
🎉🎊🎁 Because I think it’s funny ! So they live. ⭐️🥰📑📨


That’s the answer? Yeah !! It’s nearest to me. It’s not the central. It’s this heaven map location. The universe operation that’s Babaji….by the map supposes to be…they spread it down left side north heavily down south, but it’s left. And my correct Heaven location entrust scenery also look …left peripheral is the beautiful scenery like the entire left, so right side is sunshine empty. 


I use ipad, that’s fan.

Nordic is not our world to say outside classify, but the heaven military will have nothing but the classify, my age is their age to be honest. I might have nothing in that entire heaven region, it’s a home. I cannot talk to my guards because they are …how old they are. By that time I figure out how long I have slept to wake up this time. Even Babaji’s home, or …the others whom they categories to which heaven? There is a difference.

What do you do in heaven ?

My home.  There is nothing in there. It might be Babsji borrow me his staffs, like the celestial women you beg then for the food. But he is in hell where is his food? So he put it to me, I am guessing …they temporarily stay there until I found the chef and the disciple to maid and serve the tea. 

A little bit like those Lords of Rings, Serenity scene and solmon,  It might be a long time not open gate, I don’t even know. I am not sure there is thing in it. I am not sure there is the thing if I found thing in there a long time …this Aladdin Zawanna distract me, that interface broken and blackness another Babaji world. I cannot go there or I should/ shouldn’t. So I am not home. 




Higher that camera, the entire double long long scene.

Why that American side the military officer senior throw your hat on the ground ?

Oh you guys have no money, it’s just the state school and they are so rigid to bossing people what ought to do like that Nominji or Hailey, to get the things right. The most righteous things, on your military profile and why don’t you read it ? They cannot breath and so they die early in front of their parents. They need the people begging them to talk all the time. Those UB guys too tall no money. Ireland those looks like should be …I imagine it’s real. But to tell you the truth, I ….need to make it myself. My personality is like that, I kinda…grew up in the states. That’s the state school, my parents is not with me as long as I ever remembered. 

Or it’s the movie ?

What’s inside your brain, old guy? Oh, the two tower that gate? NO!


I am not sure they have the money, Shane probably …he puts the money I give him back. He likes them, I give them back to Shane. I think it’s Shane, not that two. No. And …that …if you throw your hat on the ground, I give you the money, find out what that is. I have never seen that. It’s nothing good feeling whatsoever. No, I trust you. It’s not yellow light. I seen nothing …in that color. 

I describe you too many times the correct color.  Only the color I describe you. That’s very very very uncomfortable!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ No, if you worry, it’s just the money and the training issues. So they two go to some physical dimension to modify some personality. Like have enough money those worlds, heaven…don’t use the money or they are always unlimited. They go there to learn everything Ronan I say last time. So when they enter the mortal world it’s their hundred years or thousands years living concepts, when they done, they come back to Shane. No, not anyone just ends in the hell. It’s not like that. So before they go, they already know it’s home coming back when they done but they stay training until the high tech to exam their character to enter. But I just told you…there is nobody there.

Since they down in the physical dimension, I will tell them don’t go near too near too many human, I don’t care about it. But they go and training and …find out the things near that Ronan. Either help him s bit, they were the friends. 

My heaven to Ronan’s which side of the were …is he going to the heaven or the physical dimension ? Jesus??

I am not sure and which Ronan, that Ronan ?

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Can you listen to every words I say ? THERE IS NOTHING IN IT !!!!


They can stay in the big Corporate top, it’s all the capitalism sleek. Not that much spirituality, because they like those world. Plus Shane probably don’t want them there, the outside gate to talk, the home portion or the gate, like you see the TV? It’s Shane’s happy world to vent or to hate and he says that’s enough. 

I think he will tell them the leadership was…their personality in faults?? The datasheet …in Kian’s hand

I will tell Shane keep them somewhat, because there is no same age like my mother in hell or later in hers…she has hers. These entire family junks, she goes and fish them, it’s only these many same age, same era us. 

No, they don’t leave the gravity world, just the business world. No military power. Just an office inside the sunshine metal sleek CEO position. A lot of stress those. 

No, Ronan workday be happy Shane happy or they all be happy, it’s the things near them, so …to be honest they do what they feel like, no particular personality changes. With the guys real bump-to-bump, hit-to-hit, a lot of the guys hate each other. We just separate them in two different worlds. 

Ronan will get very scared that time, heard of my world. But still, he needs to see thousands million new people. He always wish people well. He wish they all well. Just fear my side don’t talk, or don’t bulge don’t make a sound with her any spirituality, those universal respects he cannot change it.

But my home has no one in it, and I hate the human to zillion. My age…you mean this life where is the money ??

…I don’t think …. what’s a giant space has nothing in it? Behind the gate world ?

We just get along this life. He might …Shane might has a world, I am not exactly sure. Later on, I don’t know why that’s later on. But we gonna be together on Earth, here?

Why don’t I just follow the script I only know a bit.  I am guessing Nicky?! 

But they say they are ? In the Philippine ? Which them has the money? That kinds of the business and says ? Not the drug not the smoking !! I hold Shane first !! “Hi ~~”

Movie: The Lego Ninjago movie 

Jackie Chen’ s movie. 

Maybe we both stays in Babaji’s heaven, they are all there. The table, the chair, the landscape. For sometimes. The tea, the water, you never met the intelligent women highly literal and they are not mine stuffs for sure ?

(lay down, the movie end, what’s was they say ? My dad ?)

Me and Babaji screaming, Shane’s just tell them 2.

He sets up traps every step of the round round round round round things. Ronan be examed.

I don’t test people but he does. 


Next movie 

That’s Nicky ? He is a bird.

Stork !

Can he get a chair to seat? The stool? To fried those things ?


Sleeping, my eyes cannot open.

Matrix, Keanu ?

Never heard about it.

That otter, my back? No, I face up. 

If I have no table no chair …the American military, that is 3 words I hear. If I wrote they will sort, no matter what that is.

China food 


Maybe you do need some real spirituality, not fake. Being a correct human. Not used them and trash them. You can say I never arrive to get near but not going near to play their emotion and dump them and trash them.

Keanu can move the entire England with Ronan to America, for real. And then both imagine how to educate or preach to faith no money.

📮 Maybe not the food in the mouth, those traditional meditation and the fasting. Per God’s will on your blood money they say you should, not imagine you have a free will. Per billing, especially those per sugar, per fat, per cheese diary, Meat The Truth, those documentary film.

The police uniform 4 or this lady gown dress like the Disney with the sparkle. The ice cream with the cone has those chocolate sprinkle. 2 different English words.  We never talk about the God because this system data might be very very bad…. But I have every name like the TV grant just not at my mood, right now. 


I am not sure these many years pass…I going out to eat with whom a meal. The social meal?

Many years pass it. I think ….I have to stick to my own routine. I kinda keep sleeping.

I got dragged all these years, for too long. Everything I see if were true and I describe, prove it with the court and I comprehend to write it in English, and verbalize both in writing and in speaking. Because that might be different, meaning I seeing things one to zillion, not just the millions frames, side by the movie image.

There must be a hell of reasons I got dragged and I don’t even know why. Because my head is dizzy. 

I go to sleep. My happy time.

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