
Your father paint? Is that meaning he doesn't have IQ?

No, I don't know. He sells those for the real money, to get his hair.

Did he say Wing like he has an IQ, copy and paste? Those are just the talking art. He might never learn anything anymore after the school. Per word, per sail .....sail out to the world he supposes to deal with it. I look at his younger photo. 

His mother and him, right. He retired? Right.

He becoming good at it, what you gonna do, if that is per word, per line, per statement i say your true love, he curious, not he is dummy, why that ever exists. 

Why PM will tell him I lie about it, page 3? True love in Washington D.C, in England, its....where they are? PM knows?

He got a map and a pencil. The best known scene to make a pencil line, to say a scene. He is not the screaming loud, and gaze stern those human like Shane? Mad and gaze stern? Not light hearted...where you think the pencil on that 2 D flat long paper looks like, My fault I bet. 

You want to tell him, use 2 hands opens up his forehead, like you did that to yourself, and look at the mirror? The 2 eyebrow.

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