
📑 The giant panda, you have an A4, front and the back. The back, you draw a diagonal line down. Now the front....


Okay, lay on the bed, open and close your eyes can see the ceiling, now, close your eyes, be conscious your breathing, close your mouth, now big breath. Eben taught that. Let go the air through the nose. 

2) Conscious again, at the abdomen

3) Conscious all the way to your butt behind, if you can voluntary control it.

Relax all the way down, 3 times breathing, or 6 times, feeling it. Just leave that pen and the paper next by.

Tomorrow morning you get up and write that.

Tomorrow morning when you finish writing, you leave it on the table, when you feel like, glue it the back to your bed, every night you tell yourself remember this before you go to sleep.

You can print it, but keep that copy.

Hugh got a new wife, you want to teach him, how to say that to his wife. You gonna meet them, and knowing them for the rest of your life, right? Brian McFadden has a wife, she teaches the fitness. You can rehearsal teaching him, and his wife, and your own current wife.

You would not have one person that saying that to you. But American is full of those yoga dancer, the ballet studio someone else found it. Burnette. 

You voluntary control it, like your eye lid, but not your ears. You use your hands to close your ears, not like the television Slam Dunk. Your night time sleep that breathing by itself its involuntary sense like the involuntary nerve system. How you have this up and down your chest? No, behind at your spine, that entire strip down and up, to your brother Harry Potter this cranial fluid compartment. 

Yogananda, they do this Kundalini, they teach those stuffs, part of the breathing, or be a lot more conscious than the rest of the other groups whomever taught that, all kinds of the sects, or cults, in the total combine in American, one land alone (other than the yoga teacher studio). You mean your competition, or your gf or new wife competition, if you imagine that a little bit. But Yoganada will be a lot more important than the rest of them, of course. 

You see Britney - Holding it Against me, you open one phone book, those yellow phone book in America, you check that list, at least 100 in London, or 100 in the local city where you gonna land. That is + 1 Yogananda, 1 SMCH, 1 me in Britney Spear video, but you only see us 3 + you 4 whale, you seeing that?

Flower Thousand Bones

You seeing those scene....so, you gonna see it right in front of your eyes, let's say, the first girl you gonna meet, you gonna think she is the biggest deal, then, 2nd, then 3rd, those New Age yoga teacher. Some are the man, if you ..even in London, well, I don't know how to tell you. They are all in the competition where you see Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Steven Hairfield 20 years ago. Right now, its now, they get too old. Gregg Bradon, or those in those field. 

+ one Eben you seeing that in the TV, but I tell you, there are 1000 in London and 1000 in America. You can see Brian's TV wife, I have no idea whom that is. 

You are living in England, of course you living in your mansion, I just tell you something on that one phone book. You going out then you by the way knowing that. The shape, the body weight, the posture, the look out on the front, walking normal in the day light those.....you know what that is.

Walking normal. Before she can be anything close to the palace, even just your IT department. There is a period of interval time, she is walking normal your 100 people inside that palace if that is ONE IT department or combine your royal guard with the camera crews. However you calling them. You give 3 months? She needs to walking normal 3 months, or 3 years? 

The health and the fitness starting at the breathing

and the posture, the bone. But ..most people don't care about the bones, or rarely the posture. You have to get on the TV early in your life, so you know that has to take care even walking normal in the day light. When you enter that America, you gonna freedom walking everywhere, except seeing the normal thing when you get out of the car.

No, they are under the Buddhism, or Hinduism, one of those mystic. You know some other martial art has this black belt or even Ta Qun Tao, ...those are the body fighting art. I am talking about the popular culture, you saying someone gains the fame to becoming the TV in America or in England.

SMCH is actually not the real TV, do you realize that? 

DO YOU really know she is not the real TV? I mean the main stream media? That is the satellite TV? 

Yogananda, no. But he is the only thing in that Barns & Noble, you walking in, you will find out, only he exists in the regular store. What you gonna say about this SMCH? She doesn't exist in America. 

You want to go to sleep?!

📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 📑 

Mine side this singing.....its not really a religion. Probably the Buddhism near close by.


One of those video. 

You don't want to go to sleep, you singing with your father, is ....that because? The real situation is not required, but I gonna explain to you. This video its 2 songs, right? NSYNC. What the vibrating tone you say madrigal and making this video, literally doing all that, you need to conscious breathing from the nose, someone reminds you. If that is a real thing. Too many things at the same time. 

It will never happen in our space and time.....so. Not that kind of the high tech.

You hear, you hear the meloday

You change, you change the string or the melody (up and down line)

You see the monitor

You change the next second.

You seeing it before

You just do it in the Live show.

I just tell you, it will never never happen here. So....just forget it about all that. 

Sometimes you imagine those things a little bit, correct. But you have other things to do. You go on living your same home 1 -3 months, 1 years, or 2 years. You and your father has to deal this Harry where he supposes to be, everyone on the news reading it/  You have some other things at home. My side of the news should be the same you all reading it. He won the appeal right, so there is next something.....He has to fly back to UK court, that is what I understand. I didn't read it clear.

Being sympathetic and being operational....like your daily ball room day light meeting

Or the night time gala. Walking to your dad side, or sit down next by him. His table. Sometimes you do those things. Including to that Camilla. 


You leave them where they are, to live or to die. You only watch for yourself, be happy your indoor life for now. They didn't say you get on the job today, you are not on the jobs, just keep going on this intern. No, you don't need to walk toward him, or next by him. Somebody they do those jobs.

What do you suppose to do?

You walking right to your own schedule, whichever the timetable you got. You walking right, you walking fine, eating fine, talking fine. Right in front of your faces.

Are you always in the same ball room, or the meeting room, or the building ?

You only look at where you suppose to be going, or staying, or resting place. That door frames, you look, you check things in that limited you walking in space. Sleep, or breath, or rehearsal. You seeing anything different, you get out. Not about them.

You 1 person, just learn that correct things, not about your family. By now, those are not the TV anymore. You 1 person how to walking in, without them, without that ex wife. Anything in your rehearsal mode, you get up and leave. 

Whom suppose to grab you and leave, that kind.

Same to that America

Mind your own business. If your father talk, you pay attention what he says to you. He walks to you. Anything else, just don't go and make anything conclusion. You got enough people just watching him and her. You mind your own worlds. You don't need to land at the same time. Don't talk, don't ask, just go along.

  • You watch yourself comfertablely
  • Do you ever learn that in your entire life?
  • How to walk in the ballroom, where is the bathroom, how to keep the things lighter
  • Tell the personal staff to hold it
  • Drink the water, go to the bathroom. Breathing in the air 20 second at the balcony, and indoor staring at the spot light?
  • You want to spend more time comfertably just that, you 1 human
  • No more anyone else.
  • Walk, listen, see, see your front, see your personal staffs, smile at them, knod your head, all those small tiny details. Make yourself comfertable every building you walk.
  • Don't mind the rest of the people. Be happy at your all seeing all around that one building, to the next 20 buildings each time you have something going on.
  • You are the Captain-in-Chef right now. 

I grab my mother behind, she is in front of me, from one metro the moment the door opens to the cross metro.

Jump on it. About 10 second.

Another one is the train coming, I say let's move, walking it down the escalator, she usually turn around see me, I grab her moving faster with the train. She says, that is the branch train. I move her to the bench chair on the left as we moving that speed 70 miles a hour, there is a seat on the left bench.


Me and her sit for the next 3 mins.

Because? It lands on the elevator opening to the destination train. My home.

You stop controlling everybody, or anyone. Watch your own body guard. Watch them and pay attention to them, or what they say to you, or anything where the space that is in front of them or in front of you. You are the Captain, not they are the body guards only.

This is not the time you get your way, best. There are the things to do, and you never get in front of anyone's eye sight, not to the public, not to me, and not to your father. Mind your own world, you shrink, or you fear, just cluster yourself indoor. Whatever is happening, there is not one thing is in your control. Move along, and learn it right.

If you spend too much time in talking, in...whatever you doing, other than listening, you gonna miss the points, and you make everyone else missing the points. You better not to do any of that. 

There are many leadership coming out at the same time. No one needs to talk to nobody, everyone finding out different things if they all coming out in a different presentation.

You are too lingering or emphasize too much the past, or the norm or country everyone already move, or you are not finding it out. 

When your grandmom alive. You listen, but your personality is too rigid, can never bend. 

No, I don't know how conditioned you really are, whichever things I seeing you roaring, or you moving your fingers to your eyes, you gonna hit your own eyes by doing that. If you are really splitting your butt in half those, you can only go along, you already know, no matter what, you be dead in any scenario. You born to know, not you evolve to tell, at your father or that Riley.

If you are somewhat equip to hold on, and your father and Camilla a bit wobbling at this too public scenery, and you insert your own 2 cents in it, or including telling that Middleton. Both of you better quit doing anything right now. Move to your own space and time, other than any of the none related people. Only mind your own table, your own living space, be clear where you walk above, you cannot do this eye peripheral scan the entire room. 

Leave them alone, and both go to sleep.

You never use your 2 fingers doing the things like that TV to your own eyes, FOREVER. NEVER doing that. You are running out of the swing door, you cannot be that talented to imagine you get older, each day on?

You want to rehearsal something else how to, HOW to threaten that Riley looking, other than you wish they are dead, those words? Finding a different words to say, he is your height? He looks taller. He is taller than you are? Someone can look taller than you are.....that is interesting.

  • Here is the tip when you thinking English easy, its 2 words not the one full sentence.
  • You understand you cannot do that in the real tone, you got scared
  • You hate him hold you the ball if you keep doing that.
  • You rehearsal to threaten him.
  • Did it work? Not the spitting your butt in half those methods. 
  • Why don't you find some other means to say that to threaten him.
  • Anything work, just not your heart beating 1 to 20 every time, to him or to anybody else.
  • Its a talking art, you wish you win, like before either one of you exit the swing door. Let's say moving the car scene, you get in the car door, you want to win before he vanish outside the door, you get in the car.

That will make your day, each and every time !!! 

You succeed to outsmart with him, then you move to your father. Right now, just deal with that guy. 

I have my news, and TV, you all go to sleep. Relax.....

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