
Red River Manga Book 3

"Zawanna is back !!!"

Anna me on the throne, to keep punishing the humanity.

He coming in glooming, in darkness. 

That is the script? 

Sep is the school semester begins

The stationary shopping + an art craft books, all the school kids doing that from here.

(Not done)

Why there is a whole universe laughed?

A middle aging women help you, the rings with the poison to touch the castle wall, like Harry's hang dragging Taipei Metro wall, with his right hand, drape curtain wavey, touching, his arm length ...the sad air of that human, very sad.

to, your right hand full of the rings, with that key to paint line every car, and those rings are poison to the castle wall + the kids, but you say you are the prince, not those kids means?

To ....your Ireland which propersition Act, of the Section laws Bill ful to....pass? Transgender is the Ireland trendy...if the dispute failed that day, its your enemy's cars? And in this life...

****** Westlife, which line is your song.*******

"In this life...."

Which cars do you touch this paint line car, not happening to be Zawanna in the parking lot in where? Ireland or America?

(The birds) ...meaning you been to the Washington DC and the flow charts the whole American Congress or Ireland, that sun rays of the brighter day, it was your enemy's cars full of the parking lot in lines?

So....In This Life

You are the first time interact with Westlife like me?

Mark's song, King's art / craft books, long long nails.

 You happened to know the proceeding manner, that is what you mean? You looking forward to your all SA either side, the best friends, all of them to join and you delicate your rings, or your key (Tesla key or they becoming the wireless for you! ), you doing what together with them.  The together....family makes you strong those?   ]

You pass the local without the Supreme Court (always in the DC), you don't need that.  [   ] 

If you don't pass the local, so you get to the Supreme Court in DC, and pass that, again, you still don't need that, its passed.   [   ] 

*********  I am busy. **********

小琉球, that will be Okinawa.沖繩

(fainted) My last 2 days cannot highlight, cannot blue print color, cannot enlarge the font.....

1. The rental car motorcycle lists, or the mechanic shop, the MOTORCYCLE (? TV)

2. Right below the word: 牌...

No, that belongs to Japan.

No, Japan is Japan, not China. No, you can purchase the land, you keep both the land + the house. You paid both the tax. Similar, Japan and Taipei, except....we limited to the residents here.

Read it ....

Avenging....revenge to dedication to the captain and the crew dead. 

You all first time arriving to Asian timezone on the map (the vertical line). There was sometime ago, between China, Japan and Taiwan were.....over where this 琉球群島, and Okinawa is just one bigger island on it, and this name is not our langauge, its the Japanese. You happen to land there for the medical reason?! Not you rule all these island near by? 


  • Japan is considering...
  • Korea is
  • Okinawa is just one of the...
  • And Taiwan is ....1911 - 1950 then after is...

  • You don't drink the sea water, that is everything you see on the map. 
  • You need to drink the public fountain boiled water, or the filtered water from the major city. 
  • Tokyo is Japan, the largest population dense capital. So is Taipei to Taiwan, and Shanghai is the number 1 sea port, not the capital in China.

Is this what you wish to know? (Must know?).

You are not that important, its the American election, got you.

( I have a feeling, I should be in Ireland, whichever,....here you all prince yourself 1000 girls trained with 500 boys to grow up this King's era or retired, because that resources is crown at Middleton, she is none relevant, but she got the image to...this FRIEND, Russ impress the girls sitting here Taipei with Hugh + Olivia, if that is not his daughter. AI all those sounds if not the weaponry strategic and the defense initiative. The combine words. )

I fainted.

Japanese, Mandarin, not us the motorcycle.....to, I mean to do what? Live here?

Taiwanese. All those mechanic shop. We will be the biggest island, that's why there is a national flag. Okinawa, your England since 16th century those famous ship like the movie.....that is *****not a national flag ***** on its own. Its not that giant big size of the land mass. Meaning the people / the human populated reason, are not by the natural predator to the human civilization striving.... will be the only reason and place among the highest interests such as the finance and the economic activities in the society.

If that Okinawa island has a flag, not China, not Taiwan, not Japan.....its not the wiki says how the Revenging of that local, were the tribes of that many colors, were the native Taiwan at least 9 tribes to unite similar to that Thanksgiving reason. You as the England KING all world, around....KNEW what is the Thanksgiving reason?

That is not the Taiwanese coming from. They are lower than the Taiwanese, the Thanksgiving reason from. ......

What is Kimchi (30 mins ago) + the avocado (tropical beach land, Mexico, Caribbean sunshine sunshine, breeze, the sand made of the beach,.....those worlds food) = avocado?

We only see the avocado in the Supermarket grocery. You know those Costco, we have ever met "avocado" or the small "coconut " .

There is a certain thing I have never seen. 

The supermarket grocery to us would be similar to 1) 家樂福  2) Mia C Bon

You looking for ....the breakfast earlier, someone like Olivia?!

You don't want to use Hugh's home hotel named Shangri La based at the Amazing Road 敦化南路  end....Burger King has a higher Metro (not in the ground), you called it...that the end. Why...

Interesting, why......because that might be the *Tree Forest ended !!!!

                                   *Tree Forest as  (1) Lords of Rings (2) Sakura Clear Cards

That road has a N version 敦化路, The Burger King is that the end corner? It is, that is South version, we use S on the international mail if you going back and forth England post office, maybe check with your palace address. 

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