
Is this about your territory, you go to Maryland, or Japan...or Korea included?

I am in Taiwan and anywhere in America other than Maryland...that is what you are saying.

92  24?  Or my Taiwan map these? Those are the new building, cheaper for the new generation, not 101 those, of course not. They have to drive or the scooter in.

BTX 03, Hank if using me to get to Google intended and hurt me  (the phone company that contact person) = rotate, rotate, rotate, 3 ways calling. He is from that direction with the 3 words in Chinese 三. 

Or you want to say....that is the map with the penis towards American embassy those saying? Okay.  Your attention is going to Japan, and I would be? NEVER at Mably those, of course not.

Shane or this Nicky stuffs? Home. We stay home.

Eat, cook, lay down, go to nap, get up eat, and watch the movies, staying home. If that is at their home calculation stuffs? That's it? okay. Yeah. Eat, cook, washing, lay down, go to nap, calling people, get up and the kitchen counter eat eat eat. They probably watch the movies or having the meeting on their own. Shane goes ....where they all office at, his home? I am with Shane, or with Nicky? Shane?!

Shane !

We hold hands to go for a walk, kisses and hug, walking holding hands those stuffs. The sneakers, kisses on the cheek ! 

Otter and the Panda in the water....

You don't have....you two guys don't know how to go inside the water of your bath tubes, or calling your all butler, the maid service?

Fix your office desk? Do you ever have a desk, the Queen had. 

oh ~me, not about my office desk? 

These girls one person studio? I stay with my mother. Not really planning to go?! Harry's bad attitude. You mean each of your classmate so independent to one person studio Upper Class world, those money is not the money world? haha....you mean you all poverty bankrupt human and be left hand chop, and right hand 2 fingers missing, Harry? Try one more time anything funny? Like the typhoon says, the Sailor Moon rocks or the scepter?

Rock your world, Harry, say it loud...right hands, keep touching those metro consequence like drape of this Mr and Mrs Smith? 

You mix up where you belong to be honest....Taipei is not your interests, so that is your Japan all your banquet without IQ human to say, seeing the Congressman about what? 5 second?! Your father's connection. So funny...everyone claps a min, that was 10 second talk ~~ sound like so important of the legal adviser's advice, your IQ is middle school, say it loud ! You suppose to get that Congressman sitting down per word, per line, per paragraph re-write, when you finish 5 million years, the same 4 walls these girls every wiping that tiny money to say proud....its not your 2 hands end up those year, to say eternal, funny ~~~laugh a min.

People sad to die, you all faith to God so well, how little remains....you mix up..its someone has to help you, or the Heaven is too high to never reach. You mean that is God's will to be done through the movies, that will sound like an excuse on your court paper. 

Say it! It will work somewhat ~~~~ You cannot tell, I am so dedicate to share that parts of the God's will To Be Done? ahhahha.....Any more words? Until that bullet is at your mouth inside....to say every Earth sphere to wipe out nothing but the blood...with all of these, you imagine I was joking, or you imagine...time never lasting enough we just chatting here, right? 

These festivity something I cannot talk about my video here... You all 20 years old imagine the real estate or the stock market? The poverty money is not the money, I already say. Anything else? Tired, the winter dedicating labor works on your back muscle and bent it neck....not your back spine?


You should have follow the military order of the data I tell everyone. Only God = I exist place will be your forever kneeling area to sound like the merits through Heaven, all these houses...when it will be suspended in your Westerns all world sphere....its destiny. haha...

250,000 -400,000  15 years ago UB near by, saying a full family house.

That is what you mean, you are the boss? Or you are the son of the Boss? 

No...just the terminology different, your guard so dedicating your proud faces of the past history records as the low grade British soaking in the blood and the honey walls yet?  That is not funny? Laugh a min, or clap. 

You say the math, or you saying you had a saving? Those money is not the money.....

Not your life worth a thing with that 3 millions guards, you bet.....I say all blood was a joke if not all on the street soon enough ~~~~look at it, look at it, look at your Congress !!! So big full wing, so swing at your lips, that is up down, not left side right your cheek, say it the Earth is rotating....Left to Right. Funny? ~~~ Laugh laugh laugh ~~~ all world nothing but the celebrating only to my mood.

You bet, you bet, you bet....17 boys, or the 17 years old.....someone's fate is not yours to keep flatting , They all doing this to us...say it 1 millions time on the microphone...you will know a donut on your people's mouth to fed, all world hear.....They all doing it to us. Flattery has to be per word sound like the boy.....I want the whole Cosmo hear it, that per kneel bar down with the stick and the metal shining blade, your her back if not bent and pierce in pain. You bet, I was a God starting the born time, or all these things meant, yet the darkness to ever come.

Crying has to be burst, I want to know, its real....bursting all of you 3 boys...burst in loud in sounding, in perfect everyone must be laughing so loud so loud so loud.....you all payment will be eternity hell forever....


You are not fear enough.....I say I AM THAT I AM. Funny? 

You all believing it you all have the worth, so funny.....Your flag needs to wipe each of your full skull blood in deform, and that whole British TV will be noithing 24 hours in screaming.....you know I was joking, or you mean...this whole universe will ever be, if not already done so...

funny, ~~ laugh !!

Keep believing in it, in yourself, touching it like that Simon chest hair with 26 Demi the drug rehab, fun? They all used to be....young.....Used to be...worth, they think? Funny !!

Clap a min ~~ things say it clear, say it loud, you all each other's mate, help each other to get strong, I meant, any time you raise your jaw up a tiny, that full head down turn be bent full in blood, will be nothing but steam engine 16 century, to that magic leafy Ola...so tiny.....what things?

Never exist ~~ but high tech.

Laugh the eternity karma is on high tech ~~ you don't feel it to hide hide hide ?

Say it....its a secret, say it ! Say it loud ~~~!

To that eternity none of you have a liability...say it....no one knows. Shi.....~~~~~

oh ~~ must be you all international flaggy down human trips to shake hands...you seeing 1 millions people, not 4 limbs chop to workship me.

Aunt and the uncle those? Perfect Royal bold head down down down at your dignity to the strangers to say your academia English wasn't enough to generate the income, look at Eben, those?

It would be your own very mansion.....wishing everyday, you are the 4 limbs chops.....so much proud guards to say the consequence all expense....not me wishing you so fully well.


Some guards are feeling sorry for you all, their fist up ADD all the time, that British jaws to say May Flower those, that is 1 against 99 of your other mansions all by himself. I say 4 limbs chops, bow and stay indoor blind, that is your best human merits never move your limbs, shi.......

Today is the first day you hearing this? 

haha....human mortal worlds, what can the wine and flowery, til this world nothng but the blood in mission will be your concern to know? Say it? Your own pride is a meal to wait and eat, sit down and pry to go home, no food. All too greater look of the photogenic, it was a meal in the banquet big room to eat a meal, feeling like a home?  To the low IQ Harry Potter druggy dealer past of that middle school F grade, you wipe your mouth to hear 1 small tiny news. You need 50 zillion years, I am telling you, this greater apartment of the tiny girl to say, clean the home, keep the house, of that poverty life to say Ola together....funny. No one knows this story of the evolution eternal.

Its under me, or under your imagination seeing your mother so many times? 

I say per word right, you must insist its the meal to dine and a leaking news those VIP at?

So stupid, F grade.

Did you ask.

Say it loud, "What if....."

Say it.

"What if I pretending to touring about these round table of the empty hotel lobby VIP all gathered floor or no floor, any legislation people at...."


Did you ask?

The F grade brainy?~! 

5 Eternity year?

Must be that Seth saying that....you will be Harry the school teacher to be. oh ~ you follow my instruction to that SMCH and your mother at. The whole Cosmo central those. A small tiny school teacher, and your brain is still....with the holes in it. You can get to be a school teacher even in 5 eternity year.


To use that one first life Harry Potter story.

Anything else?

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