


No one has the water in Shane's song.

You are the reason no one has the water, Ronin Keating! You sit there with that bottle of the water inside your living room because Anna doesn't say, so your TV channel cable is on WHAT? The funny jokes?! Drinking in that world, no one has the food, the organic, or the water !!! Shane, they have to carry the grocery, even with Anan, so Indian general they could have the resource from Babaji. You want me to cut you off from this Earth, or starting cooking and learning every grocery shopping food and the list, to AWLAYS end up given other people in supports, for Anna, and for me (us.). No one expect you doing one thing right in life, but at least given the people THE FOOD AND THE CLEAN WATER in every season they coming home, NOT your phone line app on what? EVERY women's scandel on your gossipes tales, or every man's on fashion scheme?!! WE HAVe WHAT cloth on our top?

TO LOOK like a comic book FOR YOU.

SA, you all, someone lead one of the whip on the table. (says Zawanna and me)

You all reading lists, not limited to 1 other books to read?

Zen have 6 Patriah stories, original, and then, and then.

                                           Bodhidharma, cut arm, 2nd, 3rd

                                                  Keanu,     Nancy Meyer,  19 Anita (wants the baby with Keanu)

All of the boys, all friend, not 1 boy near to say buddy. I don't care it was the past, no guy, he gangs up on One Human any life in any business, in any social scenery be seen. Only 1 him keep walking in that Ireland, no talking, no calling, no discussing, no discussion, one word, that whip will be on all of you.

Stop all communication to say 1 boy you are, with the arm to lift together next by Ronan, to hit one human on the road. 

Japan is an island, everyone repeat it, you all SA.

From South like typhoon, its the American military jetship flying Star Trek flying giant crafts.

You Ronan, all of them, your best pals. You have no one, first warning sent out.

Yeah, the girls fine. He envy England has the chef, not the bill, or.....Truman's. The Indian General. ~ its a chef issue forever.

No, the other Westlife, they all had carried their own grocery, Shane will ask the price and probably put it in the car, those action plan, someone write it all out, what you all capable to do, including driving a SUV in your life, open the door, close the trunk, those things. Carried the plastic bag or the recycle bags, or take out that organization basket, or the unbrella, or the flashlight, anything you carry able, you all SA are the guys (boys), the same. Write a list, you all combine capable doing inside your 1 person home. 

You use the dollar store in Ireland? Like a basket to put your trunk SUV things behind, and you leave the basket of the fruits or the water bottles behind, those acts, Shane does. Or Nicky carried his grocery with his phone on the left hand those, with the eye glasses. Those per scene.

Combine, you keep your list. When you ask to get up, you then combine that lists.

No, the girls from the company, yes, talk to Ronan, all that is fine. Except all boys off limits now. His body is too holy, and never side by side anymore. You have 5 mins on the phone. Not side by side, one finger lift with his arm together, its cut off disable.

Get another sheet, the Ireland Police

Tell me, what did I say, re-write that. Where is all this writing coming from me comprehensive image, from?

He wants to be an England Prince? With a chef?! 

It will be Zawanna right side cross the table to beat up that Ronan. Very badly beat up, those.

I have a table? You Ireland has anything transgender bill or act, or groups, or the organs donation, not the gays. Thailand are those? No, the paper written things or in the news. No, not arriving Thailand, political those joint the cause, joint the groups, joint the voice of one world children those.

Ronan would be the Boyzone, not Westlife, no.

I used to thought....Westlife is Simon Cowell and Lewis Walsh under their company license the boyband. I didn't know Ronan is their same age to say the manager, but....maybe those real fans know.

I am not sure this Ronan, it would be Stephen Gately their Boybands to say, not Ronan's boybands. Boyzone, they label themselves as the Boyzone, and Stephen Gately is the album cover to say ....the normal thing. That blonde Ronan I cannot see it. The impression is on Gately, to me. 

The cooking table pretending to be Nicky, its Shane I think.....okay, either...most Westlife isn't with Ronan I think, but I do see the table Ronan and Brian or Keith at the same....beginning and the end of the 2 smaller table, the rest of the faces cannot be seen.

I ...didn't think if Nicky and Kian side by, Ronan eats with them. He supposes to be at Boyzone, not Westlife. Pretending I have been in Ireland living with Kian/ Nicky or with Shane. I personally run that scene to think....I don't think Shane and Ronan is the friends. His facebook. Shane's facebook those are his normal social around, those are the friends. 

Even Nicky has something else other than Westlife.

So is Brian's entire community, other than Westlife.

But when you say meeting to eat...I am not very sure Ronan is anywhere near this Westlife. ( I was with Kian/ Nicky last year, to say Shane together this year. All the yard BBQ or the table, the guests yes....but I am not sure Ronan, if they meet....that is the friend together to say one conversation right. )

Til 40 years later on, we all die, that kind.

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