Tina that time living room had a Slam Dunk DVD whole set was Hank 三井 hit everyone’s head in blood. So Tina push me bun bed in 5 or 6 years old at our 6 F here. Hank that time NYU was hook up the internet or the satellite cable for business while Tina was doing the Tiffany counterfeit jewelry on eBay with her ex bf, our right outside noodles place.
Her father was in trial already that was a counterfeit cigarette branding in China, something red white smoking package like our kitchen outside paint and neighbors. But Tina was in NYC. I don’t think …anyone imagining doing that in America we just got our green card.
I saw them once with the mokie ! Or before one time.
2013 I met them again. They are married with Aria.
Is this about their green card, my mother gives up hers for Obama, I think.
Swallow’s daughter was Wendy the law student but she Swallow doesn’t have the American citizen. Her husband their family has the green cards or the citizen.
My mother told me, Tina and Pang has the citizen after the green cards. Nick gone with me to the citizen court room in downtown Buffalo. I have no idea why he does that ? Everyday does not come down, it had to be the day I am busy and he drove me down to the city, I have to see the judge. I run all my paper works myself - before, I change my name so I have to get a notary or 2 places to run by myself down there. Normally…the judge says I could just tell him at that day. That’s the interview and the Judge. Because …
2010, Irene and Squares changes their both name in Taiwan.
American Embassy moves to North East. Far away…
VS she is an ET without the helmet, that’s the visa My father got married so he has the visa. Hank’s wife now got the visa has to run every 6 months.
I am still the citizen I just got hurt here in the hospital twice ! I cannot leave all these animals hold the arm, the limb and the feet.
What’s the Frozen again ? Running out of the castle and never moved? I didn’t !
She is hanging the cloth, it’s the outside talking to her. The high sharp pitch sound at the head. He is step step step step step on the ground below neighbor. The hecker Alex. Probably they all heard outside, my pillow was a / marking in another side. No, she doesn’t have a green card to re-apply or she goes to jail, there is a behavior conduct. That time …..did they Pang or Tina graduate + the green cards, she was talking about it. And she gives up her green card, she had a job in nyc selling those gift glasses made art, but she came back for her father then she gives up her green card for the property or ???
The family lawsuit in 2010. Squares goes to the CA 2 years 2014.
Is this Swallow there …fox.conn? Similar or exactly fox? They do that for their property in Taiwan she doesn’t have that. So she kept their family asset here in Taiwan. Movie: Blended that lady.
Uh, I should call Vartan….Sky has the green cards them have, she doesn’t.
Loving the Silent Tear page 2 and page 3 booklet
She is the Korean doll and he looks up.
Her Austin looks like Wallace, it’s in his drama. 金玉良緣 so his brother side family got sent to jail.
Obama is page 3 below Liz Lauren next by Steve Jobs. His biography is talking about Obama. Of course it’s the overseas property tax reason. The Obama things.
They escape and she and the kids go to jail those kinds….I think.
Usually if you are the friends to the American citizen they check that.
My so many anti-virus here …cannot open the shortcut. Running....this.
I turn on AVG start scanning, he opens the door, close the door, gone out, and my mother came back almost at the same time, if she saw whom.
Yesterday because I install all of this, during the fight, my mother says he is moving out!
I have to call Shane, and this scan has to run about.
Square's mother didn't get divorced yet with her father goes with her best friend. He is the military doctor, so UCLA pilot uncle, if my mother does this, and which one of them hurting me, taking the money or the patients profile to shut me over Frozen, or my mother, he gonna get himself killed maybe.
Sky, the otter, my ceiling outside and inside...
I cannot get this command prompt going. sfc those scan things.
They are not the Frozen, right?
Her spending limits, or they need to get back here, and Austin and Leo goes to America?
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