
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 13 Going to 30

Jennifer and Michael Vartan, that’s Ben Afflix, Good Will Hunting? Will…your front door, your father darken room, that crowd.

My mother says, this young girls looks like her daughter. 

(Do they know you put that on the back burner looking at us?)

No, they American catch up fast. They know that stuffs. I say Kryon was the Harry Potter principle and Olaf, 2014. They will mostly probably a lot more this I learn the English from them, all of them, whichever this internet free everyone was on or not on, UB those facebook starting…she was the language those human 2012. He will be those 1987 Harmonic Convergence language human.

(Anyone listening to that stuffs? They are not the politician, they are psychic ? Isn’t that …)

Just funny, someone don’t speak in English, PCAT was 97, utter the 1987 harmonic convergence …even Gregg Braden was so much younger, a lot of people die already. Just funny, someone English comprehensive was the New Age and up to 2012. Never that 1987 harmonic convergence.

(Is that dangerous?)

They probably I am guessing …some of them insert some material from the American allows those material staying there to 2012.

(The classify)

Not my look learning in English, suppose to the New Age. The white Buffalo Women legand was smoking weed? 


Right.  This was her 1993, UN

(2 years difference, Kryon ?)

She got in troubles I think she and them in the airport dressing like that.

(His name is Lee Carrol, you ever talked to Lee?)

Never ever, that’s a psychi !!

It would be like the war, I hanging on Hank that’s behind property the chemistry pipe line a deep grove (the ice stair scene)

(And Kryon would be …)

Right now most people don’t know about 2012, or 2000, or 1997, 1998. So I hang on an Olaf all that has to re-do the video, because these materials in the future this 1000 years, they keep re-done those animations video. The military does those things, or the chemistry factory them. You don’t usually has a girl hanging on a grove and Olaf cannot be seen. It’s not visible to most people.

(And he knows what he talks about it?)

Haha …:)

(You don’t want to talk about it?)


(If any of them thar time UB gets near …)

AD 10,000 those…the time will not stop.

( He doesn’t look like Olaf, is that legal I ask you that …their claim ?)

I can choose not to answer you in the public but this is harmless.  The traveling was me, the location hanging was me, the geographic all store was me saying, that’s …more the human perception when the Judge asked me.

(And the judge would?)

Be honest all this movie, since 1928 it’s a lot more everyone subjective saying what that is.

(It’s the public thinks what you say?)

They can guess I am busy.

(If they are all subjective, is that a claim on the legal format ?)

It’s not a very smart argument but they understand they try to get something. They may not know there was a movie like Frozen but they get to know. From their kids and near by …the kids.

You can do those religion future 500 years, AD 1700, 2300, or 4000 someone be found, its the same wall. 

(And they would find?)

They cannot move these walls.

(And this movie best says would be…)

The geographic location, things people can see or the photo they documents. Those things are real.

(And this SMCH one day ?)

For someone small Vietsnese shorty none English Pacific Islander. That kinda of look, that kind of New Age, that kinda of voice, “Its so cool !”

(It’s New Age cool?)

The trending in the meditation and some healing aspect the mind stress relief.

(You don’t believe that stuffs?)

I am, just …how much Prana that is.

(She does Prana talks?)

Not intended the more tradition yogi world.

( Her outfit fakes, ascetic ?)

Just 1000% lazy way, as long as….she relax, I am more relax of it. She doesn’t care, for sure I don’t care one dusty. 

(If I do what you say this morning…)

George +2 his friend and his sister. It will mean to you and mean to him in the future.

(The heart beat, you mean my middle school and high school, my father darken room?)

If you remember of it, you were a lot younger. 1 guy 1 girl. His friend.

(We just talk in front of my dad?)

No, he doesn’t need to there.  In the future, right now you will say “Not that stuffs.”, in the future, “For sure, never that stuffs” to your own son. 

Why I am coughing so badly to vomit twice ? I take my medicine, just ate….Kail ?

Next movie: Music & Lyrics

(Is the New Age popular ?)


Kryon is 80 this year, this movie the first meeting “Sofie Fischer” telling a story.

(Do you care about this sequence ?)


(So you keep insists that name on her SMCH black hair those  you don’t feel too rude in front of…)

My world ought to be? To the entire 90s annihilation …right. Taiwan is my land, they live with that name stare at it like a mantra.

(You are not actually literally ….)

Yes, I am. 

(Isn’t that criminal, that’s in millions ?)

She watches her own leisure time movies, what do we believe traditionally 3 worlds in uplifting evidence in magic ?

(I won’t say I believe that.)

Your guards will handle it, don’t worry about it.

(How did she gonna do that ?)

I didn’t even think about it !!

(What exactly ?)

The Flower Thousand Bones, Eben’s story only 1 and half. She told everyone that story the only true story is her Master 1, she is half. But she meant she is the 1, the rest are half. Because it’s the millions them.

(Thats not …)

The TV? I say just the 90s.

(Why the 90s so badly ?)

She was an advocate to the human refugee right and join to UN, and change her appearance and outfit to be inspect and search the full body in the airport. 

( You mean the entire Asian ? )

The main Ashram is where the main poetry of all books to her past 78, 79…to Real Love parts of those interviews cannot be removed.

(She wants to remove her marriage parts?)

I read it, all the fighting with that German doctor ! How she was, how he is. It’s in the Loving Hut.

(Most people don’t read her stuffs ?)

In the Vietsnese language.

(Why doesn’t she remove them now?)

She really gonna kill people after that ?

(Do you mean the human right UN, or her marriage ?)

The 90s are all over thr magazine.

(The paper ?)

It was electronic changed, not to print anymore, just reading in the center. 

(But they kept it in the main Asharam.)

Don’t worry about it. I am the ABC religion. When she dies, I ensure it’s Every Eternity of It.

(Not now?)

It makes no difference…her free mind free will free soul roaming, free…life. Free breathing air, free food, free camera light, free free free… the careless human. When the God comes like a hawk, there is every saying of it.

(Did she mean …)

Hand writing per word I say …those human doing that, so hard working. Worshiping the divine. 

(She doesn’t write ?)

Free divine, free divinity ! Free the one, Vola, high heel kicked, my sole feet so soar, the couch hit on the head board harden surface…

(Is that anyone’s fault ?)

She is too shorty, short.

(Is that counts as the karma?)

It’s more of the sunshine too bright on the eyes. 

(That’s not the karma?)

Just tight the hand on the head board, walking 2 steps to the fat ass me chair, 2 steps to the bathroom washing the 100 times water, bathing, holding the narrow wall, back to the bed, hold on the head board coff, it’s not the real hand coff, just get up, 2 steps repeated the chair. The weight just don’t move on the knee. Next year I lose weight or now. Just don’t pressure the joints, or the feet hygienic …watch the floor.

(Is that the karma ?)

It’s the leadership that …the careless Joann. A lot of women are careless, too shorty or some height to swing on the guys, ever met them your jaws lines? The emotion surge to the nose, playing a fool, feeling self cute exactly like the comic book. Someone touch the head hair like 3 years old toddlers. And a comic book which pages? A content smile like Lalla.

Repeat the video, high heel kick, falls to the couch with a phone.

Where the head lands ? The hat like Lalla? It’s La la land. Keep dancing like the heel you see, or those door frames 4 girls you look inside you see it, right in front of your eyes. You never seen that ? Have you made a door frames? Those …why it’s a frame ? Not too bright light. 

(The leadership or the spiritual doctrine because I don’t know those.)

It’s how much you cared once you die …to the life review. 

(If she is happy she does that ? The movie, or the comic book?)

Interesting comics books. 

(Is that life review everyone knew …you sit where you are, she be there she is. And what each other knows ?)

Don’t worry about it. 

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