
Brunch yet?

The breakfast after, its the lunch. I heard its fat....you all weight. Here the city food will be expensive. You can buy the bread, of sushi to go, your bag. You have this morning arrived? 

(I just woke up, I went to some darkness cold place, so you have all these saying? I scream I forget it.....I am still shaking I think. )

Its a jetleg, vomiting.

Too long distance, you all ordering the white rice or the fried rice, immediately just swallow it.

The restaurant has the fried rice. You....order the white rice. Sorry,.....uh, we....aren't those American Chinese restaurant, fast take-out those oily world. You seeing any cafeteria, except those dishes, you go to the white rice. Sometimes you have to check if there are the fly in there, too hot !!! That is why.

No, not those luxury decorative Western food place. No. 

The white rice 白飯

Can you see typhoon "growing" out of the water surface next by us.

Here. It has never never never never happened ! Growing out of the water surface....

Movie: Island is on.

They escape out of the institution cage places. They are going to... the twin guy?  I cannot watch the news, right? or fallen sleep. Its near Middleton, or some girls there (Hugh is the spokesman) I think....he leads. Olivia has the doubt or Meghan has the doubts.

The guards need me to stay awake....

He is from Scotland, Kian?!!!

He is on. The food, the car, the washing machine?  The hospital? The living quarter?

No, you don't get off the Taipei District (the movie ends)

There is a word in it, the ending credits song, in the middle of bigger font: Asylum.

The right side.....King.

Next movie:  Mission Impossible - the Fallout.

All these movies is not after this Tom Cruise when he was 30+, and that would be the Mission Impossible 1 in 1996, not Far And Away, the old cloth with Nicole Kidman (the witch) that movie 1992, imagine what I really look like without the teeth fix. And the Mission Impossible 2 in the year 2000?

1992 Far & Away

1996  Mission Impossible 1 - me

2000  Mission Impossible 2 - Zawanna 

He has to put an eye glasses on him.

Maybe they do that on purpose, that guy's name is Luther. Its Uranium, but he says....

The money is not there, that 2 standing there, to determine they buy 3 uranium. Is that movie says they were selling?  Plutonium core !! oh Wow ~~

Can I ask you a question when I used to be just arrive to America, they taught me, or I heard this Bible words Luthor was the devil. But one day I start to learn in Movie, I have to google this word, that is the Light? My mother shock me. Psychi, do you guys know you all doing this on purpose, it hurts me vicinity very badly. She says, "There is no more tissue paper." Do you check their per line what she says and down stairs they hurting me badly !!!!!!

You putting this disgusting things on my Youtube, you all want to go and look at it?

Its knocking at our wall.

The tube on the balcony has to re-purchased the water pipe to the facet, the connector right below before the water coming it out. Then the washing machine the base broke, and leaking, so now this afternoon the store will ship it here. My mother has to shut off the air-con, so my TV is shut too.  She went to nap. You telling her to buy the washing machine? !!!! Or this happens naturally? 

Can you all call your parents? For the better and for worse?

That is a DC doctor. I am not there, I don't need to be there. How many times I saying that. No, because....I already told you. No ~~~~ because they are just like you, they are taken my stuffs ~~~~~

You like the blogger new font !?

No -- because they are just like you, they are taken my stuffs. I am not the real lawyer, to say inside, they have a different kinds of the lawyers, meaning a prosecution period = that is their suitcase. You can just ask your American President, they are the entire congressman, for the people, by the people, of the people = all = the lawyers, the people's representative, the governors, only the lawyers can becoming like them.  No, they don't process those. The law knowledges, the law information. You elect them its for the laws common sense to....proceed a UB class even. Your American President supposes to seeing you all included, so when they lecture you a class, they doing that as an American Presidents + the lawyer professor, or the Congressman they used to represent as the lawyers. I don't know how to re-phrase this.

The law..... 執法者      The movie: Heroic Cops, or Prism Breakers.


執法人員是指執行法律的公共部門雇員、國家機關和政府的公務員。 一般來說,警察、城管、海關人員、特別探員、邊境巡邏員、執達吏、治安官、獄警、校園警察等都屬於執法人員。 保安員或警衛員通常不是執法人員,除非他們被授予執行特定法律的權力。

I think... (paper)    The president lectures you a law class, but it might be you all begging him to do so. Anything I ever said, supposed to be him coming out to say. Every American Presidents, it must be the X Man - Future and the Past bothers them.

What is after the prosecution period of time? They get the money, so I have the money?!

One, is that one case? NO!

That is why that is an investigation or the prosecution period of time, but....these process is not like a regular civilian ideas when those Party involved are solely the civilian one side to another civilian. This is the prosecutor lawyers to the government. You have...no middle person to say someone beating up each other those at the court room, or the behind, or the arbitrary or dining out. There is none.

Is the arbitrary also a judge or the lawyers? Yes, not for us these cases. You guys going to the arbitrary thought ideas if its your parents to your parents sibling in the past. They have the court room experience. These....none of that is my court room experience.

Is that the police doing that? NO!

Do you hire those lawyers doing that? No !

Why they doing that? They make the money on their own.

So its not your money? NO!

But this is your case? No, they pick and choose, they are the lawyers. 

They make the money, so those they pick and choose? Correct.

They are not in the DC? No. They are....200 countries, today I need to change that from 194 countries (inside the UN), something about the birds the first thing I woke up in the morning. My last channel the last video Bio 200 - The Evolutionary Biology. 

When I stop, I have a lot more clear thinking, + I cannot do anything, they say stop, I stop. Its my free will, but that doesn't mean they the Earth them want to know why I stop, so they go and find out. Regardless, these time, I explain to you all UB so I see something a lot more my own vocabulary.

When this year or next year things be more settle, and I be more calm down to write. I have a better thought how to re-write, or re-process, collaborating again with them. I already file so many. The writing style or the more recent found, or writing....thoughts sequence, the writing style in the idea shape and the forms.

Can I re-changed that? Yes.

Because you didn't really file? Correct.

And the lawyers re-file? No, I am not going to go back and change.

The interface I got is.....the most rusty like the Google blogger server, the public or anywhere lawyers on vocation is seeing the same thing. The most ....rusty forms of all looking with all of these.

Is this you all moving yourself to the DC? Waiting here?

Tom Cruise and Harris are not the classmate those kinds?

Cake...this month still? My news here in Chinese.

Hugh and Olivia is not on their own, I see them at the North sides supposed to be near those senior whom, Hugh cannot talk, but Olivia or Meghan won't be talking. Unless they look alike. Olivia is a blonde, right? They both waving the paper, not the fan. 


小學生: elementary school students.

Handy right?  oh ~ they sell in 1000.

You can...get your own jpeg image file, the very below terms and conditions session in Chinese. Taipei does nothing but the printing..... oh ~ your election is pass, or starting again in Sep? oh ~ just 1 week processing time. 

Hugh, you want to buy those 2018, very sleek looking, a different image you ask them? You keep 10, Olivia keeps 10, you buy just 50 fans, so you give out 30. This summer is going to get this heat until Oct, the air-conditioning, if you all staying outside or walking around other than Breeze, just that one Ikea near by.

No, just you got it for your family use, when they get here. 

DC Foot doctor, still.

Not the animals talk. Not the Star Trek talks.  Not Ella Enchanted talk, not the music talk, not the movie talk, not the classify talks. All these image here on my youtube, not. Correct, I know that.  I....am not sure what DC talks.  The current technology.

I am not going. 

Listen, Frozen is not my will. You cannot pretend to gang up hurt my will, and then abused me to kidnap me my will, to force me to go to the airport, and boarding a flight without my will, and I don't have the passport, to land at the border, and NOT to board the domestic flight, again, against my will to end up the Washington D.C. 

I never knew why I cannot have the passport, now I understand why. I never put my will or willingness for any of this. I do not agree.  Anything above, I already say no. Seriously, I sign. NO!

I landing in DC, I just leave. Every state I can go = Safe Haven ! The movie ~~~

No, I don't need to go to Lee, Erin, or all those state? But they got the campus police, the worse of all worsen. I can go to Harvard near by, they got the campus police, that is illegal whatever this forcing me.

What is ...the political extremists means? The politics like the Party whom and what, right? Governing the nation, those?  No, none of this were. No, these are nothing related to the actual political Party. The governing Party like your TV, or the talk show, 11:00 at night those American local TV shows? Those? No. None of these. No.

The politics like the politician, and the political science students, those receptionist SA UB those, the SA presidents those? You elect the local representative, and each states has a governor, like our New York State (the Upper States we are the Buffalo, Rochester....all that), mix with the New York City. That is the NY state. One states of the America, right?

The congressman and then the congresswomen. Are they... 立法委員 those are them? What is the senators? They are 4 or 2 years? in between something something Party rotating, because they design like that, someone is all 4 years, but the interval is 2 years? And then electric college votes? Under your constitution, the legislation floor is Congress right? 3 Power under the constitution, we are the 5 here in Taipei building these. No, not related.

Its no relation, not even in the same building. 

Your flow chart got it wrong. You don't come here your entire military to do what? The flow chart should be at America, or even England will be better than here in Taipei.

( My washing machine guy is here. )

This you can ask your President. Yeah, because he is a lawyer, or his cabinet are all lawyers filled up. He will tell you whichever the building if you sit next by him, he will tell you the flow charts is wrong, you come here its for the initial step of the flow charts? No, its not correct. No. 

I ......almost think you get your building wrong too, to be honest. Not just the nations countries you got it wrong.

Ella Enchanted Tree Scene

This is what you talking about it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E49nP8bDo4U

My facebook album, Elsa Blue: The Tree, right?


That tree 

Is there a reason I look at my own photo and an Apple inside that....ball, and you have the military coming in here.....its about the tree, the BTX Tree, its here?! The BTX'? That is the fake tree in the store. oh ~ hey, I found my shoes. This entire city doesn't have one pair of this shoe. A8.

You are not really believing.....people go to the DC together? Of course not. 

He looks funny, or sounds hesitate I share that 2 links out. I got mad ~~!!

okay, talk the normal sense, if I go, where I sit ?! No more resistant pretending.... The table where, everyone sits around to eat and chat, one of you go near the President. You ask him the flow chart. That is the only reason you go there for.

JC, what was this Ancient Chasez used to be noise (left right left right, hurting me those time, that image to the human flesh me.)

None of you understand the correct flow chart, you are not sure, so that is when you meet the President for the 1st time, its the most correct, and you trust him, so he tells you the correct flow charts. I didn't open my mouth to ask. I just sit there to eat, only one of you get the flow charts to given to everyone, 

===>    Then re-started it again. Walk with the President instruction, because you only trust him says, not trust me says.

So the 2nd time, you enter to the DC, you will find.....according to his flow charts, if you seeing him the president again, or any other things to that flow charts he told you, after you re-started and marching in the Washington DC this time, correctly. 

That will be the 2nd time you entering there, to see or find the president. At that time, again.

Me? If I ask the president?

The same things, all of you the flow charts, I told you asking him. Its not starting from here Taipei, not the Aqua, not whatever Ella Enchanted, not Frozen. Its not starting here Taiwan, of course not. You don't believe me, so I told you, you all find your ways to ask him.  1st time you seeing the president is to get the most correct flow charts, he will 100% sure what he is doing.

You are not going to ask him or tell him the last 10 years? If you put it in the simple one page A4, and he is willing to sit down one line per line with one of you, your entire 10 years are wrong, he will correct them, per line down. I don't have anything for 10 years. If you know its wrong, he is right there telling you, its 10 years wrong wrong wrong.

So you get the flow charts, like the PC game, I remember that.....now Ella Enchanted. 夢工廠 meeting the Prince, that is Justin Timberlake or Joey Fatone's birthday. 1/31 every year.

This is not you all PC game, to come here and asking me your next step....which computer game I exist to advice you inside? Me? I will tell you its at the American President, you can find him, asking him per flow charts. But I personally think, its your entire 10 years wrong, not just the flow charts. You don't have the IQ to know there is a flow chart. You don't have an IQ to first time seeing him, to get everything right. You have to be in the Congress Floor to find someone to explain to you whole things, to 2nd time enter the DC, to ask him....

You used to have 10 years.

3rd time, re-entry the DC, find another lawyer or the Congress man again,...."What do I find the president for this time?"

I just told you, the flow charts + the per line wrong in your 10 years doing, you better just narrow it down 10 years. Re-start.

You be his daughter best, I understand that now .....you be his daughter and asking him every single day, something like that. Its per line degree wrong wrong wrong. You didn't find out you re-start it 10 years ago, do you? 

Where...is my second PC game, the girl Sukura Niji.....the first time I met a Prince in my ever life, that existence in the world? I told you there is no Prince. Its 夢工廠 1  Not 2, totally different !!!!

Its Sailor Mars that Mandala's attacks. 


Find it.


Maybe just 戰國美少女

No partner. Just 1 girl. Its this one....You get the correct DVD probably its the first. 

There is no more royal anymore, you all should just listen to what I said. 

I don't need any of this things, this is not about the justice, no more royal its no more royal, finish talking. I don't like about them, being polite, that is more than I can do. 

Next - Shane and me.

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