
My neighbor is interior design (loud)

You sleep on 2 or 3 days, don't worry about it.  I was looking at these writing, you are stressful over the hotel accommodation? You mean 遠企 or Hyatt north side those?

No, you think about it correctly, are you gonna use that PC to read the news, and doing your company works, just 2 days will get your mind off anything you put anywhere. With a MS Word, all that. Right now, you put those order in and get those food in the container, so today the whole day or even by tomorrow, you have enough indoor. The only thing you run its by the noon time, you and Olivia go to wait 3 hours on your PC. Its a long time....When they get there, you decide if you go to that 星據點 (復興北路) to shop anything the dollar store similar bigger 5 or 6 isles stores. Any kind of the things. (Yes, near that Breeze, where you all ate the hot pot?)

Meaning this afternoon your schedule is set. You doing nothing but that PC. 3 hours to install all that.+ that taxi going back and forth - back at your 3C building 光華商場

You go across that door (cross the smaller traffic light = at the Karaoke that side ), you call the taxi from left to right (in front of you its that store you facing, you wave, that direction to go back to 3C)

So when you get back home tonight, you can just take a shower, go to sleep, or anything in your container you put in there. You leave your air-con on. If Olivia needs to get back, you tell her to get on a taxi and hop back. When you exit that building, that door, near the bus?

That is the direction, you can go there get the taxi the same direction like you see that bus. You remember that bus. You just tell him to get to the amazing road turn right to Shangri La

你走復興北路左轉 101 方向信義路,現在那邊是單一方向往 101. 一樣右轉到敦化南路的快車道,我們要左轉遠企到底 !

You go to 復興北路 left turn to 101 direction that 信義路 (588), now that is one single direction to go to 101. The same right turn, to 敦化南路 fast lane, we want to go to the left side Shangri La, all the way the end.

You use the second instruction better, otherwise that is you hate that circle again. 

If right now, you pass the time to get your breakfast those...you just relax til 2 oclock, and you call that guy on the email, you say, you 2 gonna pass by to pay, by 5 oclock, can you get that done? If you cannot get it done, tomorrow around 1 you can get those done? Your typhoon its at 6 or 8 oclock at night? Tomorrow night.

23 -26th

Tomorrow night. Do you see the sun disappear, too hot here.

Okay just your laptop

Then tomorrow morning, if today you decide you moving up, you reserved tonight when you two make a decision. Tomorrow morning, you get those boxes of your food. You 2 carried it back to the hotel, the check out time is 12:00, the taxi in the hotel 10 mins you are there. The typhoon was at night.

You lock in for 3 days there.

Yeah, you can just stay there for 3 days. Right, you asking if they over there have the food? I never checked it. Probably they have those Family Mart food, those. The school district they have those food. ( if this morning you got your whole day staying in the room box fill-up food)

Right, you mean me and my mother with you two? No, they got the personal staffs, you 2 suppose to be in that building with them, don't move. Stay near by where they can see you two, inside the room.

If one Shane, we are not in a hurry, but my mother can go to the phone company, She knows what that was a phone line (in-line to the US)

I go to that Camilla cross that 燦坤 I got Shane a phone, and 10 USB and some other things in there, the keyboard or the speaker phone.

And then we go to the 光華商場 3C to get him a PC or laptop and install time again its in 3 hours. But this is Taipei, everyone running from 9-5 all the time.

I take him to Ikea that plastic clinic (the same here, the Exit 2, near the police station. They are the same), but that mall next by are all the bagel and IKea, the frozen food session and his plates and dishes to buy. 

The whole day me and him runs. He stays next by, I go forth to talk on the counter, he listens there.

No, Hugh, we live here. That's why. Shane I put him near by, when my resources are here. I do the painting and the floor, put the facet correct. Its just a taxi going all around. He doesn't know on the first day. Westlife, no. They go to ...where he goes with them, right.

No, I didn't ask the last time. 

Is this about your 20 bubble tea? You don't eat Square those restaurant food? They are at the south that road. My uncle/ aunt (Irene) they were there, too loud. The brown line, to go to the zoo in the end.

I think you care about your diet, those are the green veggie to cook and boil and washed....and some soup, or anything you do with your juicing included. 

No, Shane goes with them in the North side.

He comes home and take a shower, drink those pork chop or with the bones things to stew stew stew stew + the white radish + the carrots + ginger + 冬瓜

The warm soup, the bed to lay down and sleep, and shower. He already knows what kinds of the food he wants to eat by that time. 

Yeah, he can eat all those meat too. He can eat with them. 

We have those 3 layers with the soup thermal lunch box. 

He brings one for Nicky or Mark ?!

The soup container, bigger than this

The big thermal bottle.

I have my news and TV.

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