
Watching Barbie.

Other than the fainting reason ....just happened to be when the war breaks out to a room of pinks, and the memory recalled. Barbra is the daughter.

Movie: Interstellar

I look you all looking at Westlife, any of those member's guys....if you pretend to be their family, meaning you really even literally telling them like they are your family, that kinds?

I have never really telling Shane or any of Westlife a certain thing. A min or 2 those simple thing, you might literally telling them 5 mins those write it down exactly how you present things confidently. That is not what I mean. They are a stranger, you understand that? Every guy is a stranger !

To like about them, and to build a life are two totally different things. That is the crying parts, right?

You cannot lie about the 1st part and the 2nd part. No matter how you cry about it. 

So you would be with Shane? Zawanna they say that?

Its on going.

Not Nicky and Kian?


But you figure it out you and everyone else is the same, we are ahead of the time.....to be "you", Shane knows?

Definitely not ! 

You think Shane would be with you?

I am clear my path ...waiting this 6 months first to reside, I am fainting. I am telling you.

You think its possible?

I want to make it. 

You telling him you possibly making it, we are ahead of the time?

(faint) I ....think they are still on the tour. I am recording the 6 months how the present time is important, and I actually grab all of them, to drop 1 Ronan, so he could face 8 billions the per step I try to imagine the right things. Shane probably has too many things, you all have a method how to leash a guy ....

I am too eager to tell him, that is what I mean.

Do you have a clear reason why you faint? 

You are not in my diagram and the monthly statement everyone else does the Wall Street, so you believe your own reality more, including the TV, if you know how to use that you will. The Revolution Girls.

Okay. Shane looks busy, but I address to him more like if there is a destination so I tell him about it.

You imagine something else other than imagining them, right?

Right, him Shane.

I mean do you imagine you take them or SA together to together and meeting each different side or your friends all together?

Definitely not. SA, of course not. They are all celebrity, I think I say 1 Shane.

But you are not going to do anything with him or them, right now?


So you never imagined how to or what to, let's say 4 people in the same room, sit down and talk?

Definitely not. They are and that Mably looking inside those TV may not be that much difference, the European that stays on their land never left like my ex bf, those. He was the original Italian but he doctrinated a little bit different as he left there early.

oh ~ that is what you saying, meeting !!

Probably you meant to get together, its to meet first?

You mean to meet Westlife?

Meeting first?

That is what you all telling them idea...the crying parts?! Its to group 4 and talk together and sit down. Do you mean eating together those round table? The overall Westlife, those?

Like .....

NO! I have the floor reason to be honest......I imagined. Okay, I understand now. You look straight at your PC monitor inside, the news, the gala, the private function, the life you never live in, and you imagine to pull all strings together. I have....too many other kinds of the jobs, being instructional, a presentation projector, stand to talk, or to write in Chinese included + participation.  Its not a panel discussion but somewhat instructional whichever I scribble down in the painting or in the words to describe anything that is NOT the movie.

Sometimes the guys have a real life, with their perfect friends growing up....the girls we never have, not to say the business partner. You know why I end in the heaven? Sometimes you wishing other people well and perfect, and here is not my world, remember?

You don't have ID, you are not preparing yourself in this rest of your life to enter.....any one venue will populate any Western sphere, every resource are a lot scarce. Asian we have the human, and those venue have the people factors.

Next movie: Crazy Rich Asian

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