
I think England parliment, if they are PM real still alive, those Congress, or Upper House, or Chamber of Common Wealth.

I only know America, I can only live in that system. Don't look at those Royal family, just leave them all together.

Tell me, you think they went to once detention center? Meaning close to near that jail or the physical jail like the Iron Man? Have you been to a close jail world? You believe a person ends up in the jail, and you have a sibling, he or she talking to you, "You friends went to jail?"  Any human near that, you say forever get out of my brother's life. FOREVER.

Never going back and forth like a game?! You would believe that?

A lot of the upper wealthier kids are bad. They are a lot more emotional too. A lot a lot a lot of those cases. I seeing inside their brain. Because they have the money, they doing those things bad.

They will never be with anyone to be honest ....they sleep in the separate room. The giant super large room. You make those girls your friends..... they have a job, so they stay there, or they are the family, so stay there. I gonna tell you, everyone is only close to their mother or father, the way you all calling them on the phone. Every weekend, or Friday night. I never had a parents to call.

If they ever show up, I tell you.

Some human standing, talking, sounding normal. There are the worse of all worsen things I ever seen in my life, the horror of the human race. 

When I say they might be a military, you believe the military now?

I am fake, I didnt' tell you I am fake from the beginning to the end. The military means....They are the weapon carrier, so they are the military. Anything I pretend to be, there is not one thing is real I pretend to be.

(Birds say Ronan Ronan Ronan)

Tell me are we on the same planet?

And why? In the movie? 

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