It was them 2 or the whole family Harvard sold to us, before the time to go into the middle school. The near family marriage even. 7th floor. She knows.
He is not graduated yet from the K6, and Nick had 10th grade, to do that exaggerating things on the instagram.
- Sandy Hook Elementary School massive shooting.
- Sandy storm the NYC the big radius black out.
I think all under Obama, Loving the Silent Tear.
1. Extreme, she is a saint, only talk about the saint. Those hit-you-hard-bent Asian education teacher.
2. The college orientation table sign-in, the receptionist job. Virus
They live in my brother's room. The vietanese sister (we call them the initiate)
He rent from his son's rental agreement or might be here? He sits here the kitchen to eat the Chinese New Year food, for 200 NT to give me the red envolope. She gives him what, every food she bought too many. (poverty, K6 not even.)
All that Sailor Moon yoga world, she is the brightest outfit you can see and the sneaker shoes. The end of n that words. That area. (poverty)
The Buddhist all stories must be the important on the phone 4-6 hours happy phone, you eat meat you go to hell those. They are all very poverty incline.
The younger 2 of them, burn down their renter's place. She gives them 3,0000 NT for a new beginning somewhere else, or they would be living in my brother's room.
It will be all poverty using this elevator between these neighbor, her won divorce since 1999 from my father. That side of the story.
No, she really really really really busy and believing-in in that reality, seriously.
Exactly like nick. Eben's tele-com video interview for 10-15 years, always on the web being popular. To seriously doing that on the Instagram, not even that to do that in front of China.
I know what he means. He is so old, he is so well knowing about the reality, its China first, and get rid of Taiwan all together, and he picks a stick....and China or Taiwan tell me, that is a long raffle. ( yesterday I scream, she got back, then...the TV a girl got drunk and screaming hand coff by the police, that is probably Tina. She was too busy, she walks away on the balcony. That was for me, I guess. )
Have I told him anything about China or Taiwan at all when I was with him? No. Of course not.
Your family? No, definitely not. I forgot. I restrain a lot.
Later you explain to him? Yes, but I don't think he listening why that is important, he is too too too popular just like Eben he always gears toward to be like. I don't think he knows what Eben is, but he believes they are the same.
The last year I tell him about the history since 1911. A little bit my family was ROC that side, but...this Instagram was in 2018? Last year was 2024.
He done things on the internet since long time ago, typing or the social networking on the comment session every morning how they have 7 or 8 people comment each other's blogger their feeling, their shares, their family story. like 200-300 words, those.
The email probably like 500-1000 words. He can spend the whole morning to type type type those 1-to-1 response. I just blast on all internet here 1 personal blogger, I mean, YOU ALL show up on my blog.
But he ....done these typing as long as I already know him. He stays on that computer indoor, like 5000 words typing to 10 different girls or the husband on sex subjects included behind to that facebook means or the email. The phone with his sister, or another sister in Italy, or some friends from the Toronto Center, the black guy interview that Gregg Braden. They are too old, so I never say anything anymore....
I will tell you.... he tries many means before so this social networks creating an image, or taking a photo to sign up an Instagram other than the facebook, meaning he can do all that. He didn't get the response he wanted, and he puts that expression on the internet.
People never done one business idea, it will never be I said that the last time I comment about the Asia travel. Have I done one business here? Nope.
I think Eben does very well, just very stressful and with Craig those people, you know.
I have no idea what this hospital, or the Moon things, or the movies, that is way too scary, so I shift away. But I used to get nothing in life, so he is doing a lot a lot a lot better if he claims something like that somewhere to be true.
Its just...when the movie, the worse was Tom Cruise this kind of the movie to Dr. T, or Ester (**** his wife), and too many this Zawanna first, or whom second the mission impossible, til Prince William's....which side of his ...
They don't look like have any money, right...even with this photo my outside world but still, its I didn't think about that side Ireland or England...its America shut down only we here China, to Japan to America, I am so dead in 100 years whenever or however they gonna open this things. I warning them....
I used to tell 430 a past. I did saw that time, but my first year that....was too far away for them, and too newly why these animals would behave like this. I was only 30/31 to newly arrives that one day job after Obama or during. So...
When the day I realize, he was put next by SMCH, that was not the time I knew that 2014, it was a year later, and I have never watched that until 2017. That is 11 people + 1 Wallace. JC put 20 together and I shared it the video one time.
20 of them.....hmm....this Siddhartha be busy when he gets back.
What if Jesus is his competition, and you all never make it Flower Thousand Bones? I am not his mom. The Path (BEAS, its a book). Is Victoria Secrets amazing to you? Those description, if were mystic involved? You all read every book I said?
I only had those book, or I just read these books with some other ....none fiction book ?
I only had these books, correct.
I did put 10+1 or 2 or 3 a littlie bit far away to watch them.
A beginning story
And then....this is the time, where they meeting their parents, or the whole Earth is meeting their parents again. The New Age in English worlds like American those New Age would talk about something the Chinese we will never be exposed, it was the Star or the Galaxy to where you finding the Star seed, or the Star parents. One of those people have the hope to believe, we are not alone with a lot of the photo images like the New Age.
A little bit Venus side....they are all very busy other than listening.
"A Slow Pace Makes a Progression" - VS Romance Journey.
That is what it means?
A turn. In their evolution, there is a turn.
You file a lawsuit for them to listen and give you the money, there is no turn for them? And why don't you do that?
Right. I found out, you all character inside you, outside you beaming, you literally think like that, you put the thoughts or the thinking, you would really do that at your own brain in thinking for another person since they will never know that.They will never find out, and so you can do that. That is what I mean.
You don't?
And that is the standard?
Anything else other than that kind? I left those 11+1, for too many things after 2020, 2021....writing. Yogananda talked about it how he wrote that book, or Ananda describing that, you never think American as the 1950, or that is before....they had an expectation already, and Tesla was at those Era, and imagine how they were in the society where is more uptight.
First time hearing me saying all that?
I did wish this Earth has that better attitude on that saying. I did. So when I found out, I will finish the rest of the stuffs, and they need to finish what they started with. Anything else I can do that myself. When the Earth willing, or someone guarding that to evolve, I give my best well wishes, and I have to do my part. I told them before.
I did evaluate all that every step the way. That book didn't just end up in Barns & Noble randomly, even that is a session in New Age, there are the angelic book all that. But there is a stand near by this Steve Jobs second biography edition, it was a line.....
( His first was 1 week after his death day. I was in Buffalo. This is the second added on, I walk-in in front of me, this is California I newly move a bookstore. )
You know how an arrogance of some elevating superstitious to believe a number...or their index or the chapters every words written, if he comes back in which form, to tell me......there is a standard of the universe, my memory never fade?
The Senior Bush biography that time was up there. 430 seeing his look, or he has a tennis court in Tom Cruise's yard on another side of the bookshelf. How amazing this so narrow world, its every shelving apart of the category this book put up as a vertical book or the front face front to sell more those display.
I did tell 430. But I didn't say too many sometimes I saw Tom Cruise these short clips....because it wasn't a very nice time for him.
I walk in a bookstore 11 years ago.....
"You all cared about....something, and I wasn't describing it right. "
Was I used to be at the animal service those life.....
The first life SMCH was a story tale raising up as a baby. I was more like Sean Beans + Wikinson combination, that is very coarse personality, but that is like too many Eon ago.
I think it was before she becoming that ladder raise up. I think the modern law is a lot better. Any of this story maybe they just put it in a different way. That time, it was a military all security measurement. You don't feel like that, but...I doing nothing but those security measurement until they let me down, my bones will get hurt so much in my life.
I going to this Kenshin Himura, be more freely just lower down, and be more free. The cloth human.
I sleep a whole year, and we end up with these....
I have to call her some saying. The family.
Well, that's hope for the best. The elevator is not as bad as before. I did....shut that off.
He Alex got his head hurt like mine head. It was on our news yesterday.
These 2 morning since the elevators got shut off, I got very very lower battery charged every morning. I found out why, its the beginning of the post.
I lay down to rest a bit, every often.
No, its almost shut it off completely as long as its not in the motion.
Therefore, these 2 are very very soak up in their reality, 1 is retired, and 1 is a free money volunteer, she has to give the money. I am not sure she got the family to put her on the right tracks anymore, but at least I find some help.
No, he doesn't have a family anymore. No, I didn't talk to any of his kids, or the younger world.
He thinks he is Babaji?
Interesting ....
"In the description of these...... We have a cast of all movie stars and then 1 single human how to get rid of the otters looking left at America, meaning facing from Earth crust north hemisphere toward the outside. "
This is not how I remembered the script .....
It means, every Master that shows up....
He has a military women (that drives me crazy) human disciple no matter what. Its not our TV.
And each that brought another disciple that shows up, or the appretiship next by in the laws, or in the medicine, that is the extra disciples or the students.
I just use his Appretiship or the military personnel, or the secretary to "type" in mandarin and staple them, and profile them, and the yellow folder them.
What do you think? Jesus and Babaji both.
You all don't want to see whom she is, whom they are? All these women? Okay it might be just me.
Essene where Jesus was known from.....that is before the Early Christian known as the gnostic. They had the medicine similar to the Pythagoras time. Each our history in the past all have some emphasize of the medicine idea and those drinking water is never like us today.
This is the time, they called Harvard, and I rest my case, my head and clean up and contact the family.
Nick doesn't have a family, and all that?
My mother says my brother done on purpose not to lock the door, you all written that, or I tell you how those position works other then.....
- Legally Blonde - 2 girls.
- Laws of the Attraction: 97 millions or the 400 millions in the trash bag.
Looking for a judge position. Like Va Sallie. 凡爾賽玫瑰 exactly the ending, no reading required. Just the ending how those ended.
They all doing something funny, and the parents are nothing but the issue themselves as well.
JJ would Joshua Jones. That is not his full name. Joshua Christopher Lee. April 25. Tina's birthday. If he Jason a name Pang was.....Jason Borne, were the bad lock in Wallace movie, he has a bad luck then, he cannot be having a good luck to say those finance indicator or the finance world to end in which career choice other than the primary job were that on Murder or on Frozen?
Lee is the Fugitive, 1 arm missing, the Cook County hospital. His cooking photo collection having a good time. That is killing wife movie, or the legally blonde killing the husband claim, to where 2 girls put at. Or MIB International that actor, he is in the Avenger?
Something is wrong on the top of these video clips? I didn't really know them. I am too
MIB International has a partner. Isn't that he looks more like Prince Harry, and a 3 arm lady almost like Ankeheseamen? Just no one expected this is the real women's voice and the seen like her, right? That would be Prince Harry's new aunty?
I have a news to go and watch it. They all have a lot of the problems, I am telling you.
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