
America (US-UK alliance)

That words is starting from US-UK...not UK-US alliance.

The metal detector: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHUAzXmWn0s

Cooking: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MvWcIdJhFh4



The women exercise: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-uMXLKgp1ng

Panda to be fed: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OjV_vW6xyYc

Hindu friend: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_3OIVUlEXD4

The gifting culture: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qisW_cwM8JQ

Japanese culture: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WYC3ydm7cGI

Home kitchen - the dish washer (Black)


Organize the closet


The otter pulling the drape: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cYtu_UUgR8I

What is this US-UK alliance works mean?

That is what bothering you all mind? To be that deliciated, not another 35 years? 

Every guys have a beard on their face to their business they built in the last 20 years?

Can they come in to take you to the black hole? No.

Are they going to do that? No.

We just....live our life, no one is coming in other than they telling the American President, face-to-face, only between them, at that location to communicate. Not necessary to the citizen, you wonder where your evolution gone off? 

This is not about if they coming in, there is a Heaven or on Earth, that kinds?

No!  Its just an alliance between the US and UK, some youth faces more and more showing it up, they get this time right, or another 35 years when they grew older, they still on playing their PC, the computer game, or those novel with their eye glasses. The books, the novel, people like to read those things at home, no girl, no guy's pressure. 

I have no ideas what they reading in those books, line by line.

So they the youth make the friends to yearly visiting each other on their backyard BBQ? The upper class kids, the wealthy one, not just that Hugh. They do that for 40 years long, to keep that, or to know more about the other friends or the parents. They introduce the parents to another parents.

Supposed to be like that, but they never done it....so its just an overseas activity, no one know what they done in the US, and then return to UK...nothing get done, but something tantrum is when going or when coming back. They didn't think that is real. Just people meeting the people, its not that long lasting, they didn't beg them, or the youth cannot carry those conversation talk. They listen, they sit in, but...why they need to keep in touch, literally BBQ each other backyards, on the friendship to keep the business looking, or keep each other's life hectic.

The call went out, they got the call for.

But....its not the literally means, and there is a cooking or the partner, or you mean in-love, or hate each other, or work together couples, all that included. They already know the social degree to join the Party.


Mason? I highly doubt it.

(I have to lay down, drink soup, eat, and lay down, TAKE the MEDICINE, my nose... running)

This is not the life you re-do without me. Seriously. All of this.

The alliance furniture


Is your every class in England, whom has this furniture to cargo with the King? The youth...you know what your house look like. Join the King? Near by, side by, try-out by?

Because they are the active duty, because that is the current statues, because they have a certain Visa as the England crown people. 

If you are not the military domination or the military position title.....

You ship the whole cargo by the sea without the military jet ship, they ship it with the regular sea ship. In the video those, everyone stuffs are in each container. I think its just that 30 luggage put on the military deck for the sun and rain and the cold air to get to it. Not inside of any military commanding places. The King probably takes his stuffs with him if they board the ship that way. Sometimes, these entire things, you imagine you seriously meant it, or you know it, those are your shipment crew. You go through once, you know what's the emergency you ship the entire cargo as you running away from England for the refugee issue, or another planet, or another sphere. They command their military troops. 

I highly doubt why they ever ever ever think.....there is a running away scenario to another planet with their military commanding power. 

They know you know that, your own military? 

They know I have no shame being here for that 10 long years, to stuffs a sandwitch presser, or anything 5 luggage just one me, they usually don't ask me what's in it....they have to go through the border like the rest of them.

This is not those 2 otters how you all Cinderella only 8 people in total, everyone can see?

To occupy ONE East American coastline to face Spain?

  • If that is the location Prince William arrive to NYC.
  • Middleton to VA
  • Harry to southern a bit.
  • Camilla travels with that 2 kids to help that Middleton, in the excuse of the health reason.
  • So King by himself in UK finish all things, whichever, whenever he can, he arrives?

It will never happen, so don't think about it.

When King comes up 2 years ago, he will have a lot of this diplomacy on his own, he relies on any of you? You need his attention? I just tell you to go to sleep, eat better, think better, handle your jobs in front each and every time better. Sleep and rest better, wash or bathing better. Eat healthier, or the vitamin or anything you liking, AFTER you full rested.

I think my TV here saying you all cluster together and how someone else cooked. 

And whom, and which one of you in this 8 supposes to be cooking?

You are all imagining if tooooooo many cluster things, run about, you 8, from NYC to Washington DC, or Maryland, this ME AND NICKY so that near by this one home, helping that Hugh or 3 or 1.....before your father or Prince William has the time....no one cares WE MOVE his furniture, inside his furnishing....what he is up to do with those hammer, or the nail, or the screw driver, and why he dresses like that?

I don't have Nicky's Elsa Blue picture....

Me and Nicky or Kian, that is 2 guys + Hugh, to help in....MINE apartment or he happens to help us, to get the ride, get the washer or dryer me maid, and the food, the talk, the planning, WHY is he LOOKING like that?

How are those 2 twin dr do-little, you both names? Can you enter the US without the drug examination? Or other than that, your smoking ash urn, you know the drugs gets to your brain to becoming a hole, so why keep them?

You guys are all different age? How does Nicky Kian and me buddy together to look like we fit on that one day, he going in and out with the boots, on the heavy construction site?

He is that Keanu Reeves in Lake House - the Artitech

Yesterday I wrote HE, one person with only ONE Nicky, Kian is on the novel.... They 2 move that drawer, or the closet, or his bedding, and if I enter there to washing his washer and dryers, I pay all the expense, ITS MINE detegent, someone just assuming me and Nicky can cover the expense, he knows that....and WHERE are the rest of you all England Upper house? 

I think its ME and NICKY's why we getting an unfurnishing places....HE is helping us?! 

Yesterday whichever I say that story? We can get the furnishing apartment or the house without going through all that, and WE help his places everything he needs there ... I wash the same laundry and make the food on his table.

This reminds me Ryoya does his Kitchen things, before or after he tears them down.....the carbo board on the ground with his boots and heavy winter jacket through the Home Depot style? He copy that nick, or we ends up somewhere really really really cold?

The last time that happened, it will be in APO !!!

He been to America, so he dresses like that?

(I screaming....)

You dress like that in Orillia, Muskoka Home Depot. Its Orillia's is the correct town name. 

The Mission Impossible from 7-11 to a.....High School bathroom, not FRIEND, the Bath die in the novel book (they 6 talk about it), and Bath is my twin sister in Full House, that time I was told in 2015, the Uncle JC....whichever this story only I remembered....
Harry Potter Bathroom was my High school that bathroom, someone ghost looking was the book keeper.

None of that is any substantial points to the current lifestyle living. His mother is a single mom, that means she is home, and where are his sibling?

That entire Family Business cannot just have one kid looks like him....

And he dresses like (a) and (b)

  • One backpack with his wife + best friend.
  • And two, its the home depot the winter big jacket, he is tall.....with the boots, he walks comfertablely? We are not anything in the snow yet? 

Maybe he is very determined to those look....anywhere to sound like the regular people. To furnishing the entire place. Someone goes and help them? Me and Nicky just talking sound like you have a support UK-US alliance, but actually you all fame on the TV, you are on your own....NOT the Ireland singing group the SA or the American SA. Their face fading it out.

You all have a fresher look, or the wealthier family, has to go and make it !!!

You all upper house ladies, or the girls, or the youth girls....you gone to the school yet? Another 10 years you will be beautiful? Something he likes to eat? 


The reason we don't show up, its because he just thinks we look farmiliar ONE blogger along or the movie or the Youtube. We are the genuine people, that's why WE never show up. You all have to convince this guy, he gets in your business network in ENGLAND side, we are his neighbor, when I visiting Westlife. 

Of course I have the food, I have a brother, or a parents here. Its not those you all happy family get together, but they used to be together because I got a brother. I never bind them. I had one nick ex bf. My cooking skill from.......

You need to...

  • Convince that is a table he and his friend, he is secure to eat, or to see, or to rest in his bed....
  • If he continue this South America trip, and why he cannot sleep in his own house.
  • Me and Nicky just sit there and Kian talks, we 3 talk to him. He can say anything that kind.
  • He doesn't even know us.
  • He is your England next world with anyone all around there. Not just by himself, even if by himself, you all need to put him back to your all together been seen HOUSE or the lake house, or the resort, or some property to keep him cage with your business talk, the associating friends, the social circle, the England all world around, if your parents need to pamp him included.
  • His language, his background, his academia, his business or charity included, the Tax or the math, all together. 

I don't care how you make him show up at your own houses...not US showing up in that time together.....your UK is on your UK time schedule. Those are the free period of moving around without the King or Prince William, everyone else needs to figure it out this ONE table of the food correctly.

Not a hassle, not one day we seeing the food for another 30 mins. An assure thing there is a food on the table.


Stand long, and the electric stove will have the oil on your melting make-up, correct. Every cooking long people know that. Too dry the contacts or the fog air on your eye glasses those lens, its from the water steam. 

You make those home food. 

HOME, at home you eating that like a family home. 

The birds say

Those more elaborate meals.

Do you want to order 20 Mc Donald ever in your lifetime to sound like a house party? 10 for him to take home. ! 2 for Kian, 1 for Nicky. The rest I keep it. 

The home tree


oh ~ the Christmas bread


Sorry, earlier my head was dizzy.....now I am fine. (after the family home)

That is the ginger bread house. You can just buy that. 

The vendor's food


To go food?

Do you know how to wash a broccoli and cauli flower and trim the outside, and salt with a bowl down, so everything is under the water with the salt?  That is 2 elements, when you yourself drive to the grocery store, and Kian / Nicky with whomever Shane they.....fix his house.

Can you drive with your GPS? You rental that car from the airport with the GPS?

If you don't stop cooking from the early morning, that is every single hours, they smell to drink a bowl of the soup, or bite something, or hydrate something, none stop. Those things to move is very very very heavy, for the guy's muscle strength, they need to take a shower and go to sleep. Wake up having the table of all food ready, the bread, the veganaise, or the hummus spread, I can just buy from the organic store. Do you know what is the container looks like in America that is called the "Hummus spread"?

The bread with the hummus spread, or the cut easy avocado, some slice tomato, or some real cheese, that is a bread inside their mouth in the early morning to MOVE all that heavy things....its a U-haul?

You can buy from the more expensive store, they prepare? The rapinni salad, the cold and the small portion? 

Or any vegetable you know how to cook, the last thing to put its these cooked or done pasta, when they ready to eat.

Its warm, or not too warm, but they can eat on the table. With the soup.

These small dice things, what would be the small dice things to go in? The dice tomato, the dice broccoli stem, the dice yellow belt pepper?

The different kinds of the tomato soup, the correct tomato paste is one form, the tomato can is another form? Those are the italian cruisine idea, you check your recipe, or you check all that Youtube video?

Its all about the same.

The Home Food (for the vegetarian)

None stop washing, chopping, spray and washing.

Salt and soaking with a dish plate cover heavy, checking checking checking.....

These are the preparation food, you eat a lot healthier to say the simple food. When you go out, you can eat anything more oily, or anything in their flavor. At home, you need to know the combination of the condiment. 

I am not feeling to cook, right now. I am not feeling well. Its my mother to cook, I feel at ease. So I may not be anywhere near anything for the rest of my life.

You all have to get this Home Food done, in your imagination, your notes, your preparation, not your heart skip any beats out of it.

I have to watch the movie

Couples' Retreat.

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