
Movie: Interstellar and Crazy Rich Asian

I think of the name and the story plot.

I fainted.

I stay with my mother (inhale).

I think they love their Ireland all politics, that ....says.

I always felt I am coming from America now toward, let's say seeing from the map, that retrieve are 2 different direction felt. And American Congress, I can be fainting on everything the Mark's song. Its their own debates one day..... I believe its not real, but I input little by little. 

I sometimes will think my family with this very small, and closer (Taipei those younger age) legislator whom can speak in English. All these area every country, I know the location, I know the city and I speak the English to them ....You know how Asian would be, you facilitate them to entire all of them, how to deal this one TV crisis in every countries of them to enter Washington DC. And here....is my home.

Not necessary the guy is the most significant things, right now, seriously.

What to buy, where to stay, how to speak in English / Chinese, what or how to express that langauge and where, and DL, and the car, and the insurance or the car license plate. Like I repeat them from my home setting. 

Yeah, they call me the honorable superior, those ideas.

Between a guy and a girl, would be sad, but I really really need these convenience for me right now. The shampoo, the Japanese formula, the AI control panel, the location right here, including the birds outside. The food !!!! I don't need to cook. 

( The movie end )

okay.  Every night is the movie night !

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