
Sleep so much …

Whom …that Ghosty wants to be similar the women leadership young Ghosty results Lords of Rings identical to SMCH revive everyone from the ashes to the human populate worlds somewhere in the sunshine worlds. The day, even if her son, the degradation spirits like Eben. 2 years to 50 years duration of the human quality parts. - losing it.

To the Reptilian old old old old ….or ancient Chinese old old old popular crowd whom has published thise books famous name amongst the ghost in the history. ( We have )

The room teaches her the earth rotate by itself, the season summer or winter, 360 degree when you take off per day just like the immediate teleport to hit the surface rock, she cannot understand - that group.

Can you …just explain to her SMCH is never a leadership, she is a nun. 

Tell her in this language …

If she keeps her chatting format not paying attention the hourly to over Earth 24 hrs is rotating on itself, the season summer spring is the Earth rotate around the sun. In that both rotation results, give her the combination math in total, she can pushing herself in 86400 angle, Buddha says, per min counts.


Inject means…forward. 

( “ It’s all darkness” )

Times 365

She is not sure she coming back in the darkness.

That room, one of you, the guys or the man. The older gentleman ghost took her to them in the solar system, but when you are a ghost, all thought is transparent. They mocking like I mocking the human low IQ race per thought emit per second.

The ghost popular groups would be they sing, they poem, they talk in literature literacy funny. As a popular groups gathering around the male or female. It’s a low spirits because it’s the ghost format. But that’s where the group activities gather. She is chatting trespassing each standing pairs best pal friends, taller them. Third class idea similar to that Titanic. 

Except she doesn’t have.

One best friend.

She went to Kian’s house to sit on the floor, only he watches the Lords of Rings anymore even in our era time.

Floor clutching knees. You don’t put a tape on, she cannot watch it.

Those ancient Chinese entire textbook is PM, or general story. The art of the war. Anyone everyone old Ghosty they got nothing else to do ? Literacy it’s not every two seconds your thoughts emit you are the Queen looking this slummy like them. They have never heard a Queen. When China had a Queen? That’s the Mission Impossible - the Ghost Protocol. You want to go to a Shane’s house, he might be still watching it. 

One of those lady, I don’t care whom. 

My air-con ….open and close and open …it’s warm air.

The main stream media time slot, where they insert a show called they used to be a member from Westlife or America NSYNC. Lance Bass kitchen or the gay show, or Joey eating show or the common sense show. The day time, ghosty …she got a name, I cannot write her name. It’s the soap opera or those house wife cleaning supply show. You never clean once in your life, being a ghost you never imagine you need to clean once. They are the low dignity spirits human, the backup singer. They remain so. 

The main singer the main singer ~~are they being used to get married ? You mean it’s hard for them to find a lady that kind …(look) at


Uncle JC got married and has a child by next year.

You = I maid them easy. “Honey, you want to close your trunk”. You talk like you used to be.

The picture glue next by probably fine, but there is a reason they doing that, right. The main singer photo. It’s promoting their image, that’s Shane. I have other things so, it’s Shane’s back neck collar.

“Maid them easy is not an image, but as long as you like.”

It’s a living space easy. Indoor, living and breathing easier. I need the maid, the orientation downstair find himself a breakfast, he at least buying his food knowing that’s where he uses his eyes to look at it. No one cares in this city about them. Not the backup singer, not after 30 years old.

It’s on the TV!

Let’s say we are all downstairs that breakfast place. Apple that one. I say to Nicky, “Hold my purse”, Shane is there. I am not going to ask Shane to hold my purse, “hi boss lady, I need 10 French fries, 10 Chinese pan fried, 10 pork burger/ sandwitch, 10 hash brown, 10 milk tea.” (In Chinese).

Shane doesn’t hold the purse type ? 

You already say if the main singer is used to get married before. I don’t need to.  The band and the singer I need. 

You have never live with another person on the same bed, in the same room life. Your giant room to these ghosty lane valley you walking around alone. 

I need to go to sleep. 

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