
You leave your air-con on, the room don't be too stuffy. And you cover your food there. No, no need for the fridge. Just leave the air-con all day on.

You went out, you stepping in and out, you know you have the food in the box, covered. 

你們有沒有那種紙箱,裝一些食物 那種手拿的大小 ? 早餐 !

Do you have those carbo box, can put some of the food the hands holds those size? The breakfast !

I think there are some design more building, because you need a particular sink, those feel up the water those, and dump all those bok choi in.....you do those things for your own diet? To boil the bok choi, or the broccoli, or the cauliflower, your butler? 

That doesn't need to be a main kitchen, its a sink ! 

You process your entire family people's meal and lasting 2 or 3 days? You do by design those here is hot, the sandal, the car or the SUV park, and the garage door open or close, one of those half in half out, and you put your entire grocery there, and dump the entire 10 Bok choi, your entire family people in the main living room. Your maid, or your butler, or for your own diet. You dripping the water on the concrete floor those, not those design kitchen floor. You plan well, you know how you running in and out, with the air-con too. 

That 全聯 the moment you go in, the left side first isle all the way to the end is the snack.

To the second or the third "ending still here", just turn to the 2nd or 3rd isle, I think...which isle might have your green scrubble without the sponge, your bath tubes, to bubble bath? Your renovating....WHERE changed? Tomorrow its your flower market on the weekend or your expo time? You check with you secretary, every weekend is a different expo? He or she needs to send you the bar code to go in.

That side when you see the home tissue towel all that, you seeing if you finding those traveler's small pocket tissue box. Small. About 7 cm x 5 cm ( you use center meter, right? )

= I think that is the third or forth on the wall, that side, its the end of the isle. 

Your instant noodle in 6 package those, should be at the beginning of the 3rd isle, ( coming out, that is the bread pantry glasses, you can open and get some ~~~ Fat, they have a garlic soft bread or ACE bread. )

The carried water? You want to hire a guy carry those water in your hotel? Those you need to carry, you ask the hotel? You want to know if anyone can go with you to carry those water from 全聯 behind. You go in the door, pass that square meter in front of your the low table with the people line up for the grocery, keep straight, to the freezer you passing by the French fries on your right, the ending, those were the water I think. They just stack up next to the fridge, on the walkway?

Right, I know its a walkway, I remember it was there. 

They used to have an European chocolate pudding dessert, but I think they take it out, you need to walk on your left, going through, and on your left again, near those eggs, the waiting line that isle, They hide on there.......low, or medium height, not your height for some reason. The left side almost toward no fridge the metal bar, the right side is the milk.

They have the apple milk.......蘋果牛奶 ~~~~Too long for your fridge, though. Its a paper long tall box.

My TV, my news. You go behind behind behind.....not that many freezer, other than the meat, you see if they selling those cut fruits at all? I am not sure. (Yeah, just around the water turn right, that side)

You recognize these, you check other things another time.

No, that beverage milk is not from the real milk. You read the Chinese, they will tell you that is a beverage milk, not the raw milk. With the apple flavor.   生乳 = the real milk, the raw milk.  調味乳 = that is the beverage flavored milk. You want to just cut that ingredient in your hotel, and wash it back that side and take home?  The kids drinking those milk......Hugh.

Me, the Kingdom garden in the Go Game association, they were the kid's hand hold size, in the green, not in the red package flavored milk. We have a lot of those....you want to check all of them? It would be.....not the fridge, the regular shelf, I am not sure there or somewhere else. 調味乳  Anything you see in the Google image? Your location if you are in Taipei, that is correct. If you go home in England, I am not sure what the Google image you see in these SEO.  What is the difference? The flavor difference. 

I think they are all fat, though. 

If Shane they comes, I buy them those triangle pyramid long string, those swiss chocolate. No, not in 遠企, it might be in 全聯 or Mia C Bon. It should be in that Star Bucks across, a very very very long traffic long predestine walkway. That is 家樂福 - Costco the cards used. But there, you don't need the card, you can just walk in. I am not sure Westlife Shane seeing it, inside and use their hand break that.

toblerone 瑞士三角巧克力

In Christmas, that season every place carried a lot more those single pick round those chocolate. You go by the weight.  No, the seasonal, you buy what they display, not this. But for daily to eat, for fun, and not the sugar rush, that is a lot plain chocolate. Not the super sugar rush from the back. 

How many things you gonna carried it back to the hotel? They are selling those lunch box now in front of those building, if you walk in the sun like that. Yeah, turn right or turn left, you both just turn, that road is to go back to the hotel, both. That side has the tree on the top, that's why.

You just eating the cucumber, you have the peeler that City Shopper. Just the cucumber, right. Olivia she eats the breakfast place + the Family Mart on her way back. Every hotel should have a gym inside. You stay indoor a few day, you slim down the weight, and not over heated on your head.

You want to get an umbrella next time? 

You guys age eat these kinds of stuffs - the home made?

I bookmark myself, when Shane if he really shows up....I will engineer that recipe perfects and make a whole thick book, he can read it, and I remember the per steps. These things, probably its more like the fan clubs you give to Shane those hand made things through his company. Right...those are not the food, but its something little bit extra. If they eat those, I make them. The heart shape ?

In my high school, that they do those things in the high school time, I think.

It looks nice, but that is not filling. The pizza dough those, you leave it on the table and rise in Taipei this temperature and fried, without you making it yourself, those have the bread "donut" texture, its not the chocolate coating. Its a fried bread. You mean those, not the snack here in this video? If you only give them these, and not the real food, the guys will get mad.

Not in the sun, your laptop or the PC, the glare? You get a piece of the wood, maybe you go to those original 特力屋 I think also near Costco that area, they told me. You probably know how to drill 2 piece of those 2x4 each side, so just higher enough than the keyboard?

I use the 5 magazine below, its not too long, i can wipe....my table. You subscribe to BAZZAR for 1 year and forgotten the 2nd year, you have a load to throw outside. 

Like those vendor.....the autumn season, the winter, the spring better....

Are you napping in the afternoon, I feel to go to sleep.....I have a jet leg for 2 weeks, you all arrived. The otter was hanging up down....

Taiwan doesn't have that kind of Japan's diet, all of these video, the fish Aquarian included. Not here, maybe somewhere I think has the Aquarian, right.

You two have to decide, what you seeing all these, and talk about it. Hugh has many plans, write it down, and think through. You feel less stress when you run about. 

Los Angeles? 

okay, you just get what you need, and you plan each location like you write it down. I don't know why, but you will know you put on the paper, so you look at it.

Next- You went to chat your hotel counter? And you finding the amusement park?!

Or this si 阿 gay?


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