
Funkie ( Deadpool and Wolverine )

Tesla and Edison

Square = Disney (1928), they were too old already.  Disney wasn't Disney, you know that?

The round packs fits in the square hole (Steve Jobs Commercial, has 2 versions), its called, "Think Different", not "Think Differently", the grammatical ....Steve Jobs talk about it. It was his advertising department in the 90s.


By Steve Jobs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEPhLqwKo6g

Panda using 麻袋


That is a literacy saying....someone ready to put his dead corpse inside the bag in Chinese.

Whomever this white robes is, you don't want to replace his jobs?


She came to stole some money and some food (the first segment)

She says, "That guy is right outside waiting to catch me like you said." (The Red Cliff General, the biggest military like Beckman. )

She is going to.....燕旬的家 

What do I gonna do with these people, you mean my relative?

The Taiwan president them decide these ABC going to Washington DC to live, to vent, to permanently Maryland if included, I wondered ....??? Not sure.  Square, Pang, Tina ....etc. I don't really know its they get together to watch the movie, and talk about, and then going out of the door to talk about, to feel that family still there. Without the parents, and their same age to fight that Washington DC, alone.

I will be here, where all these military coming from?  I don't need the family, but they seeing all these TV, they always talk to the family, or sometimes the relative, or some of those remaining their childhood memory, I don't know if they frequently facebook each other, or wish that those relative the same age, to go and talk about the TV, the movie, just within them. They are not those flashy people to go and talk to Michael Vartan, never that PETA stuffs.....not Square, not Tina, not their brother or cousins all these.

Pang has these fratenity, or whomever they are Chicago or Michigan, his age, or they all participating those groups of the house to say binding together and sit together in Washington DC, to feel like the family make them stronger, or the classmate, to solve this whole things - ALL TOGETHER.

The otters?  They have those care takers. The judge they have some ways they can sort, not these Zoo idea. 

The local court, it doesn't need to be in the Washington DC. There is a lot of the distribution how 50 states set up as one America, it was a very simple flow charts idea, and the talk between those scene, if each of them think clearly.

I, usually by myself 1 person.

They....usually have the family gathering, or the facebook contact, I cut them off, remember? So when the family is the same age, and near by, they want to feel stronger there is the family supports, so I wonder if that is the American or the Taiwan they give them resource to vent in some parts of the Washington DC. They do these TV drama, they suppose to know the legal stand where to place these people and ready that between the local court, or why they can march in the Washington DC, all that included.

Pang's personality has becoming like that, or Tina's those cursing ABC F words with any bf those kinds. The English speaking manner. They will never land in classify, and I never say at this same time the classify will enter the Washington DC. 

They have !!! 

Fighting those liberal right, Jason, Henry, those with Vicky, or...some other Eric he contacts those ex gf from my school, and all that from Boston, or some went to EF. They are the minority speaking in English, how to vent, how to talk, what is the justice that hurting all of them, and all that. Washington DC takes all that, I just don't know whom or what is ahead ...where they live at, Maryland? 

  • They were a lot closer to they themselves that time ( in Boston )
  • I went back to the Volleyball team in my high school, and even the roller blades clubs or little, or the next Year Class after the EF KY year, we have to sort the graduation performance, the dance, remember?

The W Two Worlds, those.

  • UB...I had some Nathan those graduate school facebook, not as close, but it was MLS. They have those librarian association annually, one video I shared the last time.
  • I thought I was going to be a librarian for real. Its not really a major to me, but I thought about it, so I take all those jobs in that time.
  • Erin's PhD, I went out with Tim Cook's stuffs, its not a thing to him....but I didn't bar down the rest of them, but those are all Ph.D from Thailand, and some other Erin gather, except her. I am not sure if they sort that far. Those are real. 
  • I went to Love of Century (That was from Taiwan.) One of them looks like Chasez, or the last Taipei contact person, one of them looks like Tina's first bf, Titanic. He was a music composer.  
  • The reason I don't have those relative, its those UB X Man - the Honor Class, but they suppose to have the Honor Program, and their current graduate medical school, is that the Ph.D with the MD included, I have no idea. 
  • Its Dr. Steven Hairfield's current major ....Its hanging on the Spider Man 123 ending these alphabets, I gave him that. 
  • I barring that Dr. Bing Shen down, he is about retired.....but he is my mother's side with their entire province....not sure. + Toby (I met some Duke, correct)
  • The several years ago.....before you all knowing these map. It was not Bill Gate's foundation for grant in 2020, I got nothing else to do. They have a re-direct, it was MIT on their website, he would know that. So...I went to ask MIT for help very very early on this red line, and the building structure here, W Two Worlds, my next by neighbors. They will be the first one knowing all that, 2021 continuation of all those talk, it was MIT all these years.

Right now it sounds like a too big of things, if MIT got on, they have everything, too.

No, it was not the movie Spider Man, definitely not. It was Bill Gate and Melinda foundation,...he knew where those links end up?! Why don't they asking whom did that? 

  • There is one First University here professor, I Ching. The holocaust professor, me and him to that ending of the I Ching Story. One time I wrote about, probably the same time MIT.....I am not online, I am somewhere else? So it was my friend no longer the material science, so it will be...
  • First University + the 2nd or 3rd ( Silicon Valley 新竹 their library), looking for her graduation pamphlet long time ago, but it was me talking to this professor. 
  • So there is that 清大 maybe not the crossing neighbor that is 交大 

Their Silicon Valley Youtubers, remember? He did those jobs resume to look for a work? My mother asked me to do in 2020? So....other than those website to use called 104, I thought about...my own projects, that is why there was a MIT and the First University Professor. 

If he calls someone else, we will not be the only 2 human left on the planets as that ending I Ching story. The holocaust. 

I had a theory...only.

He is just listening....can calling only.

We never have this Earthquake to say why I marching down all those saying we are the left over from that book to the Holocaust? 

The real things to go to the Washington D.C, so I tell them. The real things. 

Prince, you doing things from the England side, or from the literacy Harry Potter Ph.D saying? Okay. The evaluation. You.

Then you believe what I tell you so you call someone.

Don't you all doing those things for Harry and the entire Congress dissolve was for the grandmom, or he thoughts about his shortcuts, not the flow charts, through the US?  Those things you knew clearly, or what not? 

No, your own news will be? Forever equal? You know that clear or not? Everything they do was wrong, and the Royal will only coming it down, on you 3 news every single day, you clear this or not? 


  1. The ability to speak in English
  2. The fluent, the comprehensive after the age 35.
  3. The academia performance reach to the Master or the liscence degree.
  4. The minority background from a country doesn't have a political upheaval as the America
  5. Side by Side, the riot formats, from UB, from Taiwan, from China, from Duke
  6. The democracy heighten to its own literacy speaking manner to come together to solve the problems. The evaluation 1 to 10. How loud each should be, how clear it ends, how fast they progress their IQ, or the school from, or the family support behind, their lawyers manuver to all democracy procedure, other than the shortcuts.
  7. The correct democracy literacy in English, in finding out, in library resource sorting, in expressing the Ancient Chinese, or the Chinese langauge to translate, are they the ABC, how far their writing and the organization as the Asian as the schooling, as the write-out to vent.
  8. The louder they get, the more compensate I will EVER be.

They wasn't doing this for me from the beginning, that is the classify material, or that is the human made, you will all be on the television until these all be solved !

The birds facebook video....Hugh, you guys need to go back to that Breezen next by 101, the 7th floor, the Second Floor Cafe? What is this Hailey below the fake birds, Peyton?

The breakfast? My night market direction.....the gym teacher and me my mother met. The elementary male gym teacher, our traffic controller in front of our school, every kid's crash when they grew up K1 to K6.  Next by its the air-con those water / the electrician. 燦坤 their 3C has those air-con and my washer...they have no noise now outside my balcony. The brand new one. They have the personnel coming in to hook up. You need to be there at your own apartment, to renovate, or to install all these 3C? 

( I am eating....my mother cook the soup, the vegetarian beef soup, with the vegetarian beef....you know those already, and some shredded potato and some white rice )

You have a 17 again movies, that is a little boy, so he will be 20+ near by you, or ( the birds quack), not your mother coming in and cook, right?

(stand eating.....I never sit down to eat a real meal anymore... with any of this)

Dr. Do Little apprenticeship, and you Hugh will be the gym teacher apprenticeship?

Are you talking about that Furniture street, the vegetarian all soupy, you already taste it, and...this is what I drink everyday or the pumpkin soup (its the broth from Loving Hut), my mother gets those pumpkin from the night market. You are not talking to me, right? Hugh?

You are pretty happy those Breeze 南京 their soup? The 4th all floor those individual booth inside has a soup? And where is this Olivia? I thought I say my vision is she goes up? She....where is Olivia? You only carry your own tray your own height, your own bowl, with.....that's it? 

You....zen pray your food before you eat? 

Yogananda has a book has a prayer, maybe it is in that blue book, or some books I never read...

And where are your any best pal buddy, the cousin, or anyone behind you, other than this Olivia, you eating alone with that prayer.....no one bothers you? And you went back to where to talk?!!  This is the time for the breakfast, not the brunch a soup? You don't know what to order?

Maybe they changed, so I cannot understand it. 

oh ~ if Olivia taxi about 11:00, she grab all those soups and the vegetarian dim sum, you all both can eat there on that giant space, the food court, Yes !

There is 1 north of you, but you don't know how to get there, so am I by Taxi. Near the airports, not all the way to the Wheel. Are they more near the Wheel further North? 

I don't have a plan for you......they going to Japan, some ships, they finding their flowery city all around in Japan, its a lot more cultural, if you think about it, Hugh. Its more expensive probably, but I am not sure where these ship finding each other best pal friends.

1) The water gallon, or the soap. But there should be at least one ship has to arrive there.

2) Its a Flowery City, not sure where their ship they park, or if they travel after that.

Finding things, and calling it back to.....either those 2 or 3 ships going after them, or they by the way pick up something to land in Japan, the image its a little bit blurry. There is nothing with them, or they are hestiating....so they didn't leave yet.

Not sure. 


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