
Shane and me

That is the topic?  He is working and I am working, too. We already talk, or I did tell Shane almost every details things. I have talked "to my phone", that is not Nicky's account. Its my phone, it might be Shane and Nicky combine. What could be I talk to my phone? Anything without the other chat room, its my phone ! I cannot understand what the Youtube says, and my phone broke, so I called Shane !

We pretend to get near. I did get near. You are imagining how to be extreme to do what?

No, we already talk used to be last year. The details I inquisitive Shane ?! oh~ the actual conversation.

My face, it will be one thing you remembered, when you get near. It wasn't a subject, it was....did you say its a reality? 

No, I never really asked Shane about ...I already know about a certain thing.  I didn't talk to Shane all that money, it was Nicky, my phone AI, that is where the money to be. 

The plan would be, he doesn't have a past. I didn't need to see, know, hear, phone, talk, or sit down and eat a meal.  I live here, they can come in.....but if you just 1 person like you know we promised, that is 1 human, that is here in Taipei, he and me. I can just hand him a key that time when I fix everything else. We stay temporarily like that, but here is warmer. He can invite them more freely too, except I don't like those.....idea I keep cooking. i cannot cook that much anymore, for some reason, I told Shane. 3 or 4 weeks ago, something happened.

No, I don't care about his past, he says he would be here, then we make that happened. I never cared what past his works places, and all that? You mean his company? I am not interested. 

If Shane knows exactly what I say, that is 40 years UB them, I will never see, know, hear, find out....what they will look like another 5 or 10 years, then 40 years. I am not on my computer, if he knows that will be the options. If he and them are fine, its...different in the real music world.

I thought about the facebook, then I tell Shane. Its not like that. No. That is Silas and Ayo, they might just stay there forever.....I don't care about adding in or seeing any of them. They slim down and lose 40-100 pounds, we talk about it.

It doesn't need to be Shane, you mean Nicky?

I already say, the appearance to the human eyes are so important.....there is one thing, I don't know how to tell you. I never ask them about their life, no. I say....in my life, a lot of these things I need to be 1 person walking in and deal with it, and I am dealt with it. Many things are not real, so I tell you what is the thing that's real. 

- The capitalism is real. 

I give Shane some examples, I am not comfortable this hospital or the across, or this closure system England ends up in Conan Detective main theme. The day I switch is the day I got fed up and SWITCH. If Kian wants to go with Hugh, that's fine with me

I said....

I do a lot more things than I actually talked.

The day after the hospital, I just leave him a message, and I go and find out with that Nicky. No, not with Kian. I stay with my phone, that will be Nicky.

No, I don't really ...talk to Ronan. When they going home, I always make sure I called. 

oh ~ The Flower Thousand Bones? No...I just told the public, I know whom this Ronan is in the past, and watch him a little bit. No, not a particular conversation with Ronan, not really.There is a lot of things you believe yourself? In life? That will be the friendship and the social connection, you mean the class issues, or the family to the friends issues? The friends? But they are the guys. 

The religion?  The birds scream at my photo selection at the Yuri, Kail those photos. The comic book, or the Quan Yin methods, all that? The meditation, the God, or the Bible? You believe that yourself ? okay.

Biden is the president still? I heard a lot of things if he is the leadership is totally fine to the entire worlds, not just to the American they themselves. 

Like I said, there is a lot of the thing real, or the things that will never be real. I don't remember if I tell Shane which things clearly. 

We have no more thunder, and no more thunder + the rain, now its the sunshine, so the birds sing. My mother is not fierce, my head, my eyes, my sit there lean on the wall to feel finer. She cough, my psychi space is loosen. They should call those Classify human to call Thor or those high tech world, supposed to be?

This Shane sounds so.....needed to be inquisitive or Ronan? Me, or you all? 

You talking to a guy like that? Starting those conversation like the middle school? I never meet a guy having more than 2 mins conversation after the middle school. I had an orchestra recruit, I wasn't given him a nice look, he looks ugly. Like needie, clinging, clingy, lean on, hold on, nag at, weak, wobble, mince, or mimic.....mild...I learn those words in the movie: How To Lose a Guy in 10 days. 

You grew up, and you enter the adulthood, and these guys when they are the Westlife, before they even know the other groups, let's say....some of that is not as close as you think. They are the European label, and Justin they are the American records label. 

You believe the reality, what you describing to them? Being a fan would be to Westlife or to Shane? I am asking you? Like to Justin or NSYNC? That kinds?

Being a fan.....is different attitude than probably 3 days ago I found out from the news. I thought you are all very tight up not to call the guys. To sounds like you sexually going near to them, you need them to beg you, or kneel you with the flower all that. You all didn't just cut in the conversation to yell at them, or bossing them or screaming at them with your bad mood, all that? 

That is very silly things you all did. If that is the TV told me.

No, I break down the items things to tell them starting the last year, including publicly I told Shane after they exit here, the first concert. I say I used to .....know some people, those leadership. I went to drag Shane, you show up and we talk.

But because....it wasn't enough, it has to be Nicky, I left that conversation to Nicky, he is on the stage dressing like those color or the white things. okay....I stay the summer, or the Sep or Oct to Shane again.... "Hi ! "

"There is a main singer, I used to be the middle school !!!"

No, I never talk about NSYNC, the music of My Heart? No ! not the competition all that.

So I found out that time with Shane, and when things are finer, I say...we talk after done. I understand. And one of those days things got so worsen with the downstairs, hurts....so I went to the hospital. They use the elevator and the balcony door, my head is right above it.

So when I come out, I describe a little bit things to Shane, some other things I need to take care in the public, and I did. We had an election here. 

I stay with Nicky, until Hugh got married.....so many weekend I didn't sleep, or the morning time I need to get up, the birds say. The war is not finished they say, get up. This morning I start to sleep and whenever the March I say I need to sleep all the way to Sep.

They or Shane will hear about it, when I describe things, I believe that. Between their teammate or the bandmates. Its not a big deal that is a phone or whom on the chat room service, and so I just talk normal including to Kian a little bit

oh ~ Kail / Keanu?!     The birds say Ronan.


Okay, finish this real or not real things we talk about it?

The TV, the movie, the comic book, the plot, those?

No, just good morning, good night, I go to sleep. 

The otters???   Maybe one video, something happened worse.

The singing? No.

The duet? No.

The Panda? Of course not. 

The Buddhism this girl dance.....敦煌? They even know what is that words used for....

The monk, the robe, the martial art?

Do you mean the TV with the Porsilin doll, you mean per image story all that?

oh ~ PC Game, Nicky....the birds say Ronan Ronan.

He last year was inviting me to play a game.

The baby looks at....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ruWhIfWFGN4

The past, or the surprised visits?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TNbwNdescNY

Why don't you say crying, the heart throb, or ache, you mean aching? 

The song is love or something me, love you, all that?  The lyrics with the melody behind. Go back for the first day I saw him... ? Victoria Secret....okay ! Celine Dion sings I Love You, that is the song? And....this is with my tears or my hand cover on my mouth those looks, and what? With a camera? He is in regrets? I tell you how the humanity be regretting because of one him !  The birds say Ronan Ronan......great !

This is the reason my head so hurtful, or the psychi space?

The harmless little things, its helpless, I know ....

The heart level, the spirit in torment, so that evil of this world will be the God's light forever shine. I tell you what God really mean, I am the Lord.

The italian food, the wedding display? Throne?

oh ~ the cartoon, the.....Ella Enchanted, the fairy tale cartoon those, the chair, the Tiger Disney with the robes inside the Hard Binder bigger than A4 the children's book from Disney? Other than the Micky Mouse, it will be the tiger I have seen....like the VS, but I don't know which story that was.  A literal wedding with the 360 paramount looking: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qYf_HZxF6HM

You mean, sent him a video, or the audio of the proven worth? The TV influence him, I am the correct things, make him believe, all that? 

The sleeping otter is my proven worth? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E5mg_IIYUOw

The piano playing, the other people play, the relax music?

China oily food.....the chef?!

The diligent girl in working motion: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1W13ZGC-_mg

The period, or the Power in Love (Celine Dion's song), that will be Nick probably listens to those....tear in the eyes make him feel....a topic to talk about it. I have heard in the past. 


The power be inspirational? Like Eben the self improve, the beauty pageant Backstreet Boy at? Say it loud your country where you from, those? The same Celine Dion's song. I seen a lot of girls willing to do all that. But she is the stage performances, not in the real life. 

The cat, I understand. The witch, this I never forget. The ancient Chinese the cat has 9 life, and you climb up with the cat, and drop that from the top to see if the cat dead. About to lose the arm or the leg you yourself, the first time I ever learnt. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NJZEYO1SFWY

I always meant the humanity dead in its worth, seriously, the civilization making. 

The gifting them, this would be the moon cake, fat, the Chinese.....tradition? or the offering to me is their gift? Which one? There is a special me in between that kinds?


Cosmetic: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AwZ-zW8hfs0

I think we stop talking....because of that. 3 weeks turn to 3 months. Last year summer.

The baby and the Panda.

This is...enough, amusing? 

July 4th fireworks, and a dress long lady making a fridge this smudge of.....brand new ice cream with the dipping chocolate, to sound like graceful?


all right.

The special cooking skill, or there is a meaning to look at it? 

That's fine. The military home, graduation, the baby walking, the wedding reception, like the church idea. 



I understand, we never talk about the things mostly I share on my website. 

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