Babaji: Go
I think the other side of the standard they mean what they say.
But the court room, they don't really care about they say. They care about you. But you didn't grow up to position yourself from the first day on with the court room procedure trending in America. That resources probably is one of the biggest things in the world, from the first visit to whom, pay the court fee, or the lawyer, or talk to the lawyer, or the debate, what is the right words, or what is this details the jurisdiction of the laws....
I cannot just imagine Taiwan one civil class textbook, whichever I can remember to understand any of your personal life. You can be junks, and still be legal, just don't bankrupt yourself with the debts or the medical care in the old age.
You can run away from your parents, with another lover as long as you make the money to sustain that one bedroom one bath per month pays.
I am guessing
Guess, guess, guessing....maybe, but I cannot get there. I don't think in advance. When you go near, you talk, you mingle, you make the calls from the America land line number.
I understand the Legally Blonde, not every vocabulary, but I understand why plaintiff hires a lawyer, or that a group of people. Harvard put that, the whole setting with...those face I think its funny. I have never seen the real people in the real movie stuffs. While I think I understood this Legally Blonde, I don't think you and me understand each other term, because I grew up mandarin with my civil class.
= you talk with your lawyer first step correctly.
I am guessing the whole movie, you imagine I understand the words, I read the Chinese, I seeing the trace. I cannot hear the rap music, I cannot listen to some jargon.
But I understand a certain step, because I see all of you, all of us, the facebook and the movies. I know where are everyone is inside the movie. I have NO IDEA, you either put your ego so huge at your lawyer, or you got him told you some bad things, or if you make it to the judge, what exactly you say to the court session. Do you tell the other facebook people?
= I literally finish these 800+ to realize, this is not you saying?!
We happen too many times with this. TOO MANY TIME. I thought I understood this one thing, and thought funny, even I cannot make out the words, I understand how if I could do. I trust that each of you knowing your America so well, I am happy for you, to go play.
I probably can guess why I cannot go, this is bad enough in Asia. But you all like the court or the democracy something you must all loving it, so there is the American politics stuffs.
It HAS TO GO TO the court so there is an America.
Do they kill you inside the court? The judge? You make me feel....HORROR!!!!! Either its you say to what to the judge, or its what you written, or something I don't know but its on their face. I cannot understand just by looking. There is no voice, no sound.
I go to sleep.
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