
What? Reading some CNN news. The Supreme court.....marks abortion.

Your Mark?


 The state ban, Kagan wrote, 

You know there is a video you can click in after the ads, that women talks in English. (Not the movies) - how do you learn French, the first hear, the first copy and paste?

Ka = kee? She says, so no gan?

Last April she says, I am reading. (Where is my air-con, not working? ) When you left the website typing on the blogger, I have no more audio from her. It must be my faces (I scream), 

"unborn child"..... Now I understand, I read I understand on those words.

Other than every morning, the otters were my all day news, you live like that kinds of the life and the birds? The recently they don't talk as much, no. Just far away smaller sounding, and my mother's throat or below, still going on, just not so psychicly hurting so badly at the head. Someone tune my head too. The immediately hits. That was very very bad.

Tomorrow you have a debate on CNN.

In 2006, Hilton top-billed as vain, dumb blonde characters in the comedy films Bottoms Up and National Lampoon's Pledge This!

Paris and Nicky

She live at Walden-Astor hotel, that is where Tesla lived.

She got a GED, today's news?! (That was her wiki)

oh ~ she was similar to Britney and Jessica Simpson. So....Justin Timberlake drunk and drive were that Micky Mouse Club.

 Amnesia's weekly "Foam and Diamonds" parties on Ibiza

And Paradise hotel. 

I ....watch so many movies laterly. 

I remember her in UB, right, about that time.

okay, I read. Today I have no voice. The coughing lesson, but no voice so I gone to sleep, rest, and sleep. I want to do a little bit different things, so I read the news.

That is not part of the US-UK upper them meet? I think she needs live with her therapist....one of those animal cartoon has a girl like her sounds type.

My daily Otter's news.


Are they near by, Trump's daughters, they are still like....near by, or the same circle, they are the delegate?


I also got the feeling its the boy + the guys also need to serve their daddy's a cup of the tea correctly, that included. So the boys + the guys also need to extent their 4 limbs how to swing inside their own individual house to provide that correct meals.....those utensil the gold, or the silver. Make it or break it. 

They need to live in the same space? The hotel?


Cook for me? (I scream)


uh.... no. 


Stand a long time in the kitchen, not you rest on your white couch if were white and you ate something in your mouth and happened to be "restful" on the couch, that kinds. You can get a bean bag. You have to be very careful per second your movement in the kitchen. Not hitting the elbow for us a meal. Your father, that is what I mean.

I seen how Tina, she cooking.....one those friend meal for Hank, or for her. The big meat those. I have no food, that time.

The dinner ware


The boys or the girls, you find a date before you find your father a meal I would say.

Find, not cooked.

They will watch a TV series all night. I remember the first time I seeing these, I didn't know that Kian is. Now I understand what they are saying now. I have watched many of these. The first time.....that is Mark's couch. I c. No, I didn't know he already bought a ....couch looks like that.

The 430 furniture collections.

Next by that is Tom Cruise movie, my 101 here, how to imagine get up or jump out of the bed 1000 times landing on the floor with the 2 feet. You know you landing on the floor on the 2 feet at the same time, so there is the sandle, right?

When I got back home, I have the night light put it on, they told me to leave it on. I normally never done that, and the bug will go to those switch (they have the lights). Now I use those night light, oh ~ you need to turn on your light every single time, including the bathroom light.

I used to live in the darkness, no I used to can see. Now too many things, I think they are right, so I always turn on every light now

The cooking cheat sheet

Yeah I ate the watermelon and loads of this mix up too hot water and room temperature water. Re-filled, and they are in my stomach with the medicine. I wait.  Not laying it down.

You know the Egyptian on the pilgrimage that news? 1500 people dead, and 500,000 people hospitalized in the heat wave, that is half millions people go to Israel (?) has to go through the Gaza strips. They are in the war? One of those things I don't read it right. The pilgrimage things is to the Israel King. Right? The Jewish. When is the Egypt on the news? The last time Egypt was on the news were their new election  10 years ago. 

oh ~ I c. Mecca, Saui Arabic. Not Israel. 2 different direction. Its the Muslin pilgrimage. 

Our here Taiwan news number is not your news here in English, 500 people? No.

1500 2 days ago dead.

500,000 people hospitalized on the heat waved.

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