
Your father makes a show, and I make a show in Asia.

Tell me about your brain, Prince William?

You say, or you present, or you posture from that several years ago, might be when your grandmom was alive included.....and one day you don't tell the public, that is not the plan? What plan was that? You are a psycho + the chest pressure on your head all the time all the time, I am asking you to see a doctor, why don't you go and tell him every problem of your physical brain, the sensation, the feel, the entire body feels has to come from the brain.

Give me a definition of the psycho means? You think of right now?

No, not you going out and killing everyone. Its you pick up a knife and cut you in thousand times, that is a psycho in definition means. You want to do that? 

Tell me about Mark. You like him used to, and this music with the photo on? Brian?

Tell me the palace secrets about your father, and you and George? or you mean Me?

Are they going to be the history whenever you feel like, or other people feel like? There is nothing like the movie, but it means I do, or I don't, I moving on my life, all the people passing by, just passing by.....all of them. You want to scream that out loud?

You remember your grandmom, you remember your father.....when you say bye to your palace gate to your friends, and you coming back to pass by your father's office or your grandmom's oiffice. They consent any of your friends, where you get them? You grow up? And now your father is busy, you start to think you will be "one day" the England King, because this scripts 3310 saying something, you could see it. Anna keep doing it, and so many things they put on the map. Its hurting you, or hurting her? But....there is a part on the money or the power. You didn't mean to do on purpose, everyone falls away from me.

You want to read this paragraph with your mouth you can hear your own voice. Record it. You shaking it saying that, or how you sound that to yourself? No one is hacking your phone, so why don't you just voice memo on it, listen that how you feel like?

Several Years Ago

No one seeing you doing that on the newspaper. 

You want to ask them, do they find you look different the several years ago? Coming it down from your tree, right now in 2024?

"Do you always check my news like how many years ago, you remember that? The last 5 years or 3 years? You are my palace staffs, I was wondering you care that much. No, I just want to ask you. Someone says something to me."

"You don't think Mark or any Westlife or some other artists, they talking to each other. What was us the newspaper or they care about us that much. I mean me?"

"And so if I ask you, what do you think of me, you understand what I am asking you, right now?

Is this bothering you the most?

Want to look at the video again, feeling it? 


Whom is this guy at your gate door, he or they ride you home? 

You walking inside those mansion walkway, your father's darken room, all that, when you grew tall, you were thinner. You remember this people's face and name? They look like Mark, Brian, or that Riley? With the eye glasses. Or that is the side by friends, not the straight ahead of the peripheral. 

Your father's darken room......that one.

There is a difference them riding you back to the palace, or you go with Mark in the car to somewhere to eat. Them or Mark is different.

You want Mark take you to see them once again? Not everyone falls away inside your life, that darken your father's room, that ride? They ride you back... you were tall already. You can invite him or them with Mark, to be that meeting room, you and your father there. All sitting down. Mark is just by Mark himself when he feels better. He knows what to do as the Mark in 3310? In front of your father, right.  

You care how Mark handles it, or how your father thoughts about that darken room, or you always remember that......

You need Mark to be able to handle them and you and in front of your father. Its not put up a test, its just everyone them sitting down to eat. Or you prefer that entire Westlife there, with Mark? I think Mark by himself that is sufficient, they must have done that individually. 

He is a celebrity. Mark or Ronan has seen these family occasion.

That day you will find out, he knows how to handle the situation or not. Its just a seeing with your middle school or that is the high school or the college friends? You were with Kate in that separate place, your name was Steve?

You want Ronan goes with Mark too, they 2 together present. You feeling better, its not directly at that middle school, or high school, or its not directly at your father....or directly at Mark, if Ronan is present?

Your mind work like that, so why don't you put an effort in it. Simon does that all the time.

You done once, you see the effect, you may not want to do that anymore, but at least once. You got curious, or you just need this right or wrong sort, before you saying the GoodBYE to the entire England world, you feel that sentimental someone will welcome you when you come back?

You want to put George with his current one buddy friend together. That is the elementary school friend. 2 or 3. Mark feels it, they feeling it, or no one has any thinking anymore, inside your brain, or their brain, what that is? Blurs?

Why is Ronan cannot do the cancer awareness promoting? There is no thumbnail, he won't even find there is a link with his face on it. (I have a bug in front of me)


Why don't you ask him in person, why he saying that? He arrives to know that saying that, that day? Ask him in person. 

Panda eats snack : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TfiPX6N2IC0

You want them to smuggling a bag of anything you prefer to eat. Like a present?

You done once, that is one time goodbye those friend? 

Or this is as long as the facebook don't know, they won't know things? Not thinking the next 5-10 years, and? No one knows, not Mark knows, or you care Ronan cared about it, those TV touching some parts of your past memory? That is not fair what they did to you, and he can help you?

You put that away in your life once, you know what your kids care about, what your father used to care about, you cook better, or what you expect this cooking, you thought about it?


Do they hurt me? Yes, Not yet 28, that video. Its not I care about it, sometimes they putting things like that....its like skin me alive.

Do I tell them about it? Of course not. 

Matrix started, the sex part, it was my entire body skin out of me from inside that year, when I have to talk about it.

Is there a reason?

Hank's and Tina's script in that ....True Love Black and White, about 27, or 28, they were in that sea beach chapel Bell, to date or to hang around before today anything we have go through....the exact scripts content. 

SMCH got married I think 78 or 79 (her 28 or 29), for those Himalayas 2 years walking in India. That is not the correct Visa, you know that.

She used to be like that too. The current Taiwan or UN, or Slovenia that time, everyone has an expectation. She got a lot more familiarity in some works she was doing during that entire 10 years in 90s. 

Her entire magazine....no one reads, other than she says I don't read.

And one day, they telling me that entire 90s disappear the black hair or the blonde hair race for the true love. The entire annihilation, its her personal parts to prefer, or that is the Karma works to the future, the image issue. She says that is not true, or that is none of my business.

I say a several time.

A several 5 Lords reviews saying clear outside, some says, some shows, some airing. We done in 2 years 2018-2020, and these year before you guys, that would be 2 or 3 weeks I give her oral saying to the high tech. Let go.

There is no particular connection, just a reflective of her ENTIRE 40 years works, sound like I was never a part of it. 

The time is still on going, there is you, there is your brother, there is your father, and Camillia all that around, all the people we know its when they show up from the TV - Cinderella.

Then Hugh got married. And this is Kian and Me got married, and Nicky is the best man? I got sick. This far story, there is 1000 people dead in Egyptian that way, I think its the pilgrimage. 

No one talking to her, so no one sees her what is doing.

Go to sleep?! You read that tomorrow. 

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