
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 17 again

The high school whomever that is, I left. I left with Adam, his father is in Louisville, not Lexington. 

No, we are not the popular kids, no. 

(My mother phone…to buy the vegan tart. Close down til……she has to go. )

See, I will never be there. There is a reality not possible. 

Not to feel if that was the system talk last time…I almost feel you inset the ghost in somewhere might sound like a logic. You know when you lost a husband, like Jack Frost, it will never be a young guy coming back alive to talk to the kid. Like Maggie’s husband my mother’s second sister. He died just when he was born. Most kids needs their parents no matter what, that close talk. And with the money, why not think for the parents. My mother cared about her appearance and shape. I pitch in it. The reality is not those reality.

Is he Harry Potter those ?

Yes ! But we are not close. I think ….someone they need to enter the court room the second stage earlier than I think. This looks chaos. 

You go out to eat, you go out to talk. Not me. This movie plot.

Movie : Super 8

I remember.

I remember 2010 too. Maybe I go to my phone I pretend I have a phone.

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