
看的懂中文的 ...饒邦他小鬼的時候開始吃素 ! (Most of you GIRLS older, or younger, Taiwan outside ABC living in the US) 20-50 my father is older 8 years, entire his university is the guy's produces the girls, all that? In the US.

不是很多的靈修但是大概 ...記得誰是汪星,提娜是吃肉喝酒者 !  很多是女孩子吧 ?! 

The options 選擇

  1.  三軍總醫院並不是三軍 
  2. 自從 1911 之後的所有歷史
  3. 你們的爸比較有錢有用,不是軍眷村的旁邊的旁邊 
  4. 饒邦爸只有名,提娜跟邦學過整輩子的教訓因為他一個 ! 
  5. 愛爾蘭其實很遙遠的天邊
  6. 鋼鐵神兵的結尾是老人看的,魔法灰姑娘結尾叫做你們現在看到的

我有看到煮菜的桌子 !  


未來的可能,叫做旗子抬起,這西城男孩的 Amazing Road 這五星旗的飯店,對面 ! 方方的爸爸在 Madison Hotel (NSYNC 唱彗星的),對面 ~~很醜的那一個,旗子擺起來叫做歡騰,因為是講每一個宇宙的未來可能性,是現在時間 ! 方方過了六年...早就沒了 


Here     |     Here     |     Here    | 

赤河魅影 (影片),赤河魅影漫畫歡騰的那幾頁



Page 有中文的


你們不可能走中國,或是日本,更不可能是美國,你們大學同學有臉書嗎 ? 美國當地的 ROTC 還是回來上大學因為是免費的那種,資優班可能有獎學金,就是不應該是負債累累的意思,美國人 ! 這台灣三軍有很容易變成饒邦他爸那種的才能 ....想像跟真的人生變成,倒在小孩見死就去死了比較好那種 .....

想像過去的 20 年,因為是一年一年的過去

你們看著日本的 Youtuber, 其他 ASMR youtuber, 或是韓國唱歌的 youtuber,光是講三種,你們爸媽知道是人訂約多,還是每一個影片按下去的多的意思? 他們想知道,不是我有沒有解釋過...

如果你們可以賺那麼多錢,你們根本不在乎這赤河魅影,不是嗎 ?

你們很在乎這迪恩,那些 MD 6+2 不是另外一邊的 MD 4+2 那些?

西城男孩,我在講西城男孩 !

我電視~~~小鳥 (天空!)

In English

  1. Tri-general hospital is not the Tri three military
  2. After 1911 all history, us
  3. Your father is more money and useful, not the military village next by and the next by.
  4. Pang's father only has the name Tina and Pang using their one lifetime to learn the Only lesson because of one him.
  5. Ireland is in fact very far away the edge of the skyline.
  6. BTX is the old people seeing the ending, and Ella Enchanted endings its where you all be staring at it.

I have seen the cooking counter table.

You cannot see, so I say "bet on" (poker words in Chinese "I say ha". )

The future possibility, called the flags rise up, this Westlife the Amazing Road, this 5 Star hotel, across! Square's father at Madison Hotel (NSYNC, their comet), across ~~~ The ugly one, that, the flags raise up and cheer in spirits. Because that is about every universe the future possibility and its the current time ! Square passes the 6 years....already gone.

If you all speaking Chinese, and then copy and paste these, and then the video to give your parents 3 illusion imaginative thinking...they can be in s split second understand you all want to say, what's that Hunger Game and Red River Manga on the Taipei Maps.

Here     |     Here     |     Here    | 

赤河魅影 (video),赤河魅影 comic book cheer those few pages.




You all looking for on your own. One is Tonawanna the mother Queen or Kail to their own people cheers, one is the ending before hands, there is the treaty and the guidelines sign !!!

You all cannot possible to go to China, or Japan, forever impossible through America, is your university has the classmate facebook. The American local ROTC or coming back to the college the free tuition those, the honor program might have the scholarship, shouldn't be minus minus too much debts those, American ! This so much easier through Taiwan tri-military idea like Pang's father's particular talent....imagine the real Samsara one lifetime becoming....and collapsed and dead in front of the kids, should have the only exit way of his living method.....

Imagine the past 20 years, because that is one year after another year passes.

You all looking at this Japanese youtuber, or other ASMR youtuber, or the Korea singer youtuber, just talking about these 3 kinds, your parent knows its the subscribes people more, or that is every clicks to that EVERY video viewing is more? They want to know, its not if I have already explained this.

If you can earn that much of the money, you buttom of your heart never cared about this Red River Manga, isn't that right? 

You cared about Dean, those MD 6+2, is not another side MD 4+2 those? 

Westlife, I am talking about Westlife !!!!!

My TV (The birds outside, the sky)

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