
⭐️ 美而美 the Food order


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

You mean that breakfast place, the sheet I given you? You just carry all the plastic bag together, they given you all that. 你們有沒有紙盒子?

港式蘿蔔糕 + 辣   (2)     35 NTx2 = 70 

肉鬆蛋餅 + 你們的醬汁 + 辣 (2)

玉米蛋餅 + 你們的醬汁 + 辣 (2)

百香果汁 (2)  大杯

奶茶 (2)  大杯 

巧克力厚片 (2) large

椰香厚片 (2)

蝦香堡 + 蛋 (2)

鮪魚珍珠堡 + 蛋  (2)

黑胡椒鐵板麵 (2)  

宮保雞丁面 (2)  + 兩個都加蛋

The Hong Kong white radish pan fried ( dim sum looking not the dumpling, its a tiny cake) + spicy (2)   35 NTx2 = 70 

The pork shred hard ..the shredding like dry onion - egg one sheet breakfast + your sauce + spicy (2)

Same above but the corn + your sauce + spicy (2)

The passion fruit juice (2)  Large

The milk tea (2)  Large

The chocolate thick toast (2)

The coconut thick toast (2)

The shrimp smell good burger + egg (2)

The tuna pearl +the egg (2)

The black pepper hot iron udon (2)  40 NTx2= 80 NT

Kung Pao Chicken noodle + eggs = 40+15 =55 NT

I do a calculation 

35 NTx2 = 70  +70+70+60+50 =210+110=320 NT

30x4 = 120 NT

55x2 =110


320+120+110+100= 650

Right now the currency is not 30, its 33. Divide....to US dollar

=19.6 = 20 US dollars


= 785 /33= 24 US dollar

Your drink here is the passion fruits juice + the milk tea, both are large. You have a lot to carry so you ask them a paper box (你們有沒有紙箱子) 

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