

That is down stream Tamsui river, he against the current up (Ancient Chinese). The School Class since the day Metro becoming on the map, did you ever see this river map at your front?


They drew that on the news, in the circle, that is the down stream. I look at the TV, looking at your eyes, if you staring at the news in front of you, or too far away, your eyes sight don't see the map anymore, reading the words below or by hearing the Chinese. You and me both speaking the Chinese when we grew up.

他們畫在新聞上面,那個圈圈,那是下游,我看著電視看著你們的眼睛,如果你盯在你的正前方的電視,或是太遠,你的視力再也看不到地圖,閱讀下方的字,或是聽中文,你跟我一樣,我們一起講中文長大 !!

King's Charles official birthday soon arrives right?

查理王子的公家生日快到了,對吧 ?

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