
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Siren ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

(The sea siren or the land siren) tomorrow night 海上警報 (陸上警報) 颱風明天 23 號 晚上

You know why the typhoon land? They are strengthen.

22-25 they have Taipei mayor drill ( those defense practice )

The high speed train, the Taipei regular train. (North south, south North)

No, you can go this noon time. The typhoon is tomorrow night siren on, when the siren on, you have an hour before they land. No, you can still use the taxi back and forth, you seeing the giant rain? NO!

You seeing the raining, you start to run back, you have one hour whenever that siren set up. That is tomorrow night. (Today is 22nd on my phone). 

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