
When your IQ is very low grade Harry, or any of your disable all mel function low background kate included....

Someone found out all that way before me arriving here, it supposes to be in the 90s. That was the media's power. Some people capable to use the legal action to get rids of all of you. Just not knowing the conspiracy theory hurting my back bone that time.....you all already ending up in the hell, and this time its still you getting your way, or you mean the Presidents let you, or you accord with the court to do their bidding.

You got mix up....you have no character, to yield.....you just what...when you feel to get it right, not because you are righteous, its was what? oh ~ they talk sweet to you. You could 1 lifetime never touch that court room door line, they will at least telling you, that person has more dignity of it.

You have no schooling, so that court room was your playground, since when? The first time you standing at the lawyer's office, When? In England. Or you want me to ask your father? His 1st screwing up time all combine, every single word not right?   No.

Anyone telling your father I exist year? 2004 Ella Enchanted? Why doesn't he JUST ASK ME? My brain NEVER changed....

Did you....present each other's body side by seeing the judge, in whom's case? Your case, or your father get smart, his case only he went and screw it up better? Not that Mummy (2023)?

This ...uh .... probably its the eternal system stays in every word you claim with the judge, it may not be the content, but its you have the family dispute over something starting early on, if your father didn't take his mother at when 1960s Era or 1980s, whichever the family dispute near all by. These content may not be the points, because it doesn't need to be seen or read, but something else will be eternal, and if they got open to be reviews or scan, there is nothing important in it. Your literacy is not in there. You all...probably sit down with the lawyers, to imagine you are smarter....so you went to be very honest to the lawyers and to jump right in the points of something 1) it was not the TV 2) Later its only the TV.

You all 3....or 4 or 10, I will tell you....whichever together, you are all doing the same thing. Jump right in the points. Unless your Royal that 1st and 2nd Throne your father and your brother has a special treatment pretending they are smarter, meaning the freedom all unbound, and what did you do?

They limited their freedom those? Meaning do they insert any legal adviser, or the legal professional like Riley, that kind, but its the legal something....legal team, or the para legal those, other than the confronting, you walking FREELY inside your city wall somewhere, you pick random the second opinion, you literally open that yellow book the phone book, and...show up that 1 or 2 door, to say the second opinion, those?

I have a certain order, VERY loud, to limit the human's freedom. Right at you all faces. Did you all be limited? Indoor, whatever....indoor? Without the hands, or got whip, or something tie up no more legs those? 

....okay, at least?

Do they insert any legal adviser, or the legal professional like Riley, that kind, but its the legal something....legal team, or the para legal those,

You all knowing the throne correct line, THOSE without you kind. Do they bar down that palace door and lock them up somewhere exactly like the FRIENDS say? Like lock it up in the closet, like the move intend to say? So their secretary limited their door getting out, or be seen by the lawyers or the para legal to all together eating out AT the judge where about? 

The lawyers are not your best friends. I don't have anything to tell you, how to use that lawyer, but one day my worse mood or the better mood this earlier year, 2024, I told or wrote your brother a simple paper, that is his own doing, if he modified those words AGAIN, to see the lawyers office?

No, after he read and then reading it loud to the lawyers, the second words after that, he quits talking, or he continues to talk his own language? 

He gets 10 pieces of the writer's whom wrote like me, and go to see that lawyer, better a brand new. Only read from the paper, no other voice. 

"I come here today with my father, we just want to ask something. He will not be talking, I am. My name is _____ (anything but William), we dropping by near the city and is on visiting. We have some of the materials to bring in this office location or you have any other legal advisers or you yourself all around office other than this city location, we are interests in the long time cooperation. If you have read our email the past weekend, we are in a hurry. If you don't mind us. My father just gonna be quiet here, I will do the rest of the hour to talk. "


No, I don't have a father, he will never be anywhere. Not my mother, not nick. Shut up~ they will ever be.

"The case we brought in, me and my father, is that something you are interested in to read, or you have some other referral in the end of this hour, you can talk to us about? Your friend, or you have some other professional experty other than this? We need something we wish to know about, and for some time we will stay on this case to go forth in our life and my father is very interested in the financial assistance if he heard what he wants to hear. Can you help us?"

"My father just gonna stay outside."

"So, I prepare some documents in a simple writing, or the summary, can you read it? He can stay outside and waiting."

"Not to represent my father's interests, or just my own curiosity after you reading this....this entire trajectory in your liking or prefer language, we have a legal cooperation in the business format, other than this personal simple write-out, it will not be my pamp attitude to say, that was my father, or I go on my own to this legal ground, so saying, if you yourself as the adviser lawyers, to say present (presence), you understand when we accord this, let's say you and me, you just met my father outside, he will not do the bidding....pretending you and me stands in the court room, this will not be at your office this relaxing, and you saying you heard the correct legal reason or the amount, we sent in..I myself, you understand its me doing the bidding not my father. 

At this mild interaction, let's say, you are our first lawyer to talk to, you realize, or I realize, its we both sign, this bidding doesn't require my father to presence, or else that I myself to seeing doing it, he knew the whole thing but his attention can be move somewhere else, he is confident or not assure, you will only report to me, when we sign here, or this piece of the paper doesn't require?"

( "What does it mean, I may ask?" )

"I want some court room clear, just you stand there....me and you working this out, he doesn't need to be there."

(" That is very simple to do, just a simple piece of paper." )

I will what?

Doing that small tiny thing, for the whole morning talking, this ? 


Do your citizen send you all to the jail? 

Your guards, and IT someone limited you a little bit, the war, or the slander, you live in London, so you don't just so far away from your gate walking, you......drive to London inside somewhere all by yourself? Your limo drivers, they stop you?

All 3 or 9?

haha.....you know what's a yellow book in America? Not Hank's those app reviews on the apartment searching, its your lawyer's offices which words you keyword in the search box, that is an app purchased?

The website reviews?

Okay, don't you have those somewhere before the congress gone, you have those gala annually, or those very big glamour place with the people friends show up? That guy soccer your father invited, or that is Gigi's bf? The same guy?

Did you.....

You all got bar down, any metal bar insert at your indoor room, somewhere? Other than your hands reaching out the Panda for the food? 

For how long? 10 years? I put down 10 Heaven heavy door down, someone gets hurts, or lock up !!! The Panda got locked IN, not locked it up !!!

If you got lock up, just stay there for 10 years, no one will get hurt. That's it.


Let's say, you got locked down, I can say I have a wish you all got lock it down so no one writes anymore to the outside gate communication !!! That was inspired from Frozen and I succeed to lock the gates down starting from the Queen. We will not be discussing this at this point, we have a war. No more corresponding, right now!!

Did you lock them up? You can take this to tell them to sign, give them some treats?

How long you got lock it up?

I am the dominating factor. I won.

All of this at this time. I have a saying at this court room as the adviser to the present sphere of All Earth dominating factor, the modern time 21th century. I can adjust this starting from the First Life borrowing any file to be accordance to all this court room presence at any cause, to the far future and the eternity set points of the time frames how this Earth be guiding to. I am the solely rulership or whether or not its this planet, I have the regent power to side by any court room final ruling.

At this time frame starting AD 2000.

You dare, so you hand the files.

Do you chop them a finger, or a toe finger, or something they end up anywhere might be I seeing it, or the human all together got jailed, and just bar inside the mansion, that assigned residence everyone reads from the newspaper by the public ? 

The Sailor Moon hand bands. 


The thing I draw you, those are the math.

You went where to pull whom? MINE system data?

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