
Ronan ~~

You need to step forward, one step by per step moving to the front. Walking towards. You know the American map. By yourself, or you have anyone? I see no one.

He has a cloak and a head band on the head, very tall. Long legs.

(What’s he goes behind his chair with them wow! Slam Dunk basketball? In cheer ?  )

Your feet needs to move it. 

😡 Somebody (snap my finger)  this is not the time Nick or Nicky swap, their aging care taker gonna die, that’s what I tell Nicky. You got nobody else, but me !! You want to tell him again ?

Otter says what ? Taxes base line walking up to Canada border line. Before that.


My teeth itchy I need to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom those …

My mother and Nick doing nothing but get their nose in the center.

1) The traveling 2) The bulky chair, the blanket, the thermal, the ID card, the shoe bags and all those garbage stuffs she ever made. They are the 2 handicap. 3) The center email, 4) The Loving Hut 5) The vegan dry food 6) The vegan pizza or the Vegan ice cream is not theirs. Another known younger couple from Italy 7) Those associate vegan vendor from the entire northern Taipei. 

While I am busy at the war here or outside. There is a food and a couch on the TV stream on Live just like that Indian general. SMCH is on set too. That SMTV books like still she writing on it. 

And there is a ghost on set too.

When you die, those wild ghost don’t keep the appearance! I think it’s exactly she told me, it’s just 2 years. She is not used to on the first day anything she sees other than herself.  If you die young, those appearances. To be honest, I just don’t physicality to this universe, they only need the microphone to hear every word to sound like existing - a) court room per line per word until the judge hammer on it  b) literacy to the public TV on Live, both in Chinese or in English. 

One of us let the whole world know we know exactly what we are doing is sufficient. 

So what’s new with you ?


The music sale, that’s the book sale those. The royal family watch him and that, right. I am guessing it or he would be that talented. So, you like the politics to where anyone you know from America to participate their election at home? Like you gone to South Africa the vocational home those by the family invitation?  

Westlife is in front of my face, I can see that. You guys close ? You and Shane, how he leadership they themselves 25 years ago by the immigrant statues to America or you too? To participate their voting in the end of the year, their family, their relative stuffs, how I imagine we really getting married, my immigration, not their immigrate they themselves and I need to be in the darkness until Sep?

Meaning, you handle everything until Sep? Or you knew Keanu since ten years ago?

I can go in til Dec, that’s what it means? No. Sep. they told me.


My aunt Debbie, they women 2010, those they exercise morning a table like 6-8. My mother is only 2 of us = women, Square, I told Irene’s mother = Debbie, her restaurant is facing at their home. She has a brother. Tina got a bf, but the day I show up a home managing and moving transportation since nyc. It was me and Aria. 

The biggest buddhism groups here have their vegetarian fair at the same expo venue, their uniform and volunteer are mostly women. A lot of the women. I getting that 100 vegetarian PowerPoint slide recipes, it was from Debbie.

She has 3 brothers are all MD.

Taipei Women Association 

I submit 13 women’s name my fathers friend side looks like Joey Fatone, NSYNC, and that’s Pang’s fiancé Rama 1/2 to the movie edition 3310. Mark tells you? He wants me dead by the power of the Judge I think, his brain is not working right with this TV. The handicap always try first how far they can go. Austin doing nothing but that, her sister is Wendy, the Rochester lawyer, I think she is in NYC with a cat. The flaming Daughter that China TV.

When I submit? After Craig’s wife ready to deliver a baby in Mexico, that time.

Babaji - the deepest hell

I think you go to the same deepest hell like that Babaji, the Heaven decree, whatever you did. I put up and a lot of people put up some efforts, not everyone just get killed in front of anyone just like that ?

He got taken out because he has the whole universe business to go,….not eating, back to hell, free time. Thousands of thousands or Eon times already passes. You don’t built your network here, you imagine you got something outside? You just kill everything including me, so I am a ghost to that Porsilin God seeing the crystal, my pillow money it’s his heaven. My home. 

Nick about to die, next is you. 

You know what it means. So why don’t you say that? Like Eben too stressful. 

It’s worse than 夕陽黃昏

No, we make the plan to Ireland, not Taiwan

You literally say that to them? 『No car, not house payment, no tax, no car insurance, no home insurance. No monthly』 『my property here in Taipei』, taxi, or 『7-11 microwave.』 Westlife see 7-11 if the second time they came in. Just by 『walking safe.』It is safe here. You mean my table those food to America military, I think was for Mark. The dinner box. They called them the “Train Station Lunch Box” , they all look like that correct.

I show you. https://supertaste.tvbs.com.tw/pack/338054

The white rice is below. https://www.winnews.com.tw/20201109-6th-railway-bento-festival/

Taipei rail road: https://www.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip/tip004/tip421/dishes/37

I say to Shane, Nicky when he goes back just under 2 years, he will kill the rest of you Ireland that he himself, he is right now like that. He is like that. Correct, I say that. No, we have both direction plans. I think it’s Ireland. 

I have an IPad, next by my PC.

King is on his speech, you have yours? Or you applause him for me?

This is the First Day you get on Live? Not 80 years ago, I know your birth year. We doing nothing but that the last 10 years on math. You nervous? No, not your speech, you on the stage when you standing in front of all that, you are facing the whole sky, you didn't see those video 1.6 km in London? Ronan stands in there. That property. You rehearsal yours? No, no one knows what you seeing in front of you, if you raise up your head, that is a whole sky.

Right, Ronan. A household, the headmaster, or what is those words in English. The head household when you file the tax in America, when my mother got divorced, that will be my mother. You fill in 1. Those square.

Anything in planning, its the leadership to think for the both ways. The guys, and the girls. I never say those things because normally its nick or my mother. The day I acquire the Power, I pacify everything in my own plans, so I say, its 2 ways direction both ways we make it easy on 2 side, the family or the relatives, and my birds are outside.....every morning !!!

The birds say Morning and "Neo" ~~~~

Complain complain....

I leave the phone outside the balcony.

Running with the giant groups, the food, the water, the blanket, the refugee packages meaning the tent, they doing that for 40 years as long as I ever lived, the medical doctor on station, the TV on station, the microphone or the volunteered journalist.

🦅 Ronan and Shane (Neo) 🦅


Under "Love in Action" --->  "All Reports".


In Taipei Train station where you will acquire all your lunch boxes if you all travel very light, you and your agent, or you and your personal staffs, or just your parents, or sibling. That would be "The Doctors without the Borders", the last time I check were there. They sent some doctors to go to the war places.

Something about Prince William, my font no longer working on the highlight. He supposes to lead his military where? Must be attacking us, or run away? The Hunger Game says run away, so I just always run away. Andrew Webber good at in the Hobbit (rouge Lords of Rings), 2014.

Ronan ~~~ the main ashram they are in India ~!!!! The Thirds World Country since Yogananda time, meaning no education, no literacy, disease and public water is in poo, when they bathing the holy water all that Gangi's water, SMCH when she used to be there 1980. Later they fix that river, but they cannot be trusted !!! Until the UN re-set those World Country measurement, its by the public hygenic statues, they are still the poverty line below, if their population growth at all like China. 

Do you pay attention to UN?

No matter what those Royal in England, they are the Western sphere, or the literacy human, not the monkey. They look like the monkey in India as well as the public hygienic, there is a difference. The Western sphere means the medicine, the goods, the pure water resource, the electricity, the governmental branches, the food, the distribution system, or the methods, or the big corporation that operating in the oversea mode. All that, the language communication all that.

Ronan ~ I am not planning to run away.

Not you all run away, but run away the war, if I back up too ! Nicky or Kian already talking one year through, or Shane. They know my personality, even Mark knows. I have no idea what's wrong with all of them, but I say hi already including you or Brian too.

But when the things are in the emergency, the National Emergency, I take care of the food or the transportation, I know where to buy the ticket, the bottle water, the 7-11, if you all waiting there to sit or the lunch box distribution.

I done that 2018, not now. 

The blanket, the translation radio device, the alcohol wipe, the flashlight, the cushion, the bed, or the mattress. You talking about the emergency wise.  How to cook the group foods, you seeing all that already in front of you.

The group food, the soupy, the warm thermal bottle, the tea, or the 7-11 anything in their beverage. You talking about everyday living, the immediate things. If you land or anyone land, you don't put the food inside your mouth? The blanket, the jacket, the t-shirt, the man's t-shirt, the towel, the hotels facility. Anything the American food restaurant, not just the Thai or the Japan sushi all that stuffs? 

I look like I moving?

To plan on running away, how do the usually girls suppose to talk? I start to realize i wasn't talking their langauge the first day. Yet.

When people landing it down, Kian and Nicky, that is the food, or the warm water, the distilled bottle water, or the thermal bottle, your warm stuffs in their own hotel suite. They already been here last time.

How to come to my balcony. I told Shane too. One street, that is 10 mins walking, 3 mattress store on the same street. 

I say the measurement tape is that behind me that door open, the closet.

Pang is the problem

Tina is another hectic.

What do I ever do here with my mother? At all? Seeing them calling the Uber. Tina is on her divorced paper. She writes Hank in English, and he wrote her in Chinese, and my mother reading both? Explain to me what I think in my brain.


I am not you.....Ronan.

There is a difference you read this sheet, you print, and you hear.

And someone else literally everyday on those mode. Walking to the center, its nothing but those things. They are on the Earthquake, that metro is right outside hanging? I have to get up 2 oclock or little bit before that? There is no Earthquake.

I cook, not you cook, or Shane cook?

One Hunger Game (74), or Catching Fire (75) not the Last time 2013 (Tesla 1943) looking for a mentor before the real contestant coming to 74, 2017 delay 2 years (Britney comet 2011) up to 2019, or 2021 becoming the 78 annual Slam Dunk opening trailer on the top, no more annual Hunger Game, not 74 the Hunger Game last year, this year on King Charles health deteriorate.

They mess up the math, I was telling you?  They mess up on the first 6 months they can do nothing, until he really pass it that year, the eternity everyone no pressure? 

That is what you eat?

The salmon and the white rice and mayonaise?


I used to live in America.

Just forget about that giant Panda from England.


You care about the Titanic, or that PDF sheet? Your stuffs in front of you. Are you taking them to run, or they taking you to back up? There is a difference.


I think you guys coming in Asia is good. Shane they prepare all that already gone by 2 years almost, the Asia tour and the North America, if the people knowing they landing in here, they already know I never stop talking about them for 1 year and half. You know where they are?

17 them, there is a wedding, there is Royal stuffs after the Queen died. I mean the important ones. All that, Harry is on his own away from those drama. That is enough. You guys coming here is fine. 

King's birthday? 74 last last year. Math?

2024 would be 75th birthday Nov I remember

2023 When he was 74 years old and one day, that will be Nov 15th. His official birthday were June 15th. Sorry, i didn't see that. No. 

He was a full 74 years pass + 24 hours = a day, how long he was in 2023 that time.

So the annual 74th Hunger Game means? That one full year until he will be 75 years old, he will know which time he choose to see the public, to declare that game. But he got sick in the 75 years old in the news, they stop everything around him, at least. That is not what he wish to hear. So just let all that away.

But his son were given a role, and Katherine were rumor cooking or Meghan alone with Harry, so both of them suppose to work together TO THE MILITARY. They can just do the private function among the military 80 people?! The wiki on the Captain-in-Chef.

They didn't need to go to the entire England Navy force, or the air force.

No, the correct response would be......when the media receive those news, the military sent some warm letter to them, and by the way, how long you think you can hold this one year, I think just 2 years this Hunger Game/ Catching Fire. If King says, its worse than that.....

Then, they wishing them well, behind, the military has those top leadership they decide. I technically is already through, meaning done those 10 years ago things. I am finished all of that even up to 2021 those times. Its finished.

But this is just the cooking. My mother cooks.

I think King decides.

Let's say all the math and the scenario telling him, and one eternity in front of him. He talks to his adviser, and he says yes or no, how to proceed that, because that part of the Europe is his world all around including the PM.

They found out the science museum first, I only see 1 or 2 kinds, they need to find out as many as they imagine so, I guessing that. Arabic world, they just buy buy buy.

You guys from Sligo? Lords of Rings, don't you suppose to eat the fishes?


I am too controlling these year? Do you mean Math? You mean I talk to the public, and that time King happened to hear those conversation with the military? That is behind us.

He goes and control his side of his family. I go and continue this China and America fighting each other conversation. He knew that long time ago. Every family has a situation. Nick, or my mother or Debbie, or Square's dad. Everyone all has, including Kian and Nicky. I told them....the moment I arrive, the first week to the first month, that life routine will build up.

It happened with nick already. King knew or don't know, that is his decision how he and his advisor to give the world some family view. He got nothing but that entire family in crisis including their upper class world. I can just imagine that, but we have our world here. Anyone to be put inside this family all around, sounds like a real family kid not running away, land keeper? 

Ronan ~~~ you want to go and control that Magic Breakfast Lady on the radio station, those.....you all have the interview, some other ladies all that?

I told Shane, that is 5 people separate since 2004 up to 2012 Crock Park, they gear inside that new direction of the TV station works. Nicky got another thing on the news. I just never talk about it. I got a science museum, and he meant he was on the page 3? So I look at it...oh, he means he is the judge, there is one Tina Jojo. I was asking him that before.....when this photo my mother sent me. They were on the phone, so I talk to them?

Now they are in China, don't bother talking to them. Right.

( Talk to the birds, they are so good at talking all those vocal sound. Do they practice to talk to the public air? So loud here. Are you nervous, birds? Far away....big stadium. )

Right, Carter, Nick Carter has a Chinese girl Youtuber on cooking.....she is very famous, I knew that. No matter what, everyone joins and participate a little bit here or there. Its not their main singer, to say, just stain a bit these world all around, all that. Its not now, before I remember.

Okay, go to sleep ~~~!

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