
🍵🍲 I am so busy...I don't even know all these MV, right...I saw it, okay. 🍵🍲

You have everything indoor? The bubble tea usually, you call that specific shop, 20 of them + 1 here, which one you drinking them? So you calling in and order that, and you taxi arrives, and you pick up 2 bags each, you have you and Olivia, and that can be 4 cups a holder, total I think 16 cups.

hmm...no, you put on the floor next by, Olivia sits in front, she gives you those on your next by those seat you hold it. Your left hand holds on the leather seat, below, that is on the ground. You tell Olivia, gives you all those in her carried. She can hold 4 cups.

Don't worry about it. You doing that often, you will know how to do all that, everywhere.

五桐號 通化旗艦店

Diagonal is the Thai Bubble tea (a smaller bubble, they are all chewy), its a small intersection no traffic light. I think the smaller Waston is next by. (cross)

Mark that song

Shane - Back to You

Right, you want all the bubble tea, you looking at it, when you know how to call, you go down stair to tell the receptionalist calling for you, every menu every single day, that street the taxi can go in, and park there 2 mins, you pay and get out. 

It was not the 3 traffic light, sorry...so the short cut, well.....you decide if you go there.

Right, the one next by Thai, that is..... finish building, I can see it now. That street is where the post office going in. That is a brand new, right. You know how to use a Google map? 

The shortcut would be that road, going back to the hotel its the Thai bubble tea that direction. All the way the end.....til you see the normal road (a vacant big parking lot on your left, keep going), then that road turn right a little bit, immediately turn left, a small tiny road, go straight, that is your Hotel.

You want to imagine that....but I don't know if the taxi goes in this road, you might have to just get to the post office there and cross the street and get the taxi back. Straight ahead.

Shane manages all those 4 guys all his life, right. His agent or their agent's phone number, I bet.

I only just manage this one mother of mine, how to walk out of that Taipei Maze and everywhere she can find a seat to sit down, and go to the short cut elevator, so we walking already arrive the next metro train "stop and open the door", we arrived, that exit. -  All her ice cream postico bag, that big giant bag. 

No, Square is not from here. No.

Me and my mother, the 2 people how to walk out of that Taipei underground maze. You know some of that already. I had. I took her from the above ground too. SMCH has an office, not hers....their someone office is near that area next block of that traffic you cross  (Your Buddhism stream cross, that above the ground? right, next block), they put her giant face on that building, it has 3 small vegetarian vendor shop -its a not very good in-store to eat, its those local eats. Her disciples those take-out or eat, but they don't go there. One time a giant roaches show up in front of me, in front of us, I don't think we went back. 

These area is called the front Taipei Station. The behind, those are chaos, so I don't go and venture those.  No, you stay indoor underground, you are fine. They probably have some shops, the school kids go there, right. 

No, I let her sit. She doesn't look like but she wears those sandal. 

My hands hold these, you buy a case.

Its heavy. Its the room temperature, they are what we called them, "The aluminum package drinks", some for the kids idea, some for the adults. Its for everyone. No, they are not the pop. They are the chocolate tea or the milk, the mix idea of something chocolate flavored. 

In the party, you bring that to everyone. 

No, let's say me finding where they sell those brown bags, I am not sure. The American lunch bag those brown bags. I go to 全聯 and Costco. I put those things inside the brown bags and hand it to Shane's near by like his agent, just they 4 agent, that is 9 people + Shane.

10 drinks in the hands, 10 bottle water, to 10 people.

A brown bag inside : The traveler's tissue box, the cheese cracker, a baby wet towel ( a tissue ), a seaweed snack (salty), those package you got to re-sort.  They look inside, you hand them each. That will be the idea. They are all the dry goods. 

But that is per person hold a brown bag when they check in + a drink. 

(No, not the concert, no.)

Me and my mother does those things, I think.

Its in Mia C Bon. The seaweed, but they are giant. Its not a sheet, its a big width plaque, they are new package of that in per box. Its a box when you tear that open, so when I or my mother carried home, that is the whole giant width plaque things.

I never bought a snack, I don't know what else they got. 

You hold a giant pillow on the road walking, that kind. 10 boxes (the small boxes stack it up)

Mia C Bon is too far away from you. Its a basement, I think you go to 全聯

Their left the first isle or the second on the meat looking side, that is the pasta in the end, but if you go the opposite, forward, that is the European chocolate. It will be your first or the second front isle when you pass by all those fruits stand, the most left. The most right near the veggie freezer, that will be all the cereal. You can get from the City Super.

They have the water too, on the back isle the right ending isle (not the freezer side) turn around from the very end, the bottom shelf, your height, you have to come down all the way. At the floor. That freezer ending is the sour creme, or the creme cheese. I don't really know what's the difference. The sour creme is the dipping, maybe that branding is the creme cheese. It looks like a philidelphia, with a logo, something diary. No I never ate it. We have an Australia cheese, but those are per slice, you want to get? That is 10 slice (in the plastic wrap) in one bigger plastic wraps. For the kids, when we grew up, we used to eat one slice like that. Yellow looking. 

芝司樂 photo

You can just put that on the cup anything pasta, and baked it 15 mins, they are colored right. (The instant noodles) + the Chinese green onion you grew indoor.

6 years ago, I have eaten that. I don't really eat my kid's time food anymore. That is for the kids.

You want to go to nap, I want to go and wash my hair ~~~~

You getting those long chopsticks, to do what?

Frying?  I have never seen that until I go to America. Tina gets those frying machine in NYC. You doing a whole week frying stuffs in it, like those ASMR, one time, and you can use some of those oil to marinate those darken tofu skin. (Night market, the morning market, you have to turn left going in a bit, on the way bamboo on the ground, its a booth)

That is eating with the white rice and some seaweed. (shredded seaweed + some shrimp, or veggie or sesame seed)  They are called 三島香鬆 or you eat it with the tuna can. 

I can eat it with the congee. 

The night market (morning time), they have those raw peanut, some people cooked the peanuts very soften watery, so those tofu cube looking, small pieces with those oil is very very marinated. You put in those oil like 3 hours or the next morning. You drain out the oil, you just put on the hot pan, no, it won't splash, its brown done. You cut them a bit bigger than the normal. Not dice. You can bite on it.

Its a small tiny dishes by itself + the white rice.+ the mango, some Japanese beans. On one tray, you eat that much? that is 3 dishes with 1 rice.

You frying the shrimp, right.

Shane ~~~ eating so many kinds of the things

Then....we figure it out. 

There are a lot of those small tiny things you can find...in the can. I cannot tell you, then Shane eating alone? A lot of people says "That's fat." - You Hugh coming here to eating alone to get fat? 

At home eat light!!

When Shane is here including that Nicky, if they passing it by, they will see a lot of the food, not as much as urgent to put something in the mouth and they re-purchased in Ireland when they go home. So I package their luggage, their first immediate meal when they get home, they can reach something to eat. Shane.

Are you coming here to go to Japan, to ....one day get fat?

Meaning eating anything you ever wanted? I haven't talked to Shane~~~ Frank says. So you are safe, you can tell me? These few days, my head...I keep washing my hair, glue the floor too many hair, so I need to put the vitamin in. If my hair easy to break. Normally it doesn't.

No, the vitamin is they say...right.

You like the thin pizza?

Why don't you stop cooking, and go to eat?

my neighbor renovating......their walls.

Right, here are near, .....I order with the phone and I pick up and that is where I get a taxi to W or Hyatt where Westlife might be anywhere northern there. 6 boxes. + 8 Bubble Tea, that is 2 base x4 = 8 bubble tea. The night market has all kinds of the stuffs ~~!! The Twin, the UFO 車輪餅, they have the dumpling water boiled or the frozen. (Their hand made)

No, at the beginning, I don't go to the end. The very beginning.  They don't need to eat the pizza hut, because these are the oven baked and they are the thin slice. 


No, those are the sweet donut bread soft inside. You get the twin, its a solid bread, no sugar on it.


I heard Shane screaming, maybe they are not allowed to eat any of this.....台南 are known to go to eat the night market near one of those 成大 university. 

North than their first concert. They probably have those fried ice cream (its a bread outside)


Its a noodle house (tilted sounding, the different words, jealous in the opposite direction)

Its the green, not the red. 

This is where you want to order? The first small traffic light intersection. Its right there. It is a real store behind, not those UFO 車輪餅 small vendor, they open or they don't open those. They open all the time.

I have never really eat in the Night Market all my life, to tell you the Truth. I have never seen it in my life other than my mother bought it back. Across that, its the vegetarian Stingy Tofu, they also have those small dishes food ( in the fridge), its a clear looking Asian lady with her husband to help out.

It would be, " I have never seen it in my life ", maybe that is the point. A certain thing, or the words to order the outside food. Too greasy, that's why. Home....my mother in Taipei, well....Square they eating those outside home all the time. Tina....probably the restaurant the friends treat her. The night market these, I am not sure.

Its meat in it, you know that? The oil, with the hot oil, meaning very spicy? My father's entire last name, how they die....because of all that, same to Tina all that.

The meat, greasy, with the hot oil floating on the soup = greasy. That is a red and black dining ware. I have never seen those. The across that vegetarian my mother gone to, she took me, I know how to order that. 

I ate those UFO 車輪餅 + the Twin, not that often, or even if I have the money, maybe that Italian thin pizza, the box, I know what that is. The paper box. I left to go to the US. I make my own dumpling. I have never seen the meat in there, all my life.

Have I ever ate the Pizza Hut in Taipei? 

The children time, maybe that was from the Domino. Yes, I did eat when my mother ordered. I have never really ordered the food for my own eating in Taipei. My mother usually done all that, I return here, but I never left the school wall to go "eating"????? You mean the school time those? The volleyball team I did. But that was the vegetarian boiling noodles stuffs. The tomato soup noodles those, no, not spicy, ...these red. Its the tomato broth, not the sauce. I have never seen....a lot of the things.

You have a thing you supposed to be eating? Your skin care looks like you care about it?

They have 3 stingy tofu (that, the small bookstore front, and a store light beaming sight down down your height, when you starting to see the real store to eat, that one, the left side)

With the kimchi, those I know. The fried sweet potato, those are the vegan, too. Your Tiramisu sometimes that guy coming out, speaking in English. But I don't eat those things.

The left side has a crepe, they put light butter, or something looks like yellow things a thin touch, or the chocolate. The right side has a banana Thai thin pancake, I think that is a vegan. I know what that is. (Much inside, right now you walking there, nothing coming out yet)

I will personally tell you, I don't think I eat the dumpling that much, the UB time. The ravioli. My mother made, yes. I have never seen things outside, the outside dumpling, no. 

When Shane gets here, I will ask him, 3 weeks he lives on the soup, he....eats those thin pizza with it + those green veggie, and the vegan coconut those stew curry, some of those very tasty small dishes in front of him.

I just tell him his palate might change, but he stays on those whatever he sees outside he wants to eat, he goes and take some. But in 3 weeks, he might change that taste bug. The soup....I think its very dilute the palate and very quickly too.

You thinking about your dinner now? 

The typhoon is tomorrow night, you can walk around 2 hours. You like the Family Mart, everything in it? There is a SUPER spicy instant noodles. No, just that one. 

We have a tempa in some vegetarian shop store. 

I think you like that Thai restaurant or the thin pizza that or even that catering vegetarian for the Party menu right outside, next by it, that is their pizza "slice" competition. Toward the night market that direction.

You can try everything in that freezer, right next by. 

I buy from that 全聯 their freezer, they have all different kinds of the branding including Mia C Bon, the dumpling in competition. I like the crab strips, I seen that in the vegetaiian children's time.

The hot pot.

Those freezer's side is geared toward the hot pot.

I seen it, I know the branding. I can buy, I just tell Westlife, eating all that down. I cannot eat all that.

You saw the can food? That is cold, you cannot microwave that, NO! That is a metal, you take the things out on a plate, then you can microwave that.

I boiled that entire freezer inside things for Westlife, I am not sure....they know what is the definition in boiling, really. I display on the plate.

The sauce I have to find it, to know its the spicy, or the salty, or any kind. 

+ Some light boiled for the veggie. The light boiled means. 

You hungry, and why don't you eat?

Next- you went to karake ? Eating there?

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