
I know its Rouge Nation

Mission Impossible - Rouge Nation

Mexico President is a scientist lady. Yesterday Sleeping Dog movie repeated I think. Laura's paper. 

Canada PM is a Justin?!  He is 53?! oh ~~

Her name is Big S, no, we don't call her Barbie. Of course not. I read it CNN. Its her stage name in the F4 that famous comic book adaptation The Shooting Star Garden. The song I sing at F4. One of them is the Flaming Daughter actor, and Tina's Best friend next by Tesla looking.

烈火如歌 and 錦繡未央

F4  Link Wiki

言承旭、吳建豪、朱孝天、周渝民 Vic 

            錦繡未央                  The Flaming Daughter 烈火如歌

            The Princess Weiyoung

My mother says Japan needs to have a family doctor to transfer to the hospital. She never gone to the hospital at the beginning. Taiwan you can go straight to the hospital.

Hi, I am looking for Taiwan President.

Yesterday those video, Shane finish his marathon running. Me giving him a towel he resting. Here. 23.5 looking in, its the ship straight ahead of us.

1983 Keanu Reeves. Coca-Cola Commercial.


Is that the birds and the scamming group case, you looking at them?

Frank keep saying hurting them, me and Shane. That is his daughter or the son-in law. Bobby, the food network.

                 Coke   Cola 

Outside they say that. I have no idea what that means. 

And the Ukraine War they told me......since Trump is up in America. When they finish the war to re-shape Ukraine, its more money than if he stops the war. I heard that. That is why he doesn't stop the war. 

Their by product is the drugs.


Straight ahead of their ship, is us. 23.5 Taiwan.

2:00 the Earth.

Was that 1,070 or 1,069, the stock price exactly like the OU Language? I am reading you all news.

我在看中文新聞 yahoo.com.tw 在講高科技 ~後面 Deep Seek. 假的?

Fake AI?

William and Kate, they have 3 kids. The princess cuts her hair shorts like a boy.

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