
I called the police ! 我打電話給警察

Our news say Taiwan here the hospital can immediately save Big S. She died in the hotel in Japan. They need a family doctor to referral, maybe similar to America. They have like 2000 USD per day in California any hospital, and here they put me in the hospital, the confine one, that is one single room for 20 dollar, 1 bill paper. The 4 people in the room doesn't require any money, just the health card. I go and complaining, these MD 6+2 and MD 4+2, that is from Adam's side of the family. The Mormon missionary. 

Shane's 2013 the roof from our windows here.

And that wife downstair, is she carried a weapon like Tamang on the facebook, and I have to tell my mother.

Shane is busy, cannot talk to him. LAX is open.

台灣的醫院只要有健保卡呀 ~就可以入院,她是名人 ! 在日本好像跟美國類似,要有家庭醫師那種,再轉大醫院 ! 她沒有去醫院,就自己躺在飯店這樣 ~

我講中文,很多事情順便辦了 ! 照片~我家前面,錄音檔樓下,好像是當初家庭 family Laws 那本我給 Tamang 看的 ! 要準備丟椅子到窗戶的外面 !

我昨天在看水瀨講的柯南,沉默的 15 分鐘,是那個女的有槍? 



前經紀人? 緹娜去哪裡認識的貴人 .... 

好幾件事情都改善了 !

1.這臉書的洪太太是類似 Tamang 這照片擺上去跟我告訴我媽,這樓下跟我媽就好很多.

2. 這信義路從美國在台協會的後面 (她們搬到內湖),這邊一條路是卡車跟摩特車是用衝的~也好很多,這幾天好很多,我不知道是不是過年 ! 這禮拜還要再看 !

3. 我媽現在還有去做頭髮,應該是事情有改善。

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