
Today is typhoon holiday ~~~

The school off day. ~~~~ Sleep ~~

Good night all that side. Good evening to America side.

I go to sleep, too~~~~~

The otter - the circle with the tooth brush


They don't quit doing this ....

Dr. Norman W Walker...NWW, you know that looks like a coordinate?

We know what that is, they will not talk about and I am so youth, why I imagine the superstitious or the tradition to talk about it? You are not reading per word, right. Where I used to be, right? Their superstitious will not be the same as me. Since I am so youth, don't bother with any of this. That is the finish line, not about the charity. You have money?

They meant the business and traffic none stop.... Like my head ~~~~~~

My birds are very clear, outside, all these clouds and the sky and all that....the wind, the otters.

You are in heaven, that is the celestial, people dance, sing, be happy. Babaji's original home. I don't go there, so I go to your world, that leadership world. I don't know his world to be honest, he looks like a lot more correct than....2015 Chapatti or airbender....because that is a white.

I don't think you are born to say spirituality. You have the discipline, that's good. 

They lie to them, or they lie to me. So I cannot tell you, cannot feel it. Its the conspiracy here theory, only.

My bones hurts just to think of any of that, at all. No one operating all that, in the normal sense. I operating this far?!

I am yelling at you, he is yelling at you.

You go anywhere, they will all be yelling at you.

You know he is a guy? Being a little bit normal grown up? He is there a very long time isn't he??!!! His age ~~~~the people, the groups, the friends associate as the white color race grown up European. You are an American !!! 

He looks like, right. Ancient Chasez. No, he is younger.

Right, all those military, right.

That doesn't look like the celestial? The atmosphere ~~ of course he is the commander-in-chef that world,  He grown out of the dancing parts, that's what you mean?  You don't have the meditation or other than the prayers you saying, meaning mumble the words you don't believe in it on the food table. 

They are all have to equip something, that is not your belief in anything, not you grown up, not you strive for. That is very tight things.

He is too old, to tell the age, he looks young, right.

I don't care about it. Ancient Chasez is older.

I don't think you assuming the character, you mean whom? Why that story was being said and becoming like a reality in front of my faces? 

In the modern 21th century here. Anything modernize is...the education and the public hygienic, or the technology. They teach the things like that. 

You mean I am back my feet on my land in the middle of the capital, the capitalize world other than Canada the forest life, and the money, and American alternative media? None of them including you looks like my capital world when I grew up. That is the ABC Asian boy.

I am not jealous the boys ( he is old), you got any friends? Hitting on each other, all that when they grew up? I don't like the human, he doesn't like? The hermit by definition any long time fasting, or the meditation, or even Zawanna or Kail those? A very long time, I cannot wake up my eyes....keep sleeping in.

Maybe you should keep a pet. 

They all wear the eye glasses, like in front of you those looking at each other's eyes in the monitor story from our Earth movie.

They use the PC with a mouse, not the IPad or the IPhone. I am not sure they know what's a 3C in our world, every populate human in the modern 21th century doesn't know the 3C by definition even the electronic appliance. Not very skillful.

Our battery can be recycle, down there. Less harm, me one step down.

Its a wireless mouse. 

I got a battery charger, all different wired. I talking to Ronan 10 USB, that is ten time Hugh grab his height down near one of those Queen here Camilla across 3C.

The wires. The wires to tight up has those device similar to those indoor in America, on the ground to staple those.

The barren land means.

I am deciding ....No, we don't need to be together.

He has no reaction rate - Ronan, "10 USB" or "A shipment of the container."

Per word, per velocity brain should have a response. I have zero patience with these. 

Everywhere I turn are the eye glasses peripheral, and a wired mouse with those hand to move that thing, ....not IPad. Its a screen, me every single day that is 1 millions time since 2018.

They keep their privacy in each of this apartment better, eat, sleep, talk, the friends they travel to all together buddy together is fine. Other than my personal space, they put those contact lens in, or something bothering them, or the eye sight, all that. I am a women ~~~~~~~~~

Not really.

That is a small tiny things, the human-to-human. Ronan he is not a disciple. Someone they care about the disciple? You mean the TV?

They are all the small tiny things, Ronan those. The networks as an umbrella on the top of him is not, he is, he shouldn't be....but...I don't care about it.

194 re-write those one word after "military, millitant, soilder, the ground, the pixie..." every legitimate, or legible words.

You becoming like me....right. He listens better. 

You mean if he is the jump, flip, bounce?


He does looks a lot like that entire comic book inside. The Ancient Chasez is not the inside story, its the cover, when I first got told. 

Your world him, that younger looking in Eon Age I think, he with the military those background, exactly or more. A lot more too. He looks like. 

That doesn't looks like Traffic or the Business?

Why did I wrote your name profile that was a BusinessMan yellow in highlight?

There is an Earth him, thin, the professor with the eye glasses, Asian yellow skin, not the Indian those color. He is a celestial leadership like....the results your world that is free, me free too. You want to get that guy?

(and move?)


What is my Linkedin so daring to say, I wasn't dead, how about that?

(its just 2 in fighting? You have more seats than that....one guy and one girl.)


I don't know what Ronan has or had, or have.....except the outside traffic anything planetary, the way I see it. Whatever that means, in any sunshine worlds are fine. That is what he has. But....

Both. Its only 2 things I say about Ronan. That and ...

(Get up) Does your connection him creates the tests or the exam, all the time those? The tenure means they are millions years positively knowing how to do that, other than me.....

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