The soft bags

For the overall big bag

+ the underwear bags (can be the zip plastic bag)

Its where you leave that in your room, at the assign cabins, the vertical wall. Just 2 large shelf, you put the soft bag big with your winter sweater hood without the string, the pajamas pants

+ that plastic socks and the underwear. 

You go by per day you use 1, so sometimes you don't change the sock, if they don't come to see you everyday and doing the laundry every single day to get to the lunch time.

You wash it at the counter and you leave on the hanging bar or the one person's room has a chair, to dry a bit. 

You use a soft bag, or another plastic bag to keep the used underwear or the socks.

You eye ball separate them.

And you get the shopping those paper white nicely bags, you get those 3 chips bags okay in the room, or some other form the snacks probably all in that bag. You put that separately.

Your water gallon

Your tissue papers

The stocking soap (washing your underwear a bit)

The period rectangle sets, you always prepare the extra to leave it there.

You can ask for some hair band (soft) in that bag, like the zippers side by, you can find them.

No rubber band.

The clipper okay.

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