

Pretending my side looks real. Your age when you....didn't start it any physical work-out or even lifting that pan on your wrist. I have to go to the hospital on this you seeing on my left hand....in America its not our medical hospital here costs, you know?

Your parents know, for that one meal, not the dish washer....washed, your own meal.

  1. You know where you lift that pan and put at it? Its heated on the oven or your eyes where it touches your phone when it rings? 
  2. The phone is on the edge of the table counter to fallen off that table cross island....the island table like Nicky's phone ~~~
  3. They must eat the microwave pizza those. 
  4. The oil you put it.....stop stop stop. I move that Shane out of my sight. You can watch, don't touch the heating stove, there is a difference in Asia or in America. The America standard has all to be electric. Every appliance in every kinds of the apartment or the house I think. 
  5. (look at them up or down, up or down....)
  6. The invention has an electric cooker
  7. A slower cooker
  8. A paninni pressor
  9. A bank gifting small tiny blender, not those giant food process (too heavy), how big the vegan cheesecake you imagine? 
  10. The invention has the nut grinder
  11. The invention has the magic bullet
  12. The invention is the commercial kitchen all using the stainless steel, not the aluminum coating or the plastic specular, that is the wooden spoons ones.
  13. The apple's table usually is white so I can see......
  14. I don't care about the Ikea, we use the marble counter - in white.
  15. I used to see anything the back-up singer its I hate them 1 to 1000. 
  16. You believe that? Taste the sauce, that is what you eat? 
  17. I don't eat the tomato sauce, that is why I ask you, you can have all of that. I don't eat that much of the pasta. 
  18. 98 Degree those back up singer, they wear.....the clothing without the sleeves that time. 
  19. I remember.....the gravy is the white sauce with the rice. I don't eat the white rice neither. You would prefer the pasta, or has to be the burger those with the white bread on top buttom side? The dollar store those white bread? You usually check their expiration date. The store might be a lot more ethical. You smoke well? 
  20. You are all too fragile, sit ! 

The soup, the sauce, the carbohydrate, the salad.

The dessert I buy them in the city. 

(stab my spoon or the fork.....to the buttom of the soupy, covered bread or cheese. )

"You know, the music business is on hearing... not on the personality flare out, where you got hired, the jail and the playboy on every interview sounds right? Which things you think I know what to say when you arrive?  " 

"How to form a band by myself? Copy you Westlife, in the competition in the next 20 years? "

"Its the music and the song writers, that is the answer."

The cooking UK-US  (   US- UK alliance )

Its every meal fat, if you using the cheese. The home meal can consist a lot more the green veggie, but the people will expect to eat the correct carbohydrate. Right now the COVID 19 rise up, so you won't have that ever again I think, the home meals mean.

Is this medicine makes people's head dizzy? 2 or 3 days I am head very dizzy. I put some more the food down. No, I walking slow touching the wall, I sit, not moving. A little bit rice. I need to lay down I think. Its dizzy.

I eat more stuffs, more white rice, and these mixture bamboo + tofu things. Some Japanese beans and these soup, too hot. (I re-heated)

My head is still dizzy, just want to eat something. I lost the weight.  63.50 kg. I don't feel like eating, I ate, right. Yesterday. 

Last night was so so so so dizzy, so I just go to sleep. Yeah, the movie ends. But I ate some stuffs, and took the medicine, maybe 45 mins later. I feel it.

The cargo shipment ....

What you all gonna do when your father is not behind any command if were given, or told, or he found out, any direction turn all by yourself, alone? 

  • West to East coastline (the otter says)
  • Or England trying to how to get to the coastline just right outside New York City.

You suppose to find out for the England military navy, you do that for them. All of them, the youth and the senior officers. The food supply, the pure water, and the emergency pure water (5 Lake), its the fresh water. Anything the rain drops, those are the fresh water resources.

They will not go to Buffalo for the emergency supply, as you can see the exit its at the Canada VERY north places....the ship can only navigated?????

On the water !!

Okay, you want to arrive to Buffalo, NY, NOT UB, where I live, that is 45 mins North East of the main downtown Buffalo City at. The ship can only surf the wave water, and that exit its at Canada. Every single time when you moving your ship with the crewman, they are your England Navy, you have to be very very very very careful.

All the time. 

That latitude to surf to the north is very very very very cold, to come back in the 5 Lake main area region. The commander, if I am the commanding power to say including board the ship next by your father US-UK, I don't need to care your UK Visa issue, I know where I go as the commander-in-chef. I took the flight at NYC to board to Jetblue 50 mins to landing at Buffalo airport. I know where was I used to lived....all around the water supply, the food supply, the clothing, the haircut.

I JUST HAPPENED TO LAND THERE, because it was the pharmacy school in the entire New York States only that many school.

This is one of this Ella Enchanted run away scene...right?

Westlife Trivia - the chocolate


You go there to watch gossip for fun ~~~You run away from the sea, you know that, right? You so sure, everyone dies together with you, maybe you try to tell all of them, no matter what, find your exit way, and survive.....your England ship navy crews all the members involved. 

Princess Leonor Future husband


This is what you want to control? 



Watch the president


How many son he has?


Otter - that is a swimming pool those safety float things. (The fun things to do)


八仙水上樂園 Surf the water with those - the giant yellow that, with 2 holes? Yes. I was a kid that time.

I think someone's running away skill is on top of all things, other than going that forward to everyone die to be honest, your father should know better, or your brother, or your England PM. None of those I look at it, anyone will survive on any of them. 

(my ears sound like I am in the airport on the high altitude, my head. I put a lot more food in my stomach. )

Everyone is using their strength to that equal opportunities to make a living, or to make the money in their own pockets. In this world, or in that many other worlds, all the same. To where you seeing other people, their parents given the money or the comfort life, its where the parents providing them. And these age of years that year passing, it will become more visible, on every Disney shop, in every street restaurant or the travel money, some parents watching those kids.

They are not your time bombs to end on everyone's boat just when your mood is less stable.

Airport news


Korea news


You know North Korea is communism? 

If I run away, my brother is Michigan, but nick was in Toronto, and we went all the way up north. I just keep driving, I know where the other town even northern, a lot bigger than anything Muskoka. It just happened to be like that, when you are departing YOU as just one of them, not the England PM, he is the commander-in-chef. You only follow the order how to run away?  You take your ship crews to Florida will sound right. You have the entire them, you give it to the American President to place them on the US soil, you don't starve your England flag to trigger the US or the UK anger.

During the WAR TIME !!! The citizen of any kind will be very very very angry ~~~~~

Don't you read your prohibition or the Great Depression those time? The device invention called the radio? The selling of the sugar, or the salt its the governmental own business? 

Ally ~~~~ Means the same side ~~~ of course we are not the enemy !!!!!

The temperature, the fresh water, the costco, the bulk buy those food distribution. The Italy has those bakery idea. Where you get the bread other than Wal-mart, the family own business in that town ~~~ Do you see how big the American map supposes to look, not the UK small tiny land ?!

You have the male and the female !!!! The tissue paper and the MC pads, and the medical supply ~~ UB happens to have the medical school, that is the same Buffalo General hospital short name Buffalo Gen called them. You are imagining the Zombie movie - the Maze Runner?!

When is the last time you heard the US soil has the war? When? Pearl Harbor? 

Cayce 1900

Dr. Christopher WWI and WWII

Its the same Tesla Era were 1900.  How can we talking about the same thing, over and over and over again?

My food, my TV, my news. Same Blend

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