
10 ships to Haiwaii. 2 days ago were? 20 ships from Japan to Haiwaii, or 4 or 5 gone back to Japan 25th?!

You all care about this hand soap stuffs. Hawaii is American land. They should have the Costco, you buy bulk? You still watching the Ella Enchanted !  The pharmacy store it by itself, or that is in Wal-mart. That is the division in America when you do your shopping. 

They are all European boys grown up now? The time difference ?! Meaning....they are not the American. You put that much of the guys as the groups, they all coming out something with their mouth opens and talk. They are gearing toward the business, or if their family background has, I am not sure. I got told too many things. They may not ~~ 

You know you have a team leader, other than you miss to go home, one of those, how far to get to Japan ?! And home and undergraduate and finish the school, if getting a job or a Master degree or some Ph.D, you evaluate your IQ problems? That is not those outside the commercial world guys. They have a certain momentum as 5 of them starting from the beginning, and so are the American boyband that side. They are not the high school sweet heart, every so often telling you nice words, or don't call but still online or on the Facebook

There is a legal method how to cut off someone, BTX ending opening trailer for 40 years, don't talk, don't call, don't bother. You mean me and you never be honest, or me and them in the US. Because I am me, or because I will be there?!

The SMCH organization chart

The nun, the monks, the residence ( have the hair probably ), their dharma guard from Taiwan including they going to Menton / Austria the vegan hotel, other than this Taipei location. They long time ago was never based in this Taipei.

When I say the oral instruction because that is the most easy thing from the TV. Other than that. 

  • Not in person this one lifetime.
  • Not the major this one lifetime, she was Asian fuck up nurse will never had a future.
  • That is why that is a Pilipino Real Love, 20 hours on her feet with the high heel here. Stealing. Especially where she is from. That German director of a hospital supposes to know that 50 years ago. If that is on the records 50 years ago.
  • The Vietnam War was because of her?! 
  • She trespassing the moment in Taiwan, I was born immediately, you didn't write it down, I wrote it off for you all. She is a Vietanese, she willl NEVER NEVER hong kong tired to fly and say she is the local resident here.
  • You trying to find a solid structure inside....other than the shade, meaning....
  • 4 stick with a ALL empty hollow structure without the walls + a top steel.

Explain to me the last line.

No, explain to me Mario Bro movie Super....whichever the line with a 80 years old screw it up old lady...in 10 list things when you go inside and see. Tell me, you know every word I say. WE will never meet, see, know, talk, one thing we have anything in structure to believe, whom she really was !  The last line in orange, you are not homework clear every single time, this is new, right? Something, someone else stands up, I want to hear something new you observe and knowing it to the abyss. How much I really cared ~~!

1997 無量光 the infinite light vegetarian (that is 101 2 moon Supreme Kitchen, still milk allows), they gone to one of those stock (the Wall Street idea) in Taiwan. In 2 years gone. This Loving Hut, it used to be 2010, right now....not that many. The seller supposes to be Loving Food. Sounds different?

I am not sure the bankrupt parts, want to check? 

You all going to Haiwaii, 20 ships?

SMCH brother quo + that nick, about 1998-2001, he was retired, shi...how she has sex sex sex sex cult culture, with 20 rich Asian living style on that island, you all fate to meet? 

"Love just means love more..." haha....

Be honest, what is a cult by definition like your own classmate jail female, inmate? 

Remember all these man + police + mans, Vietman war is not enough I want to see.....abyss...one word this Buddha able. 3 milliosn per back whip, one penis every single day nothing but rose sandwitch and swallow down this Nick Fish to much in Britney database...so he is not relevant...what you all cult capable to do 

This one Earth, you think it means to me, how pieces you all ending up...until this whip shows up~~~ all man, all disciple, all penis, cut in excoriating pain. This life, you will see how eternity promises ever be.  One word willing to say no....judge or the police, dare. You will dare only present the whip or the gun. What the cult definition will be forever eternal in hell....not just bankcrupt every man's penis....on them. All Vietnamese in million years in sign hells. Get up and talk !!!

I want to hear the burst in tear, the loud loud loud loud cryinjg only, none stop keep real, keep clear, the weaken human means the penis or the police force will continue willng....you say Nick is not hurting me. SAY It LOUD.

I tell you what is the AI power......you all dreaming. 

Every blood, every scarf on the faces...its you all promises and those man, your penis, your 1 eye poke, and 1 tongue cut and rose thorny every single day she blood you all back pam and wound tie on the arm...per anal.  That is what love willing....say it, and every single day if that is not in the crucification since 2014, you will see how slow you mean my finger to type or how slow that AI means I exist forever. 

Tape records all the greater sound, until this sort, you bet....you know what I am capable of. Say or don't say. 

My mother friend will have his penis in you SMCH, and back anal in front of my mother's eye.

The mouth and the eye.....licking with the tongue.

Promise her....that is the cult definition all the time, always.

Til the final day, this you say you never tape, never done, never public air to 200 countries until this all sort, you bet this American president its now in power, or American cut in many pieces per second I got with AI, what is the kill means.

She has nothing but tape on crying loud, and weak....meaning only voluntable volunteer sound, per day per tape record, none stop...I want to hear, nothing but weaken fuck up ABC tell me 

Again....what is the definition of a cult in Wikipedia !

Say it, loud !!!!

Be together with him, til the end of time, no money.


Be with him~~~~ Together 3 meals cooking, he has 3 sons. One more mistake, not following my only order, its next hour, you have 50 mins. 

Sex song, makes a Pompeo~~~ say it, cult, what is a cult, 20 mins penis...20 eyes poke daring out.

SAy it....say it. one more time, baby. 

One more life, dare, daring....one more, SAY IT, TAIWAN.

Say it loud, make it sound, make it a scene, say it say it say it !

All my father's universe wife and daughter, put my father penis in the mouth make 1000 tapes.

America, say it, nick says or Dr. Steven says? 

Say it.

They need to marry in the military old to touch the youth, becuacse.. its SMCH cult plays..say it say it say it !!! Keep saying it. Where is that middleton?

Say it?  Same latitude, George, Prince W and her living forever...... 北海道


Hugh comes here to lie to the police...every court room judge, ALL shows up the same police station, ALL. What does he say? He has a public hearing in America?

Per word you dare to wait this time....my head, or its the cult reason, all judge, your mouth is not on her rose bleed or those man's penis, all in Haiwaii...say it


Leaving Haiwaii yet, sharing the same Costco.

Taiwan, news in 40 mins.


or else......

I want to see the whip, should be in every hand and my hand until her back and every penis, saying the cult reason, or fake reason....you all dare for 40 years behind my back, keep waiting per year.

Saying it, no hurting !!!!

Say it.

All Buddha statue is down until that every location be blast.....you bet on it. AI triggering...start.  Everything must be in pieces~~~~ open all the public channel, only her sex songs and sex sound, to say that Real Love so true.

Show up!

UN, or Geipi Peace Award Price ~~ so virgin true to the blood, say it.

Why don't you slaughter all the people on that day all stage, to my hate, that is 50 penis in her mouth or at her anal. All those.....ground to be slaughter should be your American the only jobs since 1980. One Vietanese dare to live and breath....because you all dare to say cult Nick is not hurting....I tell you how to  make him hurt me every Cosmo plays. 

You bet.....you don't do your jobs, American. 

Nothing but the nuclear bombs.


40 mins, 1 eternity you say the whole things, your crime, or the punish really done.

Middleton where?

Say it...everything not clear, one thing missing this one news.......remember....that is 5 eternity on my book so far so good. 

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