

The birds https://www.facebook.com/100073731657370/videos/852275502981089

The bugs say:  (Do you need the tooth paste? 全聯)

  1. You Hugh faces the Night market,
  2. Olivia (turn left wall), that is the bubble tea, or sandal or the unbrella?

Do you mean the morning market, the fruits or the night life? Up to 11 I think....usually no one is here, that's why. The bubble don't get cook until 12:00 after, they often doing that, I wish you know that. But its too hot when you walk here like 2:00, you are not going to make it just for 1 bubble tea. That direction has nothing around - the Asian bubble tea for some reason. No.

You cared about this one 3310 How to forget, or forgotton left? One of those the fan made MV, those? This is the three weeks. That is 2 meals 2 people, 20 days? 80, okay, and 20 dollar per meal averagely or you want to count in 30? 2400 Us dollar. But 20 days here, you can do one meal 1 dollar, you mean those Family Mart? You count!!! Interesting you do the math, you care about it 24 dollars, that is 100x.

Do you want to Go Home?

Shane ~~~~ Hugh. But you like Kian or Nicky?!  

In the 90s, I have to memorize all their phone numbers, no internet Era, not yet, in our world. 6 people the other team members all the taller girls. When I was the vice, the volleyball team. We had a PR, and another setter. We were all needed, not to say competition, not much talking to, but we had a different major, most of them were the 3rd with the biology. Me and the PR were in the 2nd major category without the biology. 

I pick up a wireless phone in my room, and start dialing. I tell Shane?! Their phone number books. What is the Captain and the vice usually do? Training them and the 10 little, to get on their next year regional. The coach male or the female if were not there.

The morning market time, she is in a hurry every morning. You were saying.....Nicky or Kian? You mean Shane ~~~~~

Training them meaning, other than the jail or the playboy's options would be they are the commercial groups, Shane has to get on himself.

In the Volleyball, it would be they keep running in the circle I hit the basket of 30 volleyball - they line up with the little, run 1 or 2 step stable, like the Slam Dunk the footwork I keep saying it - they squat a little bit, and defense that ball landing on their hand, miraculously. 

No, Shane doesn't need to. Its their music instructor and that agent knowing they deliver their work performance on the stage to say where they come from when they set up that band from the very beginning - from Shane, I assuming.  We were not the commercial groups, they are.

Planning your Japan trip for 3-5 days, you renovating some painting some digging the "concrete" wall that is not a big deal at all. You can put all that inside your head, Hugh? 

== Boiling in Asia ==

The green beans washed or the thin pork, or the shrimp.

You know boiling, your utensil, one of those after COVID 19 or before COVID 19?

I eat 1 or 2 shrimp, not the whole containers, you seeing that in 全聯? Shane has to finish all the other ones, if that is what they tell me. 1 shrimp is 1, 2 is the fork stab that twice. I cannot but only live that kind of the horrible life?

So if Westlife came, Kian or Nicky those....then I know to boil for them, that is the whole container, do you check how many were in there? The clam is in the bag, the last time I see them. They have the design outside the bag. No, no crabs there just the salmon those flat you can see from the outside, they always wrap like that. (with a sheet below +  plastic on the top).

Yeah, those kinds of the store, that is always they do that. You seeing all that in the freezer more red light those place, the low temperature that session. Right, those will be beef, or the American beef / Australian, or the salmon flat those, and some other flatten already process those meat. The hot pot, those almost you say, put it on the plate, everyone throw in the hot pot.

They have to always do that?

As long as I ever remembered, correct. 

Not in those frozen fridge in those higher end of the mall?

No. They took the whole piece in, I think.....they do things more like the Costco. But right, you have never seen those neither. Its new when I got back. Those are the freezer. The red light those, are a lot lower temperature and with that kind of the red light, maybe its those infrared red, to keep the low temperature and the bacteria free. Any infrared red. 

And the Tuna can?

No, not there. On the shelf, but the 全聯 you go, they sell 6 in one flat plastic wrap you can see big flat, not stack it up. You have to carry that almost say entire plaque in your hands to walk back to your hotel. What you probably can do its use that Family Mart, they sell 1 each can. Not the same. 

Or you get a scissor, the moment you get out of that door, you cut that one plastic, and stack them 6 in those my bag these looking. (Y, Carol Bag, that luggage place I found them.)

I?   I do those things, right. You put a scissor in this bag. (in my hand) 

If you like the snack, you cannot read that or the Japanese ( in Japan snack), you....decide what you like, and get that. When you cannot read the word, it probably....until you taste it, you are guessing at it.

Me and Shane, I tell him which one, we go together unless he is busy. We both carry those bags. The night market I get a guy Uber there to here, pick all those things himself, he can walk unless Shane and me go there sometimes, and then we switch to a 工讀生 - its common here. (No, it didn't need to be a Uber, no. He walks in there, where he parks, my house and walk back? ) I think Shane likes to go in. In the very early, no one goes that early. The autumn season, the winter or the spring. 全聯 opens at 8, the bank 8:30 or 9, the most tax building the governmental at 9, you never run in these building. Without the car, me and Shane jump on the bus, or the taxi, and get the vegan cake, that is less fat, they can eat 10 and do the math. The soy, they use the soy. The ice cream that Italian in the photo next to my mother, that will be the coconut milk.

That is where your health card or the package too?  I don't remember, its the whole building 2F elevator all the way to 11F keep running in the same building. They are near the park, so me and Shane keep walking in there? And take the taxi back. Me and my mother uses to walk back to my home. She thinks normal? Walking in 4 blocks + a Park + a giant traffic road ?

Its only Monday to Friday .....you probably didn't hear me right.

No, you get the ticket in 2F and they sent you to the 11F get another ticket, and in waiting. They sent....in the different floor, I don't remember. I read right outside the 1F, everyone inline to 3 elevators? Going up?!

You never use the elevator, or the escalator? oh ~~ right, right, in America, its the first floor. Your height to the handle, you need to be watchful. Only 101 that 5 floor, they do those glasses wall prevention outside, you can see.

絲瓜、瓠瓜、冬瓜  + 6 rapinni + 6 cilantro + 6 parsley + 白蘿蔔 

The Night market (the morning market), too giant. Its not in any of these stores.

Did I say you get 3 security guys + Olivia with the cart, and 1 Asian girl behind.

They can get those 全聯 you ask them for free the carbo box?

You get 2 or 3 taxi with all those boxes to go back where you purchase a bigger apartment and already done the renovation. You get the key and you walk in. A lot quiet, and have those public utility gym. Its probably far away from here. 1 to 5 floor inside and stair fix inside....walking, those have no elevator, you walk inside your own home. Its on a mountain, behind 101 those, probably, Leo they live there. You get down the mountain, then you take the blue line metro. No, not 101. Its the blue line ending. They have the fresh tree, no neighbor bothering them. I think they smoke, all together.

You can check your PC Game expo on the calendar date. 

Your driver get the gasoline fill up the car that Crystal Store that side = Mos Burger and Watson Pharmacy and the bread place Ay right now outside - if you get down your bus 588, the most immediate things you see when you cross the street. That side.....

Most people in the city don't drive.

On the crossing intersection (get down 588) behind, that is the 3 floor Mc Donald, you seeing the giant glass outside, one direction to 101? The Mos Burger on your left side, the crystal store, and then the gasoline fill up place. They got a convenience store too.

The light blue beach eggroll sneak, its 2 mins keep walking, your driver pick up your order? 

海邊走走 HiWalk 信義門市

Right, 2 different direction. Your 1 security guy run that side, (you call before), so he just walks there 2 mins pick up that order, and Olivia goes to the Mos Burger, and you go the Watson Store or you want to go to Mc Donald yourself this side. You can only park there until the driver finish the filling the gasoline. Its not a parking place.

There are more traditional those kinds in the red color unless you cannot take it these foreign color the light blue. Its all in the red. The Chinese New Year, that's why. 義美, You go to the bank Circle, or Daan Metro Station, behind...you going there already, or? The fruit shop, and one of those clothing shop for Olivia?

Your driver or your security guy only needs to tell me the exit where they need to get on the highway, I don't need to know where you go live at.....you suppose to be on the military that side the governmental private those things? The private residents, or the American school? Yesterday I told Olivia? She decides to learn the map with you? 

That gasoline station its a road your driver goes in one lane that is your furniture street. Anything particular about that street, the beginning (3C, the vegan dim sum, or the beef noodles soup, or that is the vegan beef soup) or the ending (Hallo Kitty)

You cargo another taxi for full box of like 20 soup, none vegan and vegan. Why? That is how my mother does. You put in the fridge, you dilute that with the white carrots or some carrots itself to cook it. You dilute some of that. (30 mins, 20 mins big fire to medium, you can shut it off, put the lid on, another 10 mins.)

You want me and Shane coming over? I draw your driver, or the security every map around your living space, WHERE, you decide you gonna be at? 

I set up your Uber, your near by shopping routes, your driver....or the security guys, WHERE they should live at? 

I tell you a better way....here my dentist a brand new building just made. YOUR one security lives there, all brand new, to collect your 50 items boxes in one day, THEY ship it to you from this location. (Yeah, they just happen to finish, too small, no one should live there, but your one security guy and just live right there !!)

2 (8 bubble tea), 5 cushion, 100 vegetable / the fruits / the peanut traditional local snack or the raw oven baked peanut, the local things. My mother used to say what...they have. Monday. On the Monday, its not the night market (morning), its the selling clothing or some other local necessarity things. The pot and the pans, those stainless steel. 

If that one security guy just LIVE there, he will find out everything around here Mon- Fri, all by himself or 2 security guy. That is 2 people lay on those simple bed okay. 

No, there are near American school, that side has an area where they have the night market, bigger too. A lot more people going there. the subway Red Line left side, that area.


You need to watch yourself, that might be bigger too.

My sky here cloud say you going north.   - Japan ~~~~~ is North.

Will I take Shane there? No ! We go to Costco that side, the Korean Fashion 五分埔 the girls all clothing those fashion from Korea. Hola that side. The rest of the stuffs, I set up these several China or Taiwan here their website to deliver things to 7-11 or the facebook.

You seeing so many other stores, WHY I should be in these store????!!!

At your Hardware store right outside, that is not a night market, that is 9-7 pm store opens.
That road is not the night market idea the vendor. Its a physical front store like the Royal Eye Glass (that side), and the Loving Hut (all those inside ), those are the physical store.

I go in when I need to, not everyday, so those people don't think anything different.

99 cents store and that 3 floor book store. The hallo kitty kids stuffs. I found it easy and they have the variety I need. My note pad here. The Black Ops their clock.

You like the Italian thin crust pizza? 

I think ...just there. Asian don't really eat the pizza, not to say the thin pizza.

金莎?  In 7-11 or the Family Mart of 全聯, no, not in that 6 Star Hotel, those are the European section on EVERYTHING. I thought I say that?!

We rarely carried the American branding stuffs here. It would be Costco. Here around are all the sea, so its the fish, the shrimp those diets, you know that, right? 

You want me to talk?
Eating.....sorry. Its almost 9.

Olivia, you can walk to that Burger King, they have the morning special

早餐選項 ( high tech that wall )

Combo is on the right. Just the burger is one burger (the left side)

1) The peanut bacon chicken  2) Q bounce old sea burger   3) Fish (a particular) burger

There is, behind that right side keep walking, passing the Indian restaurant, should be a typical Chinese Taiwan here breakfast hot plate


I think its 美而美

Yeah, let me check, you need 10 mins to burger (that is a long traffic light) you need 5 mins to find that hot plate + order the food. No 1 min walking. It is 美而美

If you type that, on your left, that is your correct location, one left or one right. No, the left, that one on your map.

三明治培根蛋、奶茶、薯餅  (兩份)  +      兩個蛋餅 + 起司





(that is 2 toast bread with the bacon and the egg, the milk tea, hash brown. 2 of that) + Two pan fried egg thin sheet + the cheese )

1 Thick chocolate toast

1 Straw berry thick toast

( they have the peanut or the butter future....  花生厚吐司+奶油厚吐司 (以後) )

One "here the almond milk" , no, nothing like you know. Just taste it. I like it. I don't like the American almond milk or the almond itself.

One pan fried dumpling similar

( She can eat all of that, all day long.)

The first session is all burger  蝦堡 shrimp burger.

They are fine, she can walk over, that is the telephone company near by. She is fine. She can go there and pick up all that for you. 

Do you want to use that sheet? I don't think they give you that sheet? You can find it.  They have the combo on the 4th session (right side down that square) - No....you get what I tell you. Not....that single egg with radish pan cake, or the burger just the bacon.  The first one too fat, no.  These things you order, you just taste them. Too fat, you just leave it on the counter, cover it, and you throw it out when you get back. Those are the plastic, you can tie in it.

There are pre-made sandwitch there. You like those? A bacon, a mayo + shredded cucumber with 3 bread layers. Its the Club Sandwich similar idea. 

Those are the pork dry...they eat it with the rice here or those seedweed shredded with mince small shrimp (dry shrimp), all mince idea.

Isn't that the 6 Star hotel, no breakfast? 

That is only the breakfast, she can eat all day long she buys there, or the Family Mart on the way back. Its 1 next by that too.

She stays there bubble bathing, the City Shopper 2 floors are fine, and Muji snacks?

You can get her a box from 全聯 the paper box? And she just cargo all that herself and leave it in her room. If you go out later noon coming back, that is the food still fine there. You buy a few plate, all those food put on those nicer Japanese ceramic?  Her food, or your food, both?   Of course you like those milk tea. Everyone likes it, that is all they ever eat !!! No, no bubble. No.

I walk better those intersection, Shane and Nicky, they are blind in the sunlight, those are a real outdoor light. The intersection walkway, the walkway. for the pedestrian. Do you use that word in English? The pedestrian walkway. 人行道

Yeah, I know where is the cabo box, I put everything in it, and carried it back. Shane and Nicky's milk tea? Or one of them come with me, we cargo it back. Shane stays in there. I go by myself. They stay with the phone, or the VIP there, talking....I cargo all those box back, then each table has those things in it. Shane looks inside, he knows what those are. 

Family Mart has the wrap up banana. But you cannot take one extra those fruits to your room from the hotel itself? You cut it and you put in the ceramic plate, they have a bigger bowl there. 

The other hotel ...oh ~ No, I don't know if they.....

No, here they design all these things around, right. Its the drinking bar, those American going in they look like those Mission Impossible Tom Cruise's best frirend.

You cared about what they say in there?

( I drink my milk tea next by Shane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~)

When you going back to England? Finding any gift shops in the airports or 101 ? You tell the ladies to switch all that for the man uses. For President Xi. I already asked 6 years ago. 

I just listen it now. I didn't stay on it, the movie ! Tom Cruise was since in the 90s, right? This Mission Impossible, he grew up ! He is not actually that chair in it, the job, the man for that jobs, is he? 430 was supposed to be here 10 years ago that furniture street. 

You don't have that face, don't think about it.

"You ever watched the movie: Battleship, that kind of the technology, or straight down from the sky those technology?"

He says, "You meant the satellite technology, right?"

"Probably more than the satellite, its a hoovering passing by technology, those." 

What you gonna do lunch? That will be at 12:00?

Those things you can eat whole day long, you running about.

Next - You like which 3C every store you find? 

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