
The healing food (cooking)

You all......often needed the eye glasses in the kitchen like in the shower

A plate in front of you, its empty. You know a white plate is a lot more clear to see. There are the square with the corner or the round white plate (big), for the American world guys. Anything these military or the UFO (Channel 209, the History Channel)

I just want you to register what that one round plate, or the corner square big plate 4 corner shape to say all white. Its to put some different food in it. If you set up for the 6 people on a plate? I think....whichever 6, or that is Brian's table, that is Ireland side, or England borrowing.....

(Post-COVID 19, you need to do those separating the food, the soup in the bowl already that kind)

A plate could be with a small bowl (the soup, or the rice)

                or with another bowl of the soup

But on the plate, you could have these visual what you daily see.

Your each ( of the Upper class, the young or medium guy, why you are one person making a home ), carrying with another guy these Target made furniture, the girls next by in the kitchen to keep them hydrate, or cleaning the bathroom, walking in and walking out, the sink or the toilet, with the tissue paper to stock up. Re-fill. 

They are walking with their shoes in their own home, or you check the floor how they re-modeling why this house require to re-modeling, they are the wealthy upper class from England. If you found out their shoes its their only wear, you just need to keep moping that floor, back and forth.....they are young kids. The wet mop with the handle, once that way, once the other way, in front of the bathroom.

First they are wealthy, so you always cleaning up that bathroom. You just check decent every time you seeing a person going in and coming out, that is only 2 guys in the house. Wipe the water dew, check the towel too wet, throw that the laundry room, and get the new towel. Rinse that sink one more time, check the toilet rinse with that facet dragging over. Some fragment because you making an impression whichever whom you thought just visiting. That is just 2 people whom cared about the bathroom with the fragment. 

These people might be all the kids looking, they are happening to be those age. Not Westlife those current aged.

So no one will care how you doing that bathroom, this is I be here you all using it I care about it. The kids don't be harsh-to-people those. Just check it the window, check it the facet, you can wipe the facet common touching area. The distilled white vinegar half / half mix in the spray bottle, its disinfected!!!!

So rehearsal again, they coming in at 9 or 10 oclock, to moving these furniture between 2 or 3 people running in and house with the car, so its the shoe they wear coming in the house. You can start cooking or stack up something they will smell the soup, the white rice in the rice cooker, or the boiling devil eggs or the potato all by themselves. Those are the simple one single food. But when you are hungry, you don't care how singular food to be that restaurant elaborate. The boiling egg anyone can swallow it down, not to say the devil eggs. 

You can boil the pasta in advance, and be careful how to drain that with the cooling water and added  the olive oil. Some broccoli clean up, you have those broccoli stem, peels the outside, trim the base, and that is one stem cutting into many small dice options with the dice carrots, that is your pasta itself looks colorful. You already put the salt when that is boiled, so the pasta already has the flavor. You can make the white sauce (the flour and the oil thicken up, and the mushroom extract)

Meaning okay, none of you doing that with a girl cooking....

One of your day's schedule, you need to put the furniture and screw driver that place with your best friend you buddy before you land in Maryland, that's it. 

That one day, your 4 limbs gonna be sore with you go to bed, and you wish your bed sheets and the pillow case were new label removed, washed, dryers dry with the linen things to feel softener fragment. How you use that dryers, I don't know how to do that to make it fragment. 

So while you landing it down, to keep moving every time to looking for a new house other than the 5 Star hotel, if you wish to stay in America, you need to imagine 1 or 2 days, you buddy with another guy indoor to jam up those screw driver alone, by yourself, and moving one side another side those closet, or the bed, or the pillow new buy from Wal-mart, you don't wash the outside, just laying on it go to sleep, too tired. 

You can wash it, and sun dry in the SUN, that house in the yard... the sun at that pillow (cannot be washed, new purchase from the Wal-mart)

-Its the store air from Wal-mart. The finger print from a lot of the people.

My mother here bought those pillow with the cover on top of it. I used that in UB. More stylish too, you all want me to show you those pillow, cargo you all a shipment? They use those truck to ship it once the sea landing at the ports?- to go in-land at your Maryland. 

Sometimes those jobs so heavy by yourself, you need 3 or 5 days, you standing on your thigh all day no food, and trying to get that place set up, you can be sort for 2 weeks, if you working on it for 3 to 5 days the first week. You wear the shoes at home. You running in and out of the car to go somewhere and come back - one person why you doing all that, if you just get your best friend all together to go, and ship them back one of those exit time.

The salvation army has those free hammer, its not on the display, its just you drive by and ask the guy from the back, and he gives you 3 in options to choose from. Remember how you buy an hammer with a price tag? 

The back of the Salvation Army....the clothing store. 

To gather your entire tool box, to say making a home, how you re-ship yourself from NYC or Washington DC to Maryland, at least all your furniture is hammered and screw driver them correctly when you first purchased them.

"I am sorry, do you have a hammer, I come here to donate, so I know this is the window to drop the clothing and other stuffs. I wonder if you have a hammer, I give you a dollar or 2."

"Do you also have those nail, one or 2 to hang my key for now."

"I can give you 10 dollars, anything you know first time to just live in the house, a mop, or a small container jar, you can throw it out, or a small ground shuffle, the women's hand these. Small planting, not those heavy one."

You know the overnight white rice is best for the fried rice.

1) The brocolli stem, cut the base, trim the outside, my hand is small, so dice them.
2) Dice the peeled carrots
3) The egg mixture crumble first
4) The soy sauce,

This has no MSG in it. Its home made

五香豆腐 dice (its a skin dark brown fermanted tofu )
The same broccoli stem dice, the carrots dice, you use that mixture with the coconut oil, You can mix in the pasta itself if not the fried rice. (Its the same from above mixture)

Wash the salad, wash the some kinds of the green other than roman lettuce, a better salad those, you peel per rooted, and wash the sands but soak in the salted water, rinse out, keep rinsing, or soak the water, get the salt out. 

- these washed lettuce wrap, you can put the rice in it and eat it.

The bacon is the easiest meat, and the oiled, you put that aside, you added a bit water in the end, to get those juice next by. Some can eat with the bread or anything rice in it, too.

When you doing anything above, you eat anything is in front of you.

The slice bread with the avocado (those Italian bread, they are harden), with the vegan cheese creme. In Washington DC, you cargo from the Amazon, you buy a dozen, or you order from the organic store, they give you a box = 12 in it. You make a vegan cheesecake in it. 

I never say I don't make the cookies. 

These are the 2 things in desserts (1) The Vegan lemon cheesecake (2) The chocolate cookies.

And you go to the Wal-mart asking them the pastry at, those puff? You can just buy the jam and jelly to put in there. The whole jam I think they do that, but you can concentrate your grapes, somewhat less sweet you mix with the fresh ingredient, you do a bundle and freeze the rest of it. Its the triangle things.

How do you do the jams?

You do that with the grapes and the apples, with loads of the sugar in it, to boiled them. That is how you concentrating them. The whole things is sweet and heated, so a lot more watery. When you use your jam, that is just high glucose corn syrup. That entire process....JUST too sweet to use only the jam and jelly. (The movies says that), I am not sure...the jam. 

You use the cinnamon on the dice apple, to really boiled it done, with loads of the sugar. But you operate at home, it will always a lot healthier than the store. 

I go to nap.

Those suppose to be an easy trip for all of you. Having someone you all work together towards.

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