
Shane (Westlife)

It couldn't be better if that case landing back right at Conan Detective, an Asian BOY, isn't it? In the middle of all Asia world, Japan Conan Detective?

I know Westlife before, or somewhat about them.

It will NEVER be I dying on those kinds of the case, but if its true, I am taken it, am I?

Your back....its beaming at "loved one", those too far away military you already know too far away. Highly glowing like my back.

Yesterday - that sheet has a movie name.

Your independent spirit ... to take every guy to the moon travel, and the judge slaps you or sent you to the 3 months toilet washing, you calling your mother to get the journalist, she said none, but you already plot your other whom, to join them, exactly like the China TV.

That is the independent spirit. You are dead, legally dead. That is lawful. I don't know you say you have this 5% or 1% existence, or the other 20% at 7th hell....the correct living and dying world, supposed to be seen by the panda. That is horrific, seriously.

That is NOT our story, you all suppose to find your body parts, literally speaking !

You are not supposed to be that plane ....WE SEEN only those plane + a TV.

You make your parents worried about you all your life.

You all parents.

You wish you won't be that kinds of the kids, be seen by them, and the other kids do something totally different than you. 

You mean my mother is 1 insignificant person. She is MY brother's mother and Tina's stuffs. I rather to choose that THEM, than this Shane. He is HIS mother's stuffs, or his parents, or that Westlife or that Ireland. Shane has his hope and dream like that Nicky and Ronan...all their life. If he conquers anything but my life, so HE CAN trumpet that dream in Ireland.....I never EVEN ask in his life if he is his mother's stuffs.

Ola is very far away now. Always been very far away.

If everyone knows you the first day, everyone will wish you dead on the first day.


But no one wants to be seen like that, especially a girl.

Everything you dream and hope AFTER you dead, your priest in any church will have those Bible verse, people remorse. You didn't care TO THE WHOLE humanity when the movies becoming the all world celebration or when King being celebrated at.

You can never change when you are a ghost, NEVER ever. You should find your other % parts better. What we get here these stories, were not the diagram, and never the panda + the TV that kinds.

You were OU language, like you were 2nd place in the class, and talk little. You never knew the teacher hates the most is someone like you, and one day you thought about, while sitting there - its to kill someone. 

So you started with a white rabbit, and chop off its head and throw in the river, no one seen you. And one day you got a knife, to stab a boy almost, immediately to his artery, and that they switch a boy immediately (or I am not sure). You got sent to the jail immediately. Everyone else, whom kills, they got a better stamp like Meghan.

I am not sure where you looking at it. NO ONE should be put in the jailed, and THOSE the judge place on it, I need to trust the judge the only thing in this society. You do not go and kill another person, and while you believe that jail was design NOTHING like the movie plot. Its the laws & reinforcement, I used to believe that the society. - So when these TV becoming the evidence, I am burden the world, and I had a new statues. I use it. 

It will be always someone like you, not wander about in the walking zone, where people strive to live in peace. Any 1 person, 2 people their life is rid of some burden, its 1 person 2 people, I dedicate to do starting 1 person 2 people, no matter what that is.

I have my news. 

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