
England ~~

This King looks like Biden those taller guys, doesn't have the language skill. 

You just be original, everyone can see you. You doing fine, you all doing fine ! Its just the public sight seeing.

My phone here...has the scam on the comic book. I use my Ipad next to my PC, the play station set up only looks like this, with our 3C Hugh gone to, not the sky saying the 101 Breeze building all near by.  We are still on the Earthquake, or the typhoon, THAT'S WHY.

Why I have to look like this?

The American Black Ops is not those UB Bill those X Man. They are the selected unit, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Genus, Species. I don't think that's the King says. 

When people arriving where about, I never comment too much of it.  I don't know how. 


That is like 10-20 birds switching shows. Freaking me out ...something going on. 


There are 2 or 3 video before.

If I am not here....?! You cannot just focus on your road where you going?! Its not in a hurry where you go about, not really. Your every senior officer supposes to know that. You knew the city, or you trying it out 1 road per road, per day, per breathing out of your lung. Its a new world, a new flag all that, you saying you get used to look at the Asian's face? Their food, or the Mos Burger, all that? Not just the Mc Donald soothing your soul?

I am not limiting your activities or saying going everywhere, you can just go back to your room and sleep. Everyone goes to sleep until they say you all going to Japan, or Brazil? Harry's invention here and where how to get there?

No, you cannot die with the fruits + some water, or just the gallon water, and you sleep more indoor, just the fruits, resting? No, you cannot die. Correct, you feel hungry and all that. But...you have so many food to look at inside the 7-11 or Family Mart, you only eat the fruits from the vendor, you will be that smart when you comes to the budget on your food.


One day a fruit? You intake the plenty of those gallon water, you are fine. You lose a lot more weight but you stay indoor and sleeping and watching the TV to wait? 

If you go to Breeze 南京店 or anything you all buddy to see a soup next by the fruit vendor, or the 全聯 where you get your the gallon water, or the soap for the lady's underwear, or the man's too? You have the kitchen detergent soap, too. Yeah, those are all fine. You stay indoor more, and you coming out the dinner time to get the soup? Those are more expensive. The restaurant those beef soup and all that? If just 1 fruits + 1 meal like that, you are fine.

If you carry you heavy bags....when you gonna go indoor and put yourself to sleep? No, you won't die if you missing 2 meals, just eating something light 1 meal that day and next day. By the 3rd day you will find your correct food, or the 2nd immediate day.

41 days.

If you are shaking as the girl your hands, its your blood pressure dropped, too cold, you warm your 4 hands / feets, and get some instant noodle, or just one bread, those 7-11  you can afford it. Just 1 of that, you will be fine. 

Yeah, you mean if you eating just 1 bread a day + plenty those gallon water + some banana, indoor, for 7 days all that like, that is 5 Banana, or you eat 2 Banana a day? You are fine. 

By the third days, you will come out your hotel door or asking those around, you all phone each other where the things are. You panic when you get to a new city. You can just go to sleep, when you shower and go to sleep, and get up, 1 or 2 banana. That's it, and go to sleep at night.

You figure it out when you get up on the third day, you can breath, or everyone comes back with something, you seeing it clearly what they got ! 

What was it?

If ....

If I won the argument legally, regardless....me, right.

I won, correct.

But....I don't think we will ever get to confrontation that day, none of that, no.

You mean my presentation last channel (6 years ago)

and this channel (last year)?

You are not.....we are a kindness forward the world, when I coming back to the civilization 7 years later.

No, if those human shows up...they will never show up, not really. 

I am trying to accord to your real Youtuber's world....later on. The more dummy I look like, it will be better for everybody else. You are not gearing toward the open outside, its your president public appearance that Year, THAT president, when they going on the legal battle and all that, It will NEVER be me.

That otter is Live again....


They get back to the door (touching that green basin)

They need the vitamin C, and the care takers, too. Every time you soak yourself inside the water too long.

Do you need to pull that mouse all the way til the end of the video, their real time?

The birds are the loudest....in the video. 

I used those Hank's moving boxes, open, and made for Aria, she was a baby. Like 10 moving boxes, and open 2 sides, and glueing it like a tunnel. Its a trash. 

I told you, they are the indoor pet, the table cloth, the synthetical rug, or those polyester floor mat....all the material science I used to say. 

Sit down with him. Eat.

Holding the camera is tired. 

Ola in Rochester, Dean is upside down Florida

Shane X Man, me hiding the gulf ball below the couch. okay.

Its the map.

Ronan, South Africa.                  Me

                                                   or Indonesia they are at?


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