory to 崑崙虛

3) Krishina and Arjuna, Yoganada talks about in the blue book with his Ananda.

“In that many description of our Gita, that this account between the Krishina and the Arjuna has many interpretations.”

That story might be 1 or 2 or 3 just in the blue book,  their conversation in discussion. 

One of these from the original gita isn’t he said, it was original from Krishna told Arjuna to go to war. And that was Babaji at the throne saying that in the TV.  


I think, the music, wave the body yoga fitness, pull in pull out, the yoga pants really suit you all, what a New Age perfect. Fight fight fight, You’ve Got Mail, to together shout, yell, run about between each others front cover or back lash each other to the Justice of every paper works that either you going in alone or with all of your family, relative, the friend, my facebook. 

Except me !

That’s the ending sign already before. You didn’t prepare yourself to kneel, you didn’t read, you naughty to squander life, you chat away the idol behavior, you thought every games were a play, the music that makes your body move like a snake !!

I don’t need any of you, seriously! I got enough people they can vanish all of you these sound makes the ear audible, what a zealous feeling makes your body move ! Fight on song, energetic look-out !

You trash exactly every frames if that’s not a modern electric book, you pick up from the ground or he will. The Indian General.

You loving it ! In your life, that’s 30 old memory friends probably, it’s once a year will only be 10 times 10 dresses up with a make-up. 10 show up, 30 best pal aging in Line App every week once, that’s 52 weeks times, you wish someone replied.

Any show-up to me is not welcomed, we are through all time ago.

The content inside the movie

There was in Taiwan a public servant, the governmental employee I think in our life or she met in life. It’s a man or a guy that time. We were a lot younger kids might be but she remembered this person. She will inquire or this what going to the court 10 times until she asked about this man. So the total court might be 10+ shows up, she will throw a weapon or a knife at a judge and cut stab that left side of a judge. It might be just she doesn’t get this guy + all the other things 10 times she never gets anywhere with the judge in that 1 person shows up stands alone in the court.  


The clock ticking by.

F roze  n

She wants to stab, “好呀!原來你們 …重來不是認真在我說的事情上面這麼多的來回,就像她講的,浪費她的時間”

It will be?

All dead, correct. 

You can hide, you can seek, they will find you the court people and you will all be dead. That’s the only argument.  

Just write 

                   Name                     Date                     Resolved (check mark)





Oops, the 25th dates dead. Oops, another number of a machine since the first day the movie air, you are not dead. 

You want to shout, you want driven the emotion together with the movie plot, horay horay horay,  together you are One, I have no doubts. You ask enough correct question, it’s Ocean 12, the payment comes back to you when you mild back to your real life. Fight on fight on, fight on ! Horay ~~

You just didn’t ask the judge the paper he wrote, the first court date, was how long you last to be a full corpse dead.  Why don’t you ask ?

You love shout, you love be driven, you love to calling, you love the movie love the sound, love the body moves, love the sound just like the wiggling of the snake.

Just stepping in dress up, one dollar drop per nervous show-up outfit and absent show to the judge. Disrespect the court because no result …50 mins vent, was that day hard work. The same door key in key out, same room sit one bowl. After 25 times, still the same bus hop on 25 times seeing one literacy judge can be kinder to talk. What a zealous feeling.

Except dollar.

Your home still your home paying the mortgage. 25 times the high air doesn’t drop you. It’s a mood you feel hopeful, but but but …

It’s the same bus, the same plane, the same make-up, the same 50 mins. There wasn’t 20 people together at the local court. 

“It wasn’t that bad the first date !”

You what ?

They are the big boy now. A phone to 5 or 6 of them.


The tech bug. A mosquito. I shut off the phone.

Shane gone to sleep probably, I ate a bit, I can go to sleep too later. Whatever this is done, I say I want out.

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