
Your breakfast....free period of time?

Family Mart or 美而美

The menu is at Hugh. There is selling the fruits place in-store, half open, so you have some air-con, you eating those fruits? Get a paper box and carry all those back, you have 5 or 7 people together on your phone? One city?

水果攤 ( 松山區 the area code:  105  )

No, its all clean, it only sells the fruits ! 

全聯 every kinds of the necessary to shop.

I am trying to believe where the otter says that you are. You looking for a car? North where the otters say. 10 branding the cars, where can they put it? More the outskirt places. 

oh ~ sorry, not that. Where did they say on the map.

Do you all went to the Wheel?


The address is 中山區 why they ending up in 大同區? 

水果攤 中山區 they went to that 大同區?

You look at that Wheel, you have a religion and the faith issues? You mean Ronan Keating if were Jesus all that? No, those are the free will, they built up that business, you don't put people through the court room, or forcing them. Of course not.

... Its Heaven's issue, right. I can say that, right. The military from Heaven down with the physical universe traffic outside. Too many traffic sounding, maybe not here.....where they get the traffic, those places, except here.

They wobble their attention 1) Too loud, too much, too strong the sounding effects to their ears and the brain health.  2) Too many boys or the girls and the skin to touch to imagine less sexual act, or the anger will become an assault.    3)  Their spirits are a lot more shattered and not restful, you get a future to get on? Through him, or through the Pope? They pray, they don't mediate.  The mind, the body and the spirits to calm down. 

There isn't a weather forecast on their head,.....probably that is what it means.

No, just retired mode a lot more, starting 20 years ago. They didn't last that long on those jobs that's why they all becoming a circle and the friends. I don't know if they have the family background. I assume they have, right.

William (Star Trek)

7:45 The dumb blonde ass....I see.

I tell you a story when you wake up all in England time. I met a very older guy name Charlie when I was working and he used to build those air craft to talk about the days the US that time, between this NYC and Buffalo, NY, where he comes from, where my AGT will form and from through another Charlie. They used to build those aircraft its the outside that the metal you use your hand to touch 流線型, how these landing down scene, that, touches on the ground.

Reptilian will mouth blow that surface at his height, and touch touch. Like that Dean in Frozen says, a fresh leather. How every guy on Earth will do that for their tiers.  He was 92 years old when I met him. I was...on Tesla, the City of Light that time 100 years ago were in Buffalo, New York. Like Paris, the City of Light. I asked him a demo I built on the paperworks, how these wires to form that the light and the piano. He told me ....he used to be the electrician, so we talk. The second guy knew about this Tesla, were Edward ( fat chair ), he was still on apprentership to someone else, or 100 files cases in his room, he was still working. He asked me that one book from Tesla. 87 probably. Right now, this is 2024. Erien's 50 Shades of Greys, the Pilots study I think was first on Charlies that group, 7 people. Then later....other 2 facility, only 1 facility was clear.

All these movies, will come to a day, you telling them a story to pass on, not just 1899/ 1900, to 1912, 1921 all that.


No, those UB stays there 40 years. I don't need to help them. They didn't realize, its initiative they want to be a doctor, to motivate on every little details so they becoming.....I know, too.  I don't need to foster them or even talk to them anything. 

8/19 The typhoon east than us.


I used to know these typhoon can only possibly form from Philippine outside, they look different than us. To us, those are the Philippine maid for the senior care for the medium family income, their parents. They live in the same house.

I have never seeing things like that. Or they never taught us that on every weather forecast when I grew up. 

Usually that routes to China, or to Japan we think....I have never knew Korean or Russia is the typhoon path. That is a straight up !

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