
You take this century...to eliminate all the wheat color like Babaji himself.

Every Indian color disappear on this planet or near by. No more reproduction before he shows up. 

The last conversation someone if not disrupt me to say. All genocide ....well, he will do that himself if he could, but just fade out that entire reproduction of the human specie in that color. His skin color. He always knows, what it means to be in his jobs, as the only one. He does. You don't, but he really does.

You becoming all sleeping beauty, Zawanna those MD groups shows up, you are the furthest away planet, has no substance to them, the day....when they finally make it, and show up, there is no need for them to be here, anymore. -  they will find.

You owing their mercy to you, that's what it meant. You have no guide, other than my words left behind, seriously. 

1) FURTHEST away, far far far far remote useless human, in the zombie state to keep sleeping.

2) All population is slim down, cold, no air, not much Disney Hairspray include.

3) You are not necessary zen better, you don't engage much.

4) You know the visitors from another continent, but everyone is in the sleeping mode, resting in peace. Like praying for the decease or the death spirits as they departs, they won't put the words like that, but that is the remote planet that has no economic statues the future-outlook will ever be. 

5) You have no substance they appreciate "to be here" one second more.

6) You are not really welcoming them to arrive, everyone is resting, laying it down race. How can anyone not in the sunshine to emit the happiness, the happy engaging loud women to sound spelling IQ everywhere? 

7) You feel to sleep, less White-Out, bothers me, it is just.....feeling to work on myself and sleep. Its not meditation or anything....its the pillow to lay down and to improve the sleeping quality, that's all.

8) You welcome them, re-make Coco Club, a tree, a stream water, and only that darkness background inside, when something glows, everything sounds to moan for the decease and praying as part of the local religion - The Tree is glowing, but that is strange: The glowing tree and the glowing river.

Not the glowing hair.

As part of the tradition, we believe something delicate of the Sailor Moon that evil tree. Its called the Tree of Life, our DNA revolution time about in the 21th century, and a several instruction were given to us. Its actually the entire Cosmo worship this Tree. - you animate the better version of what we believe the Coco Club video I tell you to make the whole universe cosmo great looking ! Matrix - the Tree looking, perfect couple therapy.

The contrast to the Sleeping Beauty ending.


This must be that Harry Potter - the greatest wizard of all.

I turn the whole Cosmo into the Herbalism. Eon after eon people called me Anna to start, no more Elsa, these military girls remembranceall these will happen to the galaxy from the edge planets.

The birds say.....to open my curtain time up.

(look at some darker cloud very sunshine and hot)

The birds scream it again....so loud and clear.


(The facebook - playing the puzzle on the cloud, from one to the contrast spot )

No, I go and talk to Shane when he ever shows up, recently that Nicky's photo shows up, I did talk to him. Hugh when you want to get your stuffs.....so I never talk to anybody else. The facebook shows up, I do what. you like those life, literally speaking.....no free will.

You think too many people on this side of the Pacific Ocean, and you must adhere those 2 otters looking that direction with Meghan - Just 2 of Us life (NSYNC JC their song in their concert?) 

Hugh is deciding - there is Olivia part of his life and his other family all around life.

+ 1 that is Shane, there isn't much people literally will travel that far and land. Not Kian and Nicky yet. You think those picture inside the Youtube video too oppressing or pressing to your psychi space, your Frozen little princess they grew up, you cannot talk to them?

Meghan is Canada actress you both got married in 2019, and so the newspaper say that is 6 years+ 2 years knowing each other = 8 years. You both lives in Hollywood North.

Shane, 1 person. Just me and him, no other associating networks.

               Netflix is wireless......

Do you want to talk to Olivia?! Did she get her period days, finding everything fine with the small tiny things she can get easier? No, I haven't asked her.

oh ~ you mean the water? The maid knows which water .....the warm water.

Nick learn those from me, right. Too old, you want to say that in the future, "Nick used to say...." ~ that will be from me, correct. 

Mark's song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz5cq_gEJp8

This is about the American map, you don't like to staring at it, from one side West to East coastline map to that vast Atlantis Ocean? You want your brother or Mark to know, you have a dilemma, like you get in between them, that kinds? So you say to Mark the truth.

I didn't see this plot here, its everything on Anna that side, is ....my brother going there with you one day, you two planning?  How do you know this UK flight, not directly landing to Taiwan which airport? And that is.....Anna says, or you know that, ...transfer, or I used to hear?

What do I used to hear, can you tell me? You tell him the Truth. The map, you want to know the map things. The correct idea looking at it. 

Brian, or Peyton, it must be the student clubs to becoming the student development center.


The website, I mean. Harry. 

This has nothing to do with the high school leadership Pitch Perfect, its about why Peyton cannot be free living on his own. I meant the student clubs, it becoming the student development center. Sorry...it was UB. You don't have other interface to look at it, including the UB instant librarian chat box? 

You can pretend I got employed in UB, and ask me? You want to talk to its the "reference librarian" in person.  She will be at the reference desk. You are curious of the search database options in the visitor one day 24 hours access to this cataloging search in the computer or the subscription database, do you have this subscription database at the visitor's access? Which computer here your reference desk can re-direct me to use those resources on campus?

Other than, 

"Good morning, is Anna working here today? The instant message chat box? I am looking for....." 

A basement. 

The same elevator, B1. Lockwood library has that reference desk, you can see the big words on top, "Reference". - that person is the reference librarian.

Is there a reason, they ask me from UK.....you cannot just use the Oxford University any database, or even your father's side. Your Mansion world has no access to where about the library service in the same city? The Oxford library Dean gone to? He is not a librarian, you mean? 

Nathan is !

The birds say you are interested in the history channel. 

You always talk to your father side of anyone + your Nanny, if you want to finish the high school last year, whatever that D or the transcript to ACT in America. You don't know how to do that alone, including both might be aging or left the jobs. Your mind worried those things, why don't you talk to one of them? 

You want me to read to you.... (not well)

Dr. Steven Hairfield, Ph.D, MD (pending)

"Just any random university of any kind where the money and power to enter, why I have to join in the military?"

One day to meet someone asking you on the road, you care about these exotic traveler, they will never be with you to ask you when your father health was fine, to lecture you 25 years ago.

Me, Master degree, that is 4 years + 2 years master, and that paper can get to Ph.D, and what if MD, that is forever never can tear apart, 4+2 years, even Silas was just the ECC.

He got his UB spectrum working as the UB students ID. ECC is often used in between the summer, the extra class when they were enrolling in the UB. The summer school. I assume that, right.

Eben and me were your parents in 2021

And now this is 2024, Me and Shane is your parents?

The young parents in the parents' meeting with the school principle, imagine that life. i original thought, that hairspray movie or before or somewhere its your father's time's stuffs, other than One Fine Day. 

Whom watching that ending history channel, a crystal ball in Da Vinci Christ left hand, a 3 dot, that is not a FAULT line like an Earthquake AT WHERE? The Eastern Russia? !!!!!

The magnetic pole, check it?

Where are those airport change the runway? THE RUNWAY, where the airplane landing at?

AT WHICH magnetic pole? The difference? The True North or the moving north?

Northern STAR is that the TRUE North?

Why is he calling me before I was feeling "bad", not just "NOT WELL", my nap afternoon was this chest weak, my vitamin C, not only? 

Whom I am talking to? NASA? They are at the SKY, not the geology?! 

Not his brother, the geography? I mean the geology department, NASA last time, they had that word.....HI! The fault line in definition ......so there is a Tsunami country Hugh can GO TO for his furniture pick up ?

AT AMERICAN, right outside your DOOR, NASA, if that is the department right in the Texas? DEAN is RIGHT THERE? There was an eclipse earlier this year, somewhere. Our eclipse not done yet in Oct this year? MY calendar.....not the Sailor Moon ??!

You want me to explain to you? You are on the top of the sea level surface ATM=1. Any sea level is not that easy to move that sea, isn't it? So these continent on the top where Russia or China land is above above above the sea. You are splitting the mountain ridge, you know the American 2 side mountain ridge? I used to draw in EF? They got the color copy? Or that was my original?

Under the sea, its called the volcano activities, you seeing all those continent line if the sea water no long there, that is where the sea floor with the volcano erupt in those sea mountain ridge. There is a ridge, I know. But they are not HERE, us the coastline. 

When you have 2 plate like Himalayas rising up, that is how the mountain is made. I am not talking to the right people....where is the geology department? You know where is that yellow stone National Park in 2012 movie? I remember this yellow stone is more than once in the movie? 

I used to say Taiwan here the last mayor guy's name.....硫磺 ~~~~

I want to know everything where all these volcano populated ~~~ ALL, one is in Japan, every cartoon painting, or that little monk 一休和尚 the general residents outside is a view !!

(Wait, not done )

Is the Yellow Stone is the National Park? 

What is the definition you have a National Park in the forest size to be burn off, or in that movie: 2012

One of those them politics, 1234, then that is not Zawanna, those they top with Thor doing these whom hating whom on the VERY top.


I sleep in my throne, Thor. My 2 feet, too.....when you done. Its hurting.

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