
🍵🍲 Are they going to see your real form in the court? 她們要看到你的真正樣子在法院?

All your photo is made up art. 你的所有照片都是藝術...

Emily and Jonathon is mostly with their talking they can arrive to the North East of Washington D.C. Their potential to the future. Ola, if she smart, gives up Buffalo to always stay in one of the guest house outside skirts of Washington D.C, like they owe her, its a fat chulby's lady, a lot of people might pass by to see her, if that is what I was told right. Brady's girlfriends is the Torus French last Queen....is not as flashy as you think. They use the bus or train....none of them are all wealthy enough like you.

Emily 和強納生是最有可能講話講到抵達,華盛頓 DC 的東北,他們未來可能性,Ola 如果她聰明,就放棄水牛城總是待在其中的一個客人的房子在華盛頓的外圍,像他們欠她的,一個胖胖的女人,很多人可以經過看她,如果我被告知正確,Brady's 女朋友是金牛座法國的最後一個皇后...沒有這麼顯眼突出讓人們想像的,她們用公車或是火車...她們每有一個是像你一樣富有。

Among these guests, there are some other more important cases I will tell you, I hear just the noise of it. People are very very well research before they entering upon the D.C Area, including the guests house, I have seen the short clip some girls are very very polished, you never meet those girls however people can prepare to show up in one Washington D.C, they UB do put too much of the aim of their own cases in front of everyone's noses. But I provide them some guidance. 

在這些客人的房子客人,很多有更重要的事情我會這樣告訴你,我聽過的一些吵雜的聲音,人們非常非常非常研究清楚再進入華盛頓之前,包括客人房子,我看過一些短片一些女孩子怎麼打扮,你從來沒有見過這些女孩子,不管人們怎麼準備出現在一個華盛頓 DC,她們 UB 是把太多的注意力訴說她們的案子在所有人的鼻子面前,但是,我給予一些指導。

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