
You all have nothing else to speculate or talk about? (The movies)

The story inside the movie.

Your first foremost decision was you decide where you staying at your next 20 years idea in learning "your capitalized language" other than the ancient Chinese Palace Museum or the Chinese Literacy to access the ancient Chinese History,  the ancient Chinese,  the ancient Chinese painting with the calligraphy, that is the ancient Chinese (poems).

It will NEVER be that that that that that, so you go to China to get your commodity organized to say, you doing the business with what not things in China and LIVE in Shanghai.

Mably, or George school back home, they all gone yet?

(this is not about the major or?)

The King supposes to be in his happy world the last time I heard.

His servant needs the better cover front all written words, other than everything sent in to my head pain, I need to wash my hair, not going outside for this cut paste art books.

They have their misfortune head, and you all have their side by thinking of the calculation? 

Harry cannot be in the public underground to just drop everything on the blonde to the shopping world with the bf, and knock down, kick, or hurt, or bleed to die. Or destroyed the public utility as the existing building structure. The royal doesn't have the power in Asia.

George that know about the Elsa in the school, you mean their kids.....not growing up yet. 

I am reading the news.....

That might be, vision saying ....I cannot see. His buddy blondie friend with black frame eye glasses, but it says me.

This orc servant, what do you want? A better image.

It might be the pharmacy store outside, they don't even know the name of that store.

Oh~ King's news, sorry. 

He watched the FRIENDS, that TV series. The Bath, it was a book story, everyone on the couch reading it and discuss. That is their TV shows. Rachel says, and Joey agrees....that is the story. I remembered. Because...Rachel is the waiter, and Gurther is the boss but he usually nags that Rachel, these are the friends dining there. So this book...is actually from Rachel reading it, and Joey screamed. Chandler was....sarcastic I think.

Summer is Keanu Reeve's sister, right? Rift apart, that is not the words in this reading, right? No....which lines. She called him the husband, right?

Monica and Russ is the sister and the brother. Normally if Karen gets Melinda, she does nothing but the TV talks. Sometimes you are not sure all the TV content inside, all the character you used to see a few clip, you might know that long time ago, same like me....Melinda is very very sure about it, so she told me. Some people like those content talks.

That shop is Guther's, but its Rachel leading all that as if she owns those table counter to make a coffee, so you seeing Joey or Chandler front, those are what they order, and usually they talk about in this simple conversation. Let's say Phebe and Russ coming in, or a bf or a gf. Rachel later in the season dating the Joey, to everyone else surprised, at least to us...I remember that so long ago. It was Rachel and Russ. 

The seasons means, when you bought that anything the TV made from America, its a whole box, and you open that....let's say 123456, which CD (90s), or 2000 we used the DVD, CD..sorry. So....we, I always thought it was Russ and Rachel, and later a lot of the scene changed, so Joey and Rachel moves from the original 2 apartment separated to ....if Rachel had the baby and an independent Russ's kid, that apartment. It is very strange for me, because the impression was always, they are across each other hallway.

A lot of TV later is so mess up, I don't like to watch them anymore. 

So I only remember more the beginning I guess those normal background you seeing those couches, those I remembered. Anything after they move or they change, something.none of that I never watched it anymore. There is a gossip how they make that TV, Rachel supposed to be Monica, I think.....it was Jennifer she convinced the director, she is the Rachel, so she got that ....

Sorry, I cannot talk about any of that. 

Back to my vision. It will be....I am not sure Mably's age, I am not even sure any of them know whom each other truely in the real life separated the palace public duty outside field trip (building the house survey), or in the palace those too many people, they shake hands. (What do you call that? Not the public duty, right? Greeting the dignity. )

News....no. Its close gates mean. I think.

His grandkids. I forget, I just read it. 

Sometimes its a quieter life, and as that....slippery Mably stands on his own side training people, I just told you, those age lines they probably still have the King to baby them. Mably will NEVER do that. I am not sure his age, I keep saying that. If you close gates, you will never require to join that overall scene other people put it up, and he is one of the participant. 

Meaning he is really just what I said, one of the participants. Its not to baby you, that will be these news show up the England new PM and American current still the president, if that side dragged me to America, no matter what....I don't go and baby Prince William and Middleton or Harry with Meghan these one straight line to Mably stands. So that....is a separated ranch to bring up the kids, and stay on their education to the near by school, and those living environment. Never reach the Tokyo, and when Mably finished, he doesn't need to contact anyone and he just leaves. 

One of the participants means, 50 table cloth table, everyone entry, and listens to.

The competition means, 2 side like Conan the brown face, you exact location vs Mably (East).

The speech deliver, and microphone holding.

Except....its a lot more funding lacking, and no table cloth.

*****The competition means 1 person front stands up.****** Mably will be on the hugh spotlight on his face, cannot see anything, one microphone stands for all 50 table cloths FULL participants, yours are....like Japan they know these 2 places sounds like, between the 2 characters. 

Like....you already seen, those same vertical line in front of you. His will not be the ranch looking, at all. Not at all. When you get there, you will think he didn't have that jobs. He ONLY has that job. So until....you all leave.

Of course its serious. There is one thing I say not serious?!

Mably What?

His butler at his bed side saying, none of that is the lawsuit, he wearing the eye glasses, because all that is the system and I got injure and Mably errored? Wtih the eye glasses....they are all wearing the eye galsses, I hate every human at home. He lives in the palace. Right now, he stands....might be every single day I don't know with the empty table and the spotlight.

That is his job? 

You like Mably, or this is his last name....why his butler and him...on his bed, talking? It was his desk, he is pulling his own file, becoming a bed? Its too fast, because the butler has to sit down, to calm down him?

Mably?! He needs to calm down...oh !


The Google logo on the left, not this main search site. ( my everyday news default was on Yahoo)....all these news below, those are super important in the real life, like....everything else the diplomatic between the Countries in Power. If you go and discuss those "English termiology", where....not Hugh is the comic book coach. What is his voice I never heard clear, was da la lee da la? 

My waking up, wash my hair time. Outside....so hot here.

When I have to....never mind.

So do you like Japan? Shopping or touring? 

I have enough with this newspaper....my sandal broken again, the left foot, swelloning from below. How can a sandal be swelloning....I also don't know why.

There is a shooting star on the CNN, make a wish?

I have never really bought the star bucks cup or the mug.

Too busy on reading, and inside the head thinking? Not on the vicinity looking all around?

****The Bookstore****

You find it ? oh ! Crying at the heart?

I am watching ....whom is Jack Nicholson? uh ~ that is the guy when he was young.....I understand now this whole thing. 

blankey, blanket ....blank.

No, boiler, if we use that the same GE water boiler, below, you turn that upside down. There is a logo, that is GE...insignmar. 

Do you see the URL link, first 5 letter words?


The conversation at FRIEND, your newspaper to this clip

blankey, right? The key in the end. 

bay ! 

( Not Burrito bay, the food? )

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