
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 50 First Dates

I am up I am up, shut up. (🦅 …small volumn …)

To him, that fat minority women will serve him (1) a coffee, plate, food, and stop him (2) reading novel, curling hair beautiful girls. The guy’s perspective, I think. 

Anything in UK, just fence you all up, together …it could be the date, it could be the food, it could be the neighbor, whichever these movies all mean something to you. The guy and the girls, you all grew up that environment with a giant family member and the kids all grew up it means you, like your father on his age bracket all around. So close that ball room door, you all go to talk between you yourself. 

( Still have 55 mins on the movie…)

The alertness, she reacts on the things near her. Whatever that is.

She is a blonde girl curls and what is she doing in that kinds of the restaurant? That’s not Chinese. You all in UK or US is safe, any other reason you won’t be in UK or US white guy’s world ?

Panda and a yellow trolly cart. 


They are saying a lot about this cooking a lot.


My mouth gum is swelling. Rinse rinse rinse …I did so much dental works at home, I will tell you, being home is a little bit different. The dental floss, the tooth paste, he doesn’t use the tooth paste, he uses the soap. That is why ….I tell you, the movie: Intern, did I ?

(When you found out, you have to do those SMCH jobs, you ever get mad ?)

No, of course not. It’s a regent.

(All these video or the review, you say this morning those posts.)

I check if the humanity has the danger in front of them, no. It’s all intellectually human all around, not those. And it’s the character and the legal world all around. 

(Isn’t you mad she won’t do one thing right ?)

Well, you know you seeing these leadership in the movies means to you the white world, Will. No matter what happened, you had that took parts as you grew up as a white class taller guy’s all world. I coming back here, I say it very clearly, she is a Vietsnese. I lock you all in the UK zone, anything else you don’t have to worry about it. You are not consciously aware of something towards that, you don’t even know, so …me is different. She meadowing this Taiwan gambling UK, tell me anyone knows the Vietnam war? But she stays 15 years education in flying in and out Taiwan lands you would think as I grew up, she is the part of land. I am not sure she knew Taipei, they live in the words in the tent for ten 15 years until she found those comfer in America or Europe. The look, the talk, but that’s after 50 years old, I check per year. A lot of this…I do that myself, I check. They ask me, we talk. 

(These age matter?)

She gone to UN when Kryon was there, that is 45 years on. He is not part of Olaf or Flower Thousand Bone, most time no one asked me this things. No, I wire that since the data in 2014, it’s on the Google+.

(Kryon is not on the Flower Thousand Bone, is that …why UN and you met her or them in 2007. That’s 57. Like 60, nick was 61/60. )

(Is that our fault ?)

Uhm? She is a nun.

(Why those UN matters?)

She looks like 35 years old or 20 years old in a very particular outfit, the Ghosty Chinese with a hat on the video. 45-46 those years.

(Like Lalla those?)

She is a very short Vietsnese, the outside precepts time was the beginning of the new ambitions before the year 2000. She doesn’t like the American’s attitude or she got a lot of troubles that Florida land she brings the retreat bus in. So she went to Hungary.

(Not us here UK?)

You guys have a bigger more civilized center, as the European gather. I think. 

(And she gone to that Cinderella Menton, you never talk about it, not even to us. )

I rules the universe, not she ever will be. You guys are just kids. The upper genuine white world. You guards will spend more time on those.

(What about us here? Right now all that?)

You sleep, you eat, you rest, you put up a better language going outside, you don’t built your personal hygienic in one day, even to your kids or near by. You start more coherent to your life, to your health. Your hydration statues, your vitamin, your 4 warmth nerves ending torsal, you put more efforts with your father after, you feel good about yourself. Your entire family, it means to between you guys, all these.

(How do we do that ?)

You rest and be better at your sleeping mode day or night.

(I mean do what you do ?)

Ronan does those, not even your father but I am sure your father is somewhere role modeling.

(Why did you, or how you two met?)

That will be so long ago when the internet starting these Netscape. That time I have an IBM would be the coolest technology if my classmate seeing me or my landlord, the 56 K. Steve Jobs and Bills in D 8 those conference talk about in the 80s or 70s other than Steve Jobs biography, so this kinda of language people they are the beginning the Valley, then me is the beginning of DNA with Kryon next by to the future. 

“This so cool ..”

Because in that Westlife video, the world of our own. It’s probably the only documentary someone in the 21th century, you say in AD 3000, AD10,000. Kryon is the beginning of the internet, I found him and I met him in 10 years. I talk to him in person twice.  Right now, all of these are not the conversation, what’s the beginning of the Nescape 4.0 to how Ella Enchanted run to UB Flash pages, so you have a UB micro those VPN, right on your grandmom that last profile, per initial word, ouvpn….the last profile after “the kid”.  

(And no one knows what that means?)

Westlife didn’t have that beginning part, I was the beginning part, Tamang or Lee would be so much later on. There was a guy invented the laser medical equipment patent to this Bible Codes. That’s a very big big deal for some reason, but those early internet before the Google, you almost say …it’s by random you have a story and most people can only see 20 years after Westlife Mark knod the head. Some other you say the financial idea, but like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates D8, they were 80s, youngsters …to the years AD 3000 or AD 10,000, you say its when they both were still living in our contemporary time. That entire Ella Enchanted, or Westlife More Than Words, I met Isaiah, that’s the Bible name in the chemistry class. Kian playing the guitar.

(You tell Westlife?)


(And this would be the Flower Thousand Bone)

Probably all the movie is no good, but …another side the margin column has to re-write that entire system data. I give to them in 2021 or 2022.

Next movie: 13 Going To 30.

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