
Do I ever thought about how to tell Shane no or Nicky (or Kian)?

No, we haven't talk about it.

I ....immigrant when I was his age to become famous. I moved, I worked, or I got my car in America by myself you can see how the facebook used to be my off school activities even to Canada. If I am not thinking for Taipei or China or Japan, usually its 2 airline my mother always told me, that route I know how to land in back to America, as always on the back of my mind. I do live here, and getting longer and longer like the home feeling but I speak in English you notice ....that is also the same years I live indoor to keep binding to my chair on another 5000 page paper to go.

You can buy the electronic from North America, I actually very flexible on the e-commence usage through what's available to me. In life you prepare the backup road for my mother as well. What if that is 200 countries one UN, and I arrive to America just one of those days required? What if? So I am still younger age, not to say just hand around the city here for not required if I get a call.

No, I like to be in the home, another 10 years I never say I won't. I keep sleeping to get aged one day. I never had a real home in America, you know that?!

Indian general says vegetarian / vegan  (vegetarian vegetarian / vegan vegan )

I don't eat a lot of the rice, or the noodles, or the cereal / milk (the high corn syrup )

The process of all snacks, or some kinds of the too many label with the ingredients, those...I hardly eat. I wonder if you actually know whom exists, or what makes you believe they exist, or will exist, or how far the future you think of....during all these soon your future time to entry Japan or if any further other Party or Gala to go.

Does Ronan need to write?

No, I am a citizen, so I told them I can write, and look at the TV, so shut up...here are all that.

Ronan is not a citizen?

He or they are a celebrity.

And you knew you gonna get together with the celebrity?

Just imagine to lean on, next by. To say the life habitual.....not really.

You want your own toilet?


The AI toiletry with that lid?

Yes, lighter, I can smash that....close it every time I get up.

I go to sleep

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