
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Operation Fortune: Ruse De Guerre (Hugh Grant old, movie)

Do I really care about my hammer was a free from the Salvation Army back door ?

15 more mins on this and next movie: Mission Impossible 3

It’s more the price tag has a trash waste to cut the tag, those things you can throw it out. The wealthy they buy stuffs they happy, I don’t think they care about those money. That place is entire junks collected recycling, you don’t know what that is?

You do anything inside a house? Asian they no. I know that. Nick does. You go to the junk yard sale, almost the street sale or the farmer’s market when they relocated the freedom life, you know that “The Rescue Ranger”? The junks things you test it out and throw whole things out in the garbage bin. I try so many things already. 

You do that often the test error and fail…we don’t look like the same profession, you all have the bigger business. How that 4x4 comes out ? You have to figure it out how to do that. 

We are not wealthy here, this sphere, so ….if we go to what they say more IKEA, and that means spirituality retreat and cooking and meditate or the meditation air, the bean bags are not a quality furniture, or those sitting cushion or the yoga mat. When the times come, all those things can be throw out of it. 

Yeah, the war. Maybe not those spending if you sure about a certain thing. I think it’s just me …my internal. Something very hatred …that’s it.  I have a certain internal mechanism, they are wealthy than you just go once shopping and you put that in your tool box. Hank buys the whole set. There is a whole set I have never seen. No, he doesn’t know how to use it. I don’t think the hammer is in it. The screw driver electric. 

It bothers me inside. 

With Nicky or Kian, they already have, I just watch them, they say what we do what. I don’t get to free walking around. If I am by myself driving, I go where I see a certain thing. You find things out, those people you talk to them. They know things are.

It was a black. 

All right the universe outside they laugh, the garbage human.

Me and Nick he does those he finds the sale on the whole food when we far away, between the Italian. You go near to talk and that’s a whole SUV local farmer’s market those, supposed to or not supposed to be organic …Hank is an Asian so he uses those Apps you pay the review. He is not like that. Nick can see things and he does that all his life. The older generation right now you pretend you going away and coming home to make a mess in UK, you gonna lose them not learning enough. You will be panicking that time.

Like my parents too, they live longer so, sometimes just follow them around and learn. 

No, they don’t do app, playing the computer games. They talk for a living. 

Hey that’s 7-11? Tom Cruise movie in America 7-11? We had that maple road but …this agent looks like U.N.C.L.E, whom she Ferris ? Sunrise ?

That road is “sundown “ 7-11 near by.  Ferris Lisdsney ? Ferris is really a girl’s name? That Lidsney looks like …Freaky Friday girl. Vartan’s TV. I think they training the girls in the movies script. 

That’s where the UB 4 blocks at. 

Behind 7-11, those Jewish walking there to their temple.  My mother’s throat…the scripts in the TV.

Not the wind turbine, it’s AC those electric tower. 

Tesla’s timeline, there was a turbine. 

Maybe that was Marley when she was young. She watches those Good Morning America -One Direction those. She was thin.

When the operational tasks finish, it’s a written reports. All that. The girls can write better but she is dead. 

Bodon him

Bolton him ? Listening that word ?

The mail post ? That’s the lasertrum.

I think he just seeing too many girls in the whole Mission Impossible. At the beginning. That’s the story.  They probably not always the gay. So if you seeing a lot of the choice from the man’s side….right, he can only married one but those are on his jobs. That kinda of the jobs. You have to ask him, the actor. 

That kinda of the jobs and if you changing the gf often. He would know?

I live on the orbits….

Something fun ? (After the car, after the yarht )

From the past to the present, I would says almost every girls will believe a certain thing. I don’t really know what to talk about it. 

He runs and jumps ?

No, the guys are not the saint. I need my warm weather and my fruits and fibers and lay at home, but many guys join those party it’s their free will to meet the other girls. You girls held me to be the buddha even that …Indian General. That’s their freedom. I have no freedom and I do care my mother did for us. My fruits or fibers or the convenience home and she stays with the kids. But other guys…you don’t go and limit them per phone call or per conversation where they been?

You all took it I stay at my bed, I sleep all that.

They happy those would be the money, the fame and the power. They already becoming …you all limited me that doesn’t mean that’s that Indian general or Ronan probably you all meant it. 

The democracy wins ? You all think you are the little princess ??


Right, you probably controlling about the guys and no one knows behind what you do or seeing the movie or TV what you think about. You girls have a different language about the past. Probably they all know about you. 

Next: The Munsters

Trimming my feet’s nails. I had a left feet 4th toe problemed? My mother had a fixed already black nail.

Mine is the nail on the 4th toe, the left feet, the swelled …it’s a whole skin to open …a wrap skin looks like a guy’s below open to wash. It’s hidden beneath, I am cutting the right horn. It’s embedded at that skin to open. I have never seen this.

Sometimes the girls be happy on yourself, eat happy, sleep happy, care the monthly health, and not necessary all the guys are meaningful so I just have my mother. It’s probably more of the money talk than the sex talk. I don’t really know what you imagine you say to the guys… it’s not healthy if you doing anything to sound like he has to abide or listening to you all that.

Let the guys live the way they know how best.

Of course they can all be gays or the girls or they just care anything they have ? I have the things be busy at. Sometimes …you wish them well and stare at the career you built on yourself or the world trend.  Take care of yourself best. The guys need to run about. They belong to that life, just admit to them, I don’t make in that. Make-up everyday to say my age. And I cared my mother, she gives a lot to us, her conditioned and when I was young I grew up …she and my father provide, and up to I can cover them something. Chinese we have that tradition, wishing the parents well and took care of that. The girl, I am not a guy.

Hey, this is the zombie dance like Taylor Swift concert inside this movie inside that TV saying something his line ~~ he found a love ? That’s good !! It’s a date they say, with Mark and this lady? That’s great !! You go on like 100 dates last time I say whom whom whom ?

Well some people they get married or else I tell them to go on 100 dates too…it’s just 100 dinner and the amusement park ! The weekend to go to … on a date. Or that’s his father ? The panda in the zoo…the father and the son goes on a date ? You have 35 years to do that …or not. 

I think you girls go to the King ?

I am watching. “My Lord?” That’s his name ! He had an ex wife, old that one. It’s a chance to UK-US, just you and the King, he takes you around to learn things.

You want to be with him, you have to deal with it everything on the newspaper. 

I don’t think…it looks like that. They just had an ascot. Those are the real TV, I don’t think it’s this movie. No. We never talk about it the King has a job, or just retired still a job. You considerate his job and insert some element he knows that’s the job ?

But I am his son’s age so ..I talk to them, not to the King. Bring them closer to their father better. 

If you are all not going to the US, you just live happily in UK. The real legal battle those take a very long time …that’s why I say 35 years. Some people don’t like those things. So you don’t go for that. Live happy and friends happy. 

Next by channel is Harry Potter Goblet of Fire

I want to go to rest, not feeling well. 

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