
I assuming the boybands are all together, right.

98 Degree, I learn that in the KY.  Stay the Night.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYEp244nMMA    ⭐ Panda picks that song, or the soup means? Here

My Everythinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz2lyq7kGms

(Yesterday)  I didn't see it, which animals say? Too many.  Its the main singer, seriously ~~ otherwise that time I would have know they two looks like my uncle?! I have never talked to my uncle. My brother did, or my mother. One time. Because.... the aunt she changes the husband or the bf....my parents saw in the night market. 

You all walking.....and talking to me! I say nothing ~~ Did I say anything? That is the night market, correct !  Movie: U.N.C.L.E

( Why I have to keep using these black ops photo?) 

The song writers, both the man and the woman artists are literal to describe you in the interview, other than the MV, because you keep going to the MOVIES + the boybands. That is not true. Just the main singer.

No, they are not on the street, of course not.

okay, imagine you are the song writers, to give your concept to the record company, is that a job?

Brian from Backstreet Boy, or Justin from NSYNC, or Nick from 98 Degree.

Or Britney or Jessica, or Christina.

Meaning they can talk like an independent person like you seeing them in the interview, so they function as the normal human going to the record company to tell them what the album demo they got = that is the MUSIC!  The lyrics, the melody, the overall instrument input in 1 song, 10 songs make an album. They sell good, or they debut in Asia market TV, or in America or in Europe around the same time, they will compete in those days as the DVD or the CD stores (in the 90s).

And so Shane goes to work, I am not sure he is still working to go to the company.

I am home working to write. We both write.

We leave the house in a different time. I go to the court room stand there, not the DC, its a local talking, you all don't care if there is a talking art to show up there. 

This clear?

My job is the court judge, or she has a book keeper. That court room just happened the bench has no human in it !!!!!!!

Shane's record company, if he goes in, that is his company secretary, their WESTLIFE doesn't show up there every single time he was there? He called them, but he doesn't need all of them to show up ALL AT THE SAME TIME. 

His entire.....I am not sure if that is still a company (c), but HIS record or near by what Ireland company keeps him in there, all those people if he says hi, he passed by to SAY HI, "I need......"

That is his jobs. MINE job, only gone there once, the rest are file-ing 200 countries all at the same time. I never met those people, and each of them need to be on their own individual file-ing statue, they make their own money !!! That is not my company. We never see each other.

"You know Shane....these things happened 25 years ago ...not just 20 years, 24/ 25 years ago, you remember your IOU when? Was that late publishing, my timeline is not correct, here. Shane. It was the 8th grade me or the 7th grade, 13 or 14 years old. 1996 1997, that album is 1999, Shane....."

"You believe your first paycheck is busy, or I imagine you forgot your first job was not IOU ? You feeling well those before time, if you meet a girl looks like me, to say 200 dollar a hour, or 200 dollar the 40 hours part-time, so that is 200 dollars in total on PT whatever...that one week to say next 4 weeks? "

"Everyone knows what they do inside their own individual world, you suppose to know that clear more than anyone else's brain."

"Not I stare up my head because I sit to work...and drag your back waistline shirts. W Two Worlds desk, my desk?  Those times....looks and feel like the movie, that is the sound tracks. 25 years later.....this is Dr. Bing's drawing board, to say 2 worlds apart, and those entering figures are???  "

"Quan Yin methods is a meditation technique, that Vietanese shorty tells everyone that, not a religion, so there is no paper base if her Master Indian 500 doesn't show up. I tell her only whimp her oral instruction to make both of us easy.....to cut off. I don't care about those things, because....anything you see inside the mind, its where the New Age, the Yoga studio, where people purchase the yoga pants with the yoga floor mat. I sit on my desk....for a job? A women sits on a desk for a job its for the period pain less, no other jobs exists. "

"Inside life, someone getting a yoga instruction on the floor mat, that is....a leisure time outside the home bound worlds, anything on that desk, anything but .....like once per 3 months, you did two time the church service, Easter and Christmas per calendar year. 5 times the yoga mat the membership paying like my mother, she gone there every single time 20 times and go out to eat. Those human cannot afford 20 times eat out. "

"The free lancer book coach writer business, gone to Dr. Gabriel's workshop to steal his ideas, they all doing nothing but that, so each person will never be God indoctrinated, I have no job. Those things, I know more than anyone else.... it will never be God. "

Its only 40 hours full time, saying 20 hours other than the full time students. 5 days a week, that is the working days for the regular citizen including the professors. Their jurisdiction line is the City of Hope or the whole building like the Roswell Park or the Buffalo Gen, only inside the whole building. 
1 year is the physical calendar year saying 52 weeks = 365 days. 4 seasons, it will never miss one thing on these digital math, input in a software. Some people write them down on a piece of paper, so its legible can see.

If they know I look like I can count. 

You like the sound tracks? Ella Enchanted the credit songs.

I feel like? Eastern military or my own video crossing the ocean....or they stuck here, or going this Japan or Haiwaii the next 30 days on supply, I think they left for Haiwaii taken their hand soap with them. 

Brian's song is Zombie's song? I have heard.

The sun revolution cycle....we Earth a year is one revolution around the sun.

Imagine its your house, should I get another house, Shane?  I have never seen these people ~~~~~These are all paper works. The drawing.

Shane, you met these people before?  The real or not real things? That is.....real !

I think they go to San Diego, not Hawaii, bye ~~ Shane.

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