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The America Green beans casserole, (birds say these vegan meat from Bill Gates), those are the ground beef vegan, the green beans and those dry onion chip small on the top.  - this is American food.

I felt so dizzy and burden too many future things to think, when I am not feeling well, I cannot think of one guy other than stay in my bed, no make-up, no going out social. The girl’s privilege. But it I was healthy running in and out, lay down and get up 5 mins, I care to get things done sounds like a living quarter when you endow your UK ambassador’s program. 

You set up your living quarter, it’s your paper file-ing to go near the social circle. Your printer, your desk, your stationary and your phone. You or with whom inside that shared place, me and Nicky just exists there. Not talking, we just home wait one of you calling us, the AAA is not arriving, you are in a gasoline station. “This weekend I need a ride”. You prepare them a pretzel, some honey mix Chex, some cereal milk cup. Some cut fruits lunch boxes and some energy bar for him to arrive to NYC, so the first thing he landing it down he has a food in his bag when he gets to the hotel? A simple sandwich pressor, just 2 bread and 3 color cheese with some leaf. That’s a small plastic zip bags he only needs the first meal he lands with some energy bar. He can buy his drinks in the airport. 

You go to the states just cared these kids the simple things? Yeah, he probably focus on his paper works but he travels. You know what’s a sandwitch pressor and a zip bag, that’s 2 square bread cut in the triangle. He only has the first meal he gets to the hotel, Simple but just something he too tired, he sleeps in the arrival places? He already ate !!

In America has a culture - from the church.

A home made full apple pie ? Some cookie jars, some home made bread with the butter ?

You know what’s a soda cracker ? Those thin crackers just lightly salted. 

 To make a home, you always put some stuffs at your mouth side to eat and that’s for everybody. You prepare some small things like that. Some napkins, some dollars bill, some emergency phone number or the address written. He knows well when he lands? You check his luggage? You have a light strip color ropes or the address written ?

When did you say you will arrive, tell Nicky ? Call him or text him when you land. 

I don’t normally make the cookies but I learn when I get there. So those are the cooked or the baked cookies, right ? Baked ?!

The zip bag.

That scene all exploded, that’s in Silicon Valley. I went to eat in the restaurant!

You know those regular hotel breakfast place had those small container cereal. Nicky eating that. You purchase from the Amazon to back up ? A small box. The kitchen pantry where people grab the food, or the fruits, the cookie jar, the kids beverage, some cake, some pastry, some risotto,  some Shepard’ pie, some hash brown, some French fries with the ketchup / the mustard / any kind of their dressing on the fridge. Some sushi, some Devil eggs, some finger food, some dollar store plate, some napkin for the holiday season. 

You all go and make them.  Not you making them and you eat all of them. 

Doing the fried food, you used the deep fryer, you go and freeze them after !!! You take it out and bake them.

1. Panko is Japanese bread crumb, the fried shrimp. (For the sushi )
2. The samosa 
3. The jalapeños stuffs with the tofu in it or the cheese.
4. The soaked and dry potato fries or those curly fries. 
5. Tempora to some assort veggie with the sticky batter. 

You don’t eat that all at once. You put the sushi away, store for next day. You eat one Samosa, you freeze the rest. Or your guy. Then this spicy pepper is a finger food. The fries are everyone eats and then some tempora. You never had a left over for this next day in your life?

When you doing that, you have the slow cooker to go on, the rice cooker to go on, the pizza is going on. 

The morning time, you wash all the green already, so you display all the plates with the vegetable you already washed.

The pasta or the beef stew. (The electric cooker )

I think one week he doesn’t need to cook. It’s all left over.  He eats most of these stuffs. 

The scramble eggs. The boil eggs, or the chickpeas made of the vegan egg sandwitch ….
The Korea breakfast.

All these are a container to fridge. The left over. Anything he opens the fridge it’s a food at his eyesight or you freeze it, test and error, what’s best the dinner microwave Home Alone meal.

The soup also a test and error. The Chinese take out container, it’s a block of ice until you unfreeze it.

My mother's throat cannot stop on this entire films. Very very bad, whatever that is. I want to lay down. It doesn't hurts as it used to they tune my heads is very very painful, but still, you don't want she keeps coughing, using that metal bottle to open or close, or cling, or just keep doing these throats stuffs. Open and close the fridge, open close the toilet bathroom door. You can live like that, why don't you all goes to hell every single day, no more discussion over this? Just dead dead dead, finish talking. 
See she has to go and open and close the door locks. When she gonna stop it !!!

Again and again.

See again the coughing!!! When you guys want to stop it !!!

Why don't you put 1 full atomic bomb on that England, and 20 bullet head each of the head, i don't want to see these film, like how its air because you have the power?

Deliver well. 

This is your offering to eternity, forever.

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